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Lucy Hayes Oct 2015
mother, your 8.48 touch cloys
and i shut the door on us.
it was never hard for me
to leave you in your lock-up.
behind the hardened walls
your third goblet of watered tears
slips down smooth and clean and you love it like you love to hurt.
you self sustain for the next slow day.
it helps you put on the creatress -
a black-curtained frenzy of contradiction.
you are yourself on yourself
the snake that bites its own tail.
but we dismiss the darkness of it
when what you produce is so bright.
when you beg the ugliness you **** you
the most beautiful flowers grow where you fell.
i put them in a vase on my mantlepiece
for guests to admire.
it is what you want.
We dance with numbers, random symbols of inked lines called time
In each moment a new eternal divine of a ride
The babe is released from the wet creatress’ haven
Blood vessels pumped mothers freedom forsaken
One heart becomes 2 the world presented with a new little roo
The phenomenal miracle, a creature so delicately full of delight
All eyes on thee to see which way wings spread to take flight
Words become sentences feelings identified
pain becomes inevitable, the curse of death begins
to see hear taste smell and touch all with a grin
communion in joys and agony with foes and friends
experimental paradise, for dust to continuously gather blow and mend
echoes of stories of the young that grew old,
tales always changing but remaining the same no matter how they unfold
the bones will too disintegrate and recycle into dust
you see it is the only fate one realizes must
Briscoe Sep 2019
The thunder thrower falls into silence,
A whiff of purple wind, the sky's fragrance.
See Zeus droops into droplets and drenches,
Soft layers of water reflecting blue,
As our universe sees through eyes, images
Of itself eternally boiling through.
See our scientists seek the commandments
Of our new God. No longer reading scripture
To see the future, woven through moments,
For all millions of millennia.
All the Old God's grow cold in hollow graves.
Now I see her. Darkness, careless chaos.
She's the shadow of Sheol. All petals' shapes
And decay. Endlessly devouring creatress.
Yonder Yahweh melts as rain which drenches.
All falling down, as heaven collapses.
"2 All share a common destiny—the righteous and the wicked, the good and the bad, the clean and the unclean, those who offer sacrifices and those who do not. As it is with the good, so with the sinful; as it is with those who take oaths, so with those who are afraid to take them. 3 This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead."
-Ecclesiastes 9:2-3

This poem was heavily influenced by a talk by Alan Watts called 'Nature of God'

— The End —