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Deborah Lin Aug 2013
Lately I have been hanging your voice on my wall.
It came in ten different frames,
and I spent hours adjusting them
until they hugged the wall at the perfect angle,
their gilded bodies pressing against painted emptiness,
whitewashed space.

And when I feel nostalgia
twining around my veins like wild ivy,
I only need to reach out and –

“Hello. My name is –“
“Hello. My name –“
“Hello. (Stop.) My. (Stop.) Name. (Stop.) Is. (Stop.)”
“Hellomynameis –“
Do you remember that?
Did you know my hands shook,
that I tripped over words like I do
with miniscule cracks in the sidewalk,
that my heart stuttered
thumpthump thu thump thuuump thumpthumpthump
and how it hasn’t quite been the same ever since?

“I love you.”
“I love (rewind) – love (rewind) – I love (rewind)– love (rewind)– I love you.”
“I love –“
You thought you could pry me open
and tear down my walls
and then suddenly you did.
It only took three words to start a hurricane in my heart.
Did you ever notice the aftermath,
the broken homes and homeless souls?
I am still rebuilding.

I hammered this one into my soul,
can still feel the echo of your words
pounding away in my bones:
“Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.”
“Good…(clickclickclick)… bye.”
John Sep 2012
Person Number One
Looks at
Person Number Two

Person Number Two smiles and
Moves a little bit

Person Number One returns the
And inches

Person Number Two closes their eyes and
Puckers their lips
Leans in

Person Number One closes their eyes
Just the same
And, wouldn't you know it
Puckers and leans

Person Number Two's lips touch
Person Number One's
And they share
That first

Smiles all 'round
Both of their faces alight
Thoughts of happy futures and
Secure days

Fast forward
A year or so

Person Number One slams their car door shut
Gets out
Walks through a
Large parking lot
No one around
Except Person Number Two

Person Number Two rushes
Toward Person Number One
Her heels make little
As she moves closer and
Closer in

They are five feet apart now
Person Number One smiles
Person Number Two's heels clickclickclick
And as sure as they do
Person Number One and Person Number Two
Stride, slide and click
Past eachother
Without even a
Kiana Grace May 2014
Sharp rocks mark my skin
Ice water fills my boots
There is a distinctive high whine
followed by a deafening explosion
4 dead
7 injured
The screams and shrieks
of men
who feel like boys
calling for their mother
or for a god
are drowned out by the
fast paced “clickclickclick”
13 dead
10 injured
In March I went on a trip to tour the battlefields and beaches of Normandy, and it was a great experience that impacted me strongly. Learning about the brave men and women who suffered in the war gave me a new appreciation for history, and a new gratitude towards those who lived through it.  This poem is about the landing on Juno beach.

— The End —