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skredman Sep 2009
I'm perfectly imperfect
That's what they always say
I'm crookedly straight
But I'm far from gay
I forever speak my mind
Always and all day
My heart is on my sleeve
But guarded all the same
I'm devilishly innocent
My mind is not so tame
I'm dishonestly truthful
But never take the blame
I'm completely backwards
We can never be the same

To me upwards is downwards
The sky's my only ground
Your life I can still ruin
It is with in my bounds
I'm depressingly happy
There is no middle ground
My version of earth is flat...
Why should it be round?
My earth is a work of art
With colours everywhere
Your world I broke and ripped apart
Just to prove I don't fit there
I tore it up in little bits
I left the pieces without a care
I'm completely backwards
I'm such a major scare

I'm nationally local
You can see me all the time
I can disappear into thin air
Leaving you without a rhyme
For I'm melodically harmonious
No brighter than the dullest shine
I'm incomprehensibly real
And yet so hard to find
Pure white to me is simple black
Race is gone and can't come back
I can prove all that I am
A thing to which you surely lack
I'm disrespectfully respectful
My words are always fact
I'm completely backwards
I'll drive you past insane
Then I'll never bring you back

I'm illegally legal
Like a drug that you can't sell
I'm contrastingly bendable
In this world of my own hell
I'm resistingly irresistible
My secrets you will never tell
I'm obscenely lovable
In this world in which I fell
I landed in this twisted place
A world of expectations
This world I created on my own
For I'm an undertone of exaggeration
Here I've found my only home
In a backwards world of my creation
And all in all I'm here to say
"I'm completely backwards
In every single way"
mi Mar 2017
I am a lover of all things dark and brooding
the somber ambiance, for me, is quite soothing            
don't get me wrong, it's not all black and white;
my opinions and clothes alike.

I've actually come to like mustard yellow
And would totally rock a look that's pastel and mellow.
But this section of the spectrum
That will never have my affection
Is the color orange;
I cant even rhyme it with anything.
Red and yellow looked daunting at first;
Each color, the embodiment of an ouburst.
Wearing these colors that are so luminscent
To appear as though my soul is effervescent,
To appear as though i am an image of thrill;
Faking it 'til I make it, if you will.
Contrastingly, its combination's thrill and effervescence
Is rather shrill and of terrible essence

There's not much that I can compare it to
Other than your tangerine-scented shampoo
And falling leaves in autumn:
Like how I fall when you hum.
Seemingly soft sincerities
Have become dazing disparities.
What was once easy on my eyes
Now is a hue that I despise.
M Gordon Meier May 2013
The pastimes of our youth

Become contrastingly vivid

As we climb

But our current situation

Reveals to drag us back

So we fall

It’s a meditation

An investigation

To someday break the chains

That hold us

And mold us

To who we are today
Catherine Feb 2014
I sip and wait for the drop of semi-congealed Nescafe to hit my shrunken bag of a stomach.
Cigarettes and caffeine. How typical.
How obvious - is that the right term? - that these have become my survival remedies.
I am weak, sometimes stumble absentmindedly on the pavement, the jagged teeth like slabs catching my feet out.
People glance at my paled face. An echo of before, a walking vision of someone exhausted, ill or plain oblivious to the own destruction of their body.
They think that I am drunk.
I awkwardly regain my pace, feeling that child like shyness creeping back into my demeanour.
Then I run one tired, bacteria ridden finger along my blunt jaw. Ah. It feels good.

Inhibitions forgotten, perseverance in check.
My system turns its volume to mute as I sip more of the gloopy energy.
Hush now, I whisper internally.
Drawl on that stick of cancerous paper. Now every 30 minutes or so it takes its place between my dry, starved lips.
I am often described as quite a quiet, wet person. In this case, my strength is inward. I find tears for rebuke. I inspire concern and questioning but I do not feel their love in these remarks.
I turn the beauty of their words into hatred. I am in control. This is my body.
This is my mind.
This is my soul.
Only I can speak to that spiritual beast that I keep locked away in the caged remains of my skill.
How dare you question my choices I scream!

My strength to 'outdo' them is renewed. The beast grows while I shrink. He feeds on my sense of self pity and self worth. More. More.
I shrink from my own invention. I hide from it. I can only go on so much longer before I cannot face him anymore.

Frontal. Temporal. Back. Whatever lobe you want, he now sinks his contrastingly fleshy claws into them.
This cage has four sides to it; all now useless to me. All now given over to this beast. They reflect into the whirlwind of my conscience. Conflicting. Opposing.

Nature versus man.
Natural versus the mind.

Theres is no key to the lock on my cage.
Recovery. Falter. Healing. Falter. Faith. Rejection.
Back and forth. Back and forth.

What is the point?

My main stream of thought to anyone who questions my diet of caffeine and nicotine, my withering appearance, my paranoia fuelled actions, my distinct inability to accept their concern is;

You liars.
Bonham Nov 2019
The obscurity of the in-between is shocking.
That stage, frozen in ambiguity, lightyears from that blossom tree, yet
Not such a silly, miniscule seed recently planted by that whirlwind of emotion,
Woven, threaded, interconnected through a tapestry of raw sensation.
Or, it may have stemmed from one shocking, vibrant explosion,
One moment in your time.

The In-between remains quite shocking.
That barren, grey, maze-like no man’s land where
I truly find myself lost and out of touch with her.
That Child in Nursery, struggling to read and comprehend
The meaning behind language and human behavior comes flooding back to me
Like those clouded tears.

I have always struggled with this.
But now more than ever my feelings are reaching a summit-like crescendo.
The silence, the obscurity, the ambiguity is killing me.
What is appropriate? What us too much and
Contrastingly too little,
What is distasteful?

How do you navigate this labyrinth of perplexing questions?
I see and feel the embers slowly dying before me.
How do you salvage the decline of something once beautiful,
Once real, once divine? The butterflies are still here.
I thought they were never to return. They accompanied
That galloping racehorse in my chest that day and have ceased to stop.

Perhaps such questions are futile, even counter-productive.
Perhaps my fault lies in trying to understand something so alien to my nature.
I have a lot to give. If this stage comes to pass, it will probably become a forgotten memory
Amongst an ecstasy of beautiful shared pleasures that will glow, flourish and grow.
In this moment however, I fear and I struggle.
The obscurity of the in-between is shocking.
Travis Green Sep 2021
It’s something about seeing
A strong, stout-hearted man
That tremendously turns me on
I have heard that it’s immoral
To fantasize about men
To be with them and build
A sweet and loving family
Many would say it’s unprincipled
For the gay community to join in matrimony

To wed means that a man
And woman comes together
To fuse a bond that should last
Forever as the love they carry
In their hearts for each other
I am an unchained soul
Living in my truthfulness
Believing contrastingly from others
I presume that all LGBTQ beings
Should have the right to become
Espoused and cherish the affection
They have for another everlastingly

I have tried in the past to walk
Away from everything that
Consisted of being a homosexual
I thought people would love me
Better if I conformed to the norm
And lived their way, but it was
Much harder than I believed
Attempting to expunge
That part within me that
Enormously poisoned my core
Telling myself that it was
All a phase and in time
I would be back to my authentic self

But it was challenging
To not think about men
How they moved me
Incomparably into dreamworlds
Than the world of women
Still, I attempted to let it all go
And live a life without
My gay counterpart
It was in the weeks to come
That I saw myself falling
A thousand depths below ground
It was earth-shattering
Breaking me apart, piece by piece
Seeing gorgeous men every day
And walking in a different direction
To avoid gazing their way

I was losing myself
In trying to be what others
Wanted from me
Wanting to have friends in my life
Than to watch them walk out on me
They told me I was doing
The right thing by leaving
It all behind, that in time
It would be nothing but
A faraway remembrance
That would no longer
Have power over me

In those days, I was more
Brokenhearted than ever
Walking through life
As a shadowed soul
That no glowing light in sight
On the inside, I felt like
I was declining, divided
From society, not comprehending
What anything meant around me
Who I wanted to be was something
That I knew many others would detest
Before I became enlightened
I was searching for validation
From the world to aid me
In surviving another day

It took a while for me to see
That it’s far greater to be
Your true unapologetic self
Than what society wants you to be
You will only end up destroying yourself
When you stay hidden from
Your authentic existence
It doesn’t matter if people
Love you or not, you must
Love yourself wholeheartedly
It doesn’t make you stronger
When you are following a norm
It only weakens you more
When you choose to hide
Your certified identity
And lock it behind closed doors

— The End —