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john shai Apr 2016
It is forbidden to eat
To eat the fruit of love
In the garden of Human

Woman plucks it from the tree
The tree of ignorance
And gives it to Man

Man realizes they are clothed
And is embarresed he connot
Make her drop her brazier

They fall into love
And shall forever dwell
In paradise near to God

       In paradise there groweth
       Another strange fruit
       And a strange snake
I thought perhaps this perfect opposite of the genisis story could have unconsciously influenced Christian thought over the centuries, giving rise to patriarcal systems of knowledge and a fear of ***.
there was a boy
who was always blame
sometimes been used like a toy
but everything remains the same
because it is him who everyone likes to blame

he cries at night
thinking were did he go wrong
but he's heart keep telling him to fight
he's soul connot take it much longer
but if you see him he is in a sad sight

he went everywhere things were the same
things that were wrong
trying to be better is his aim
but he cant because no matter what
he is the boy who was always blame
cuber Sep 2014
Dear diary
Even to you, I connot speak
Because I cannot find the words I seek.
How can I pour out my heart
When my heart is empty?
All of my thoughts now comfuse me
All of my emotions consume me
All my friends use me
Their jokes no longer amuse me
I don't belong here!
I belong elsewhere
Where every word I speak is heard
I belong there!
I'm not sure where
But I belong somewhere!
Marius Banik Feb 2020
I was laying on the cold asphalt
The night was cutting through my skin
I begin to slowly feel it give way
Bend under my bodyweight
I hear it screaming and twisting
I doesn't want to do this
I try to look arround
Every movement just accelerates
I try to get upright
I cannot
I waddle like a fish on land
It swallows my arms
I scream and I try
It screams back
I am so tense I feel like my stomach will explode
I connot do anything
I pray to the sky to take me
If I push so hard I break my right arm
The pain shooting through me
I bite my terth in the black sticky mass
They begin to crumble
My body spasms
My eyes are gauging out of my head
My vocal chords snap under the load
My ears are ringing
My heartbeat feels like an earthquake
A fingernail rips of the flesh
I breath big chunks of road
It fills me from the inside
I spit blood
I suffocate
I ***** and scream and explosively gasp for air
I can feel my skull is about to crack
And then I just let myself fall

Slowly I sink through the darkness
No sounds reach my ears
No light reaces my eyes
I do not feel any pressure
I feel so light like I weigh nothing
I drift down the path for thousands of years
I do not remeber everything
The darkness is pulling me

I am sorry for giving up
It was too easy
Andrew Jul 2018

It's best to say nothing,
Do nothing,
And pay attention.

Some convictions connot
Soley be served through
Mere words alone.

Again, pay attention
To what isn't being said.
Sometimes.. the silence tells you everything.
Sapphir Mar 2020
Go and tell them that i want to see the blue sky
tell them that i dont want to dream with eyes closed
tell them that i want to dance, to listen to the music
tell them that i dont want to walk in straight road with curved back
tell them that we connot replace prison by prison
tell them that i had 26 yo and i just wanted to know how to love..

— The End —