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David Huggett Jan 2018
There once was a great player named Tom
who hit every shot like a bomb
the forehand was a Grenade
and needed no aid
The backhand was nuclear
and always particular
The volleys shot like an arrow
and stung like it, hit your bone marrow
But his smash was the stash
and you wouldn't want its lash
So let's hear it for Chadwick
the man  who's game is so madwick!
Madwick in Tunisia means powerful and thunderous or so I am told.
And also please note its a balmy minus whatever but we don't get any sunburn or do we need expensive sunscreen.  
Looking forward to seeing Tom's thunderous and powerful shots maybe it will warm things up here!
Credit goes to Terry T.
Third Eye Candy Feb 2019
while paving over the archipelagos of my daily dread
i send a voice from my quiet desperation
to the summit of a Cliffhanger  
by proxy.
i phone-in my last nerve.
i know perfectly well that tomorrow will come
with all the profound garments
befitting a Fool.
I will love like I knew I always would.
but something will go wrong…
because Reasons.

And something will go right...
because it’s Crazy.


Nowadays i keep to sleeping on the floor of a private hell -
the envy of every cave I’d lost my way in.
I endure the radio of your ravenous flaws and curtail -
the ferocity of your mild amusements…
by gathering a soul glut of gargantuan misery.
savoring the private desolation
of my sincerity. with a feather in my sap.
all the while
against the spectacle of our solemn hootenannies.
harboring hangnails in barrels of confiscated rain….
For Nowadays my purpose is a ruin
mending a landscape
with all my

and a song at the end of a rope.
evolove Sep 2021
Turn the "M" sideways.

Marshal Mathers
Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Manson
Matthew McConaughey
Meghan Markle
Mac Miller
Melissa McCarthy
Mads Mikkelsen
Mandy Moore
Max Minghella
Malcom McDowell
M.J                 (M) 13+(J) 10 = 23 (two threes) 33

Michael Jordan
Michael Jackson
Michael Johnson
Magic Johnson
**** Jagger
Marc Jacobs
Milla Jovovich
Montel Jordan

C.C               (C) 3+(C) 3 =  (Two Threes)

Chevy Chase
Cindy Crawford
Chelsea Clinton
Courtney ***
Chris Cornel
Christopher Columbus
Charlie Chaplin
Camila Cabello
Chris Cuomo
Chuck Connors

B.C or C.B               (B) 2+(C) 3 = (Two Threes)

Bill Clinton
Bill Cosby
Bradley Cooper
Benedict Cumberbatch
Billy Crystal
Ben Carson
Chadwick Boseman
Christian Bale
Chris Brown
Charles Bronson
Chris Benoit

                           Companies Hiding Evil Numbers

BBC=223   Skull and bones 322 (biblical)  just Google 322 bible. They are trying to become God's.  Eat from the tree of life and live forever.  What do you think that means?
WWE Flip the letters around and you get 333. For 33.3
CNN logo is CW for 33 (C)3 + (W) flipped is a 3
F.O.X in the hebrew alphabet is 666
Hopefully you get what I'm saying...
Base 8 May 2018
_ listen to this ! so you want me to lay some answers, please state that you demand it
any specific font? Before I say I'm cancerous, wait I'm gonna hand it
to be specific I don't try to play badass, but mate you said you saw stampers that says I'm a bandit
I may be a pessimist, but I won't say I'm broken, not like break dancers, a bit late for first aid, this needs more than a bandage
many things on my wishing list, got to get a sword, I'm out attacking campers in a raid, take the hunting bate to make a sandwich
I'm over slipping the wrist, but I can't hold a knife, the hand tampers the body, some scars are hand made, I look at my face and I can't stand it
I'm stepped over by an elephant, rot and I feel like an old shape of wildlife, as my bravery scampers away like a puppy, it's a turtle race but I'm a handicapped rabbit
see I'm a mentalist, I'll unveil the untold stories of anyone's life,who am I ? I don't think it matters, but once I stayed on the red planet
I know my words seem irrelevant, I'm just cold inside, imagine that non of the bankers gave you a loan, so you stayed alone, crippled by hate, dying slow under your blanket
attention to my words, I'm the lumberjack to the rotten wood of my family tree, there's no heart cold as mine
detention never works on the thunderclap with his forgotten childhood, clapping happily in every political party, no cake for the minor pushed to start a career in the coal mine
tension when I mention that Karl Marx isn't the worst, people may wonder that I'm from the hood, but I'm actually worse than that the body and soul ain't fine
this invention is backfiring on his lords, like a finger snapped, no I'm not good, the legacy get ****** but no one follows me, and I can't find my role I'm ...

_so it seems that every time I pick the pencil
Everything I write has to suspenseful
You say it's hard, that's not right it's simple
I don't know it's just like popping a pimple
It's not that important, would it give me the life of Paris Hilton_

so what do you know about being broke, so broke that your body parts floats away in pieces
just to let you know I no longer feel like a human being, wishing for a heart stroke, and the peace is
_ death , it's easier than the things I'm seeing, but it seems far I'm gonna use my own rope, so help me Jesus
or I can meet Beth, she helps in my healing, I hope I can do it in some recess
mess and emptiness is the only things I'm feeling, note that I have a heart inside not just feces
_ **** and Molly percocets, are helping me agreeing, I thought it'll ignite the fire of will, but now I stand here as it freezes
_ ladies I don't like to shed light on me, probably you won't like what you'll see, most likely you won't like me cause the most is ain't like me, anyone likes tea ? In the ninja Turtles mentality I'm a mix between Donatello and Mikey, we're the same hight, man it's getting exciting, who wants something to do with the kid from pikes peak, he's slightly weird , but still he manged to grow a beard. Still do you wanna fight me, I just said I'm a ninja and my blades are spiky. Staying still but I might be dead, you'd probably wanna check my vital signs and the pulse in my neck, but don't bother I was diagnosed as a corpse clinically, I won't come back please don't beg there's nothing I can do technically
never give a knife to a criminal, tonight don't put the light on in your living room, act normal despite the bodies in the swimming pool, it's OK act like a fool when see me pushing stool off the wooden stool with a spoon under the light of the luminous moon, when I talked like  this  sounded cool, I never had fight in the  elementary school, I spent all the nights abiding rules, but others on the sight of opportunity would dribble and drool, alright this is enough to deliver the message, you didn't feel it it's subliminal

you're just praising my talent
But I wish I never had it
Couldn't have anything else instead
But If I  didn't have it I wouldn't have something to spaz with
I got loose like a black panther now ain't that right Chadwick *

Do re me
_ so I'm just a wanna be
wanna be human ob-vious-ly
I don't know about hu-man-ity
but there's a less of a human left in me
I'd like it actually
_ if my blood would stop in my pulmonary artery
it's no urinary pathology
I just like to *** publicly
I'm just impolite right daddy?
the worst day in my life is when you had me
if wanna disgust me
you'd better pay me some money
_ it's hard to throw up with an empty
stomach but it's OK I can't feel my belly
and hey I'm not here to cause controversy
but ******* nursing
and please don't wait for an apology
play the violin my name has dropped, heading to the asylum because my songs on the stage has flopped, I'm a murderer hear the sirens it's not what for I hoped , I wish I could just caged it inside and then with it I could have coped
but it's amazing how the cops came to tase me, trying to place me on the ground of the hall, but I was trying to act the way they rased me please let me go,but why won't you place me, what would you name me literally a lunatic or generally crazy, go ahead amaze me
By Elliott Blanchette

2020, what a year indeed!
For every nation, language and creed
For it exposed every good and bad deed
But it was a long lesson that we did all need.

In January, a tragedy worse than the heat of Nairobi
Was the death of a legend, a man we call Kobe
The world mourned, wept, wailed and did wonder
Was there more coming from 2020 over hill and yonder?
‘Twas then I heard of a virus
And no, not ammonia!
Was not crisp like a beer
But she was called Corona
In China, she sat, like a lioness ready to pounce
But leaked out onto foreign soil, ounce by ounce!

Trump was a man impeached
But by the start of February
He was acquitted of all charge
Was trial really necessary?

Then came a historic day
More seasoned than parsley
For the long last conviction
Of a man named Harvey
A filmmaking giant who fell from grace
All cause he never learned the value of personal space.

Then came March, my birth month of course
On the 9th day of the month, the stock market went hoarse.
Corona slipped onto our shining shores
Closing all of our venues, markets and stores

But wait, Trump said, let’s not let hope fester
We shall curb this little knock before Easter
April came and our hope seemed dim
Corona took human form and she was at the helm.

Then came May, a month I wish we could avoid
It all came to a head with a man called Floyd
A cop’s knee was upon him, as I watched the world seethe
As Floyd uttered his final words, “I can’t breathe!”
Like a volcano that just blew its top
Riots erupted and came full stop!

I watched in stunned silence as I saw two sides clash
With protestors and cops seeing each side bash.
Violence escalated and hatred doubled
I felt my heart sink, I was deeply troubled.

It spilled over into June, near the start of summer.
All nerves were on high!
My God, that was a ******!
It was then it occurred to me, yes I have a voice
To use it for hope and faith, and yes that was my choice.
There was another highlight
No need to be hiding
Look out USA, here’s Biden!
Tyson’s got nothing on him
Trump’s chances just got dim!

Now came July, with another strike
Bugs called ****** hornets came in a huge spike
They were like hoodlums intent on killing
Every honey bee and hive, their bee blood spilling!
I did much as I could to keep on living!
Until I learned of the death of Regis Philbin
Host of a great game show, if one would dare.
One called Who Wants to be a Millionaire!

August rolls around explosion and joy see
Beirut up in flames and Kamala as VP
But then tragedy struck again for Hollywood
We lost Chadwick Bozeman, the Black Panther that Could!
Our Wakandan salutes all up in the air
I asked God why Chadwick, it didn’t seem fair!
California had its own trauma
Fanning the flames
Consuming every forest
We are not playing games!

September brought another tragedy
A pioneer of change
Losing the great RBG and her great judicial range
A revered Supreme Court justice of the highest merit
Only to be replaced by a woman called Barrett.

In October, Corona reared its ugly head
As it went to attack the President instead
Many wished he went down, but it didn’t take him
Pretty soon he was back on the road on a whim.
Was it staged or was it all real?
Trump healed up way too quick, what’s the deal?

Then came that month, the dreaded November
It was served piping hot like a bowl of scorching embers!
For Trump, this month was all but fun
For old Joe Biden, it was a grand home run!
For gals everywhere, they were all, Yippee!
As Kamala Harris was elected the First Lady VP!
Yet another tragedy came, one that stung me in the neck
Was a beloved game show host called Alex Trebek.
Cancer took him severely and quietly too
Jeopardy won’t be the same, all fans cried boo-hoo!

Finally it was December
Not served as a burning timber
There was hope a-flaring
As far as I remember
Relief was coming and for all to be seen
An FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine
Yes! I thought, my faith paid off
But local leaders would just look and scoff.
They bickered for months, allegedly on our behalf
When we got 600, they gave us the shaft.

This year was a hot mess
Every event in its cause
2020, oh 2020....the year that was!
Jemoh Aug 2020
The devil comes to steal.
He works in mysterious ways!
He is a taker of life.
He comes without warning
His arrival is never known

The pain of a life lost he know not!
Why does he pounce unexpectedly 
Leaving no time to prepare 
It might be gradual 
Adding to the pain and helplessness 
Or sudden where we expect not

Why does he take what he hasn't given
He is a thief, robbing and sapping the joy out of us
He is undeserving of anything yet leaves us devoid
The misery of the loss unbearable 
No love spared but the cultivation of hate.
With a heavy heart, we mourn the loss

A visionary taken from us
Our lives will never be the same
We have a legacy to pass on
To inspire the progeny
To dream of a future with no bounds
The future of Wakanda, not a forgotten empire
It is the the rebirth of a new nation under one flag.
Long live Chadwick and a dream fulfilled!
Chadwick  Boseman
Bullet Aug 2020
The brightness lives on
The sun shines for the next day
Beautiful clouds shape our souls the right way
I'm fighting for my brothers and sisters
Anything that stands in my way is their bad day
The black panther lives on in me
My eyes don't shut
I see the hate through it all
My heart is not gold
My heart spreads the heat from our light
The balance we dance with
Plays with my imagination
As I see the animation from a comic strip
Turn into a first class act from a hero that lives on for generations
I grab hold of reality
I embrace the essence
I take it as to provide


— The End —