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michael gagain Apr 2013
oh boy
here it goes
trouble brewin
i know it's so

drama is wrong
it's so messed up
woman freak
at the slightest fuss

your laughing now
i speak with cooth
you ladies know
i tell the truth

you say you'll call
and if you don't
the world it ends
it's all your fault

i have to laugh
i can not pass
woman and drama
are such a gas

be careful men
of what you say
you;ll be on the couch
another day

i will be in trouble
before this write
comes to conclusion
i'm not here
to start confusion

drama oh drama
we men can't do without
we need to watch
our woman pout

there is a couch
somewhere in this world
reserved for me
my named engraved for all to see

do i stay and fight
or run for my life
the latter i think
till i make it right
The inner growl Aug 2018
My loud voice is shattered
I’ve spoken my truth

Now I slightly whisper
I literally spent all my cooth

I’ve saved your bullets for you
In case you try to point in your mouth and shoot

I have no other words
I have nothing else to prove.
And join (singing the words
in the next paragraph) whether alone
in a traffic jam
basting, cooking, then eating a lamb
prepared by thee missus
a superb culinary madam.

“A Ram Sam Sam” Lyrics
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A rafiq, a rafiq
Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam
A rafiq, a rafiq
Guli guli guli guli guli ram sam sam.

The following dereliction of truth
heavily influenced
my babe of mine name Ruth
(think prevarication forsooth)
essentially crafted countless years,
when yours truly
courtesy parochialism bred cooth
preserved timeless tintype of me
many moons ago
sitting pretty (once a bonny lad)
with his innocent lass
perched on mine bony knees
while forced lip tulip in kissing booth.

Unlike centenarian
who crafts  these words,
perchance yar juiced
a young whippersnapper man or woman
maybe born, bread and raised
in the city that never sleeps,
or dwelt in the boondocks or sticks,
catch some 'possum or squirrel
and as a loyal son or daughter take a tram
to enjoy a tasty repast

with widowed momma,
cuz ever since da
yo papa passed away....,
a futile attempt made to fill that void
awash with more'n than half a century
of wedded bliss,
whereat purposelessness pervasive
per surviving mother,
who feigns happiness, regales others
with showers of affection,

and remains active feeding her avocation
comprising striving and succeeding
to be adept within the culinary arts
thru self taught trials and errors
of brave taste testers
(which guinea pigs ought
to get medal of honor for bravery),
though her exemplary cooking reputation
exceeds five star Michelin rating
through meticulous

and exacting measured ingredients,
she glides within the kitchen
however occasionally,
a fork and spoon slips to the floor
which inexplicable
gravitational alchemical phenomena
fuses separate pieces of cutlery
into one eating implement
whereupon a dead reckoning
takes shape, that "mum"

might be in mortal danger
per inconspicuous cooking tool,
whence ya stop SnapChat tin
and shutterfly as greased BuzzFeed
twittering like a bat out of hell -
ya swoop down smash mouth facebook first
presaging a fatality visiting  
upon the head of mum
(her christened name Chris Anne thumb -
the last appended word

linked with her diminutive size),
who intently engrossed,
keenly self absorbed,
and rapt attentively
with tasks at hand
most likely oblivious
to potential safety dukes of hazard
as a benevolent offspring temporarily
take instagram reprieve,
and utilize fancy footwork

tote hillbilly tubular re: turn
to counterpoise vis a vis
match less laws of physics,
whereby toe tulle lee tubular
test tick yule har kickstarter antics applied
to kindle hurly burly gnarly flatware bach up
adjacent to state of the art beet oven
which upright pedal
poised pose like leverage incorporates
quickly donning improvisational

makeshift faux cuirass
with suitable culinary accoutrements
stringing together various
geometrical metal trays
and tin *** for helmet,
whereby a strategic
stance thence established,
where inert stainless steel
buffoon glaring spork
would be forced

to take tailspin upwards,
whence fingers grab
innocuous lethal weapon,
which self entertainment learned
while stationed in a rack
run amuck mess hall rowdiness
taught said table mannered tricks
magic mike moment imitating hotmail -
glorified footlocker earthlinked craft,
where whatsapp tinder penned didst

inviting Barack Obama
to zap hiz frankfurter foot,
when he made a syrup prize visit
nobly endeavoring without evincing
auld trumpetting donning shoe purr action
trained first with dominant topface toes
alternating with recessive
opposing shod totally tubular taps
until fancy footwork became ambipedal
balancing ball of left

or right foot atop tine
or dish of fork or spoon respectively
as stray stainless steel ware defying gravity
gracefully leapt - somersaulting
in a pirouette pinwheel linkedin arc
tine and/or miniature
shovel scooper over handle
kin ur pinion (all things considered)
an eye opening experience
and the simple pleasure one can derive
from practicing strategy
trigonometry, spatial relations.
Delton Peele Oct 2021
Augment  into abstract view
For verily I say unto you
your intentions
Are merely inventions
Meant to be mentioned
And within each conversation
Is underlieing back bitting
Your path  froward is shorter than the one behind you
And repercussion is multiplied
With compound interest  
Its eminent
The recompense immence
Since you want to pretend
you don't know this
Frolic on the gallo's
Knowing what you say
You hear I do.
Is not germain to what pertains to you . .
My business
Believe me,it's so not cooth,
And shall  not behoove you
to be a monger of untruths.
Your public attempts making just disgusting
Furthermore fake
For humanity sake
I try to wipe the slate blank
Sometimes I regret saying I forgive and forget cause the minute I do
The script is flipt
Suddenly the faulty things done deliberately ,
Are done by me ?
To you?
Blood boiling cringe worthy
As if the first cut wasn't enough
No you feel the need to send me to oblivion
Bend reality convince everyone
I'm the one .  
No ..... I'm not this !
And even though,
I know you and your tactics
Even so I still get ****** .
And people who know me
Telling me they don't think it's cool of me keep bringing it up..
Wow  !
*** is really going on ...
Now I'm not gonna do what you think I'm gonna do ....
What your trying to make do
And freak the .... out
Let's just talk it out
And discuss events
With evidence
In dissolution I lie,
With  myself .
With you there is no solution
You want absolution without admission.
And from me .
In addition my submission?
Absolve you from where?
Here ?
Preponderance !
I say tactfully
Prior to your entrance .
In fact I was there.
Feeling rather content.
And then  in with you came
The rain of condescension,
Apparently this is you
And I brimming the drain..
Resolve not to devolve in your game.    
To self elevate by means
Of falsely delegating blame?
Your words picked so precisely
***** concisely my known injuries ,
Quite elegant I might add
And yet have not a clue
what you say and about who
Just as sweetly and swiftly
Betray you
Backed with slinging shame,
In little pieces with perfect company,
Things which at the time seem
to petty argue.
No I would rather stay down here.
Because my dear .
I can see you are too high and
And have instilled in me a fear of heights
And more severe is
The fear of staying up there with you
I might become someone like you.
I wish I could say farewell
But the hell of it is
I still love you inspite of what you do.
And probably painfully will till
The day I die.!
Delton Peele Jan 2021
I would be hailed nothing less
king of all the
If I failed to confess
acknowledge this.
That in my youth.....
Cocky,crass,and lacking cooth
A time when
My mouth went
Anything I want arrogant
Carte blanche
had it all ......
Looking back
Hid in securities
Its with crystal clarity
this thing causing my fall
As I reach terminal velocity...
The stench I smell around me
And it matters
who it was committed  with
Or how long ago.
........Still ......
I know its
A sickning
Debt Im owed
And its return burns ten
The guilt and shame
With compound interest
Came so subtly
..... Karma.....
With abundant clever schemes
setting a horde of locust
Each branded
With my name
To destroy any love and its ever so clear
The poisonous
is mine to claim
At the risk of sounding vain
Over the years
Ive caused a tsunami of tears ...
Each one full of pain
Ive collected all of them
Like a sadistic
Feel each one in full
The hurt is
I know it
With excruciating
insatiable deeds
That brought
Went rank and jaded me
Love is afraid of me
All my suffering
nothing compared
To the hurt that has been caused
By me
Yours introspectfully

— The End —