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R Hammers Jul 2014
Not one to mince or flit about with words,
my poetry is flat;
Let me lift your head and smash it in the driveway -
Very dynamic up and down.
She said I want to be a mother.

These words froze me.

She was an old manager of mine. When I'd spend my days on the phone, sold products like stones thrown at homes of customers whose windows were only mildly less valuable than the stones I broke them with...My manager looked bored, So I asked her... "What would you rather be doing than this?" she said "I want to be a mother."

At her managers post she earns more than most but would rather play host to...a baby girl or boy, trade orders for toys, she'd write work programs for her maternity like vows on how somehow... She and her partner would raise a baby.

I asked her... "That woman you're with... Do you love her?"... Yes.

I couldn't find the words to articulate how I felt so I told her what she said make me feel like the opposite of my heart breaking.

I don't know much of her past. But with me having more unexpected oddities than anything you can purchase for less than 73p from BnM bargains I know how hard it can be to be anything less than normal... And despite how far we've come in accepting women who love women or men who love men, I wonder how many people have told her... She couldn't be a mother without a father around. Whatever deep-rooted bigoted or religious grounds they may have found, it's not an excuse to put you down. They'll turn their feelings into frowns wear their ignorance like crowns and do everything they can to prevent you wearing a wedding gown.

You wanna know what I think.

Love requires patience, and patience is a liver. It can handle a lot of toxins and forgive a lot of poisonings, but overload it and it will die. For that reason... I went through puberty without a dad around. I had one war monument of a woman to ensure that I would grow to be a man who wouldn't poison livers. That compassion would be my arrows and respect would be my quiver. I'd send shivers to the spines of anyone who dared me to be anything less than everything they could see and... That I'd be a boy to be proud of. A woman and a man gave me bricks and cement, but only one woman helped me build a home in me... So imagine what two can do. It's such an outdated cliche just because you're gay doesn't mean you can't raise kids the right way.

I mean... Do you think two grown men can't change a *****? Can't stitch love and care into the clothes that child would wear, they pull out the hair stressing about the same questions that a straight dad would...How warm should this bottle be? Is it normal for him to eat this much? Is now a good age to have the talk? You can be a child's guardian but father or mother is a title that must be earned and with no doubt I believe you'll tick every box.

You've been mum to this office floor for more years than I've even spent in employment. Your throat holds the best kind of resume that no one can takeaway,  and when you make the transition from manager to mother... I know your child will be loved like no other.
Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
as the acid runs down my face
out of my eyes
I feel it all across my cheeks
leaving burn marks
where it touched my skin
most people
would hate the feeling of this
but for me
it's normal
I'm used to it
I like it
I love it
I love the feeling
as the acid burns my cheeks
it makes me forget
how much I miss you
it takes that pain away just for a bit
but yet I still think about you
I think about us
our love
our hopes
our dreams
I never thought
I would see you go
or ever have to miss you
but I do
every drop of that acid
represents you
and all your memories
and tonight
that acid pours out

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
maybe to this world
I am just a burden
just someone who is here
weighing others down
in no way impacting people
for the good
like I am just sitting on their shoulders
or pulling them down
tearing them apart
being of no good to them
is that what anyone wants
to have happen to them
is that what anyone wants
to feel like they are in this world
so just let yourself go
you're better off that way
people are better off
without you

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
everyone has some sort of addiction that takes away the pain
some worse than others
but there is always
something to take it away
mine was a physical addiction
a blade cutting deep into my skin
allowing blood to spill out
each drop signifying my pain
or a flame running across my skin
the hundreds of degrees burning
the light being my pain
or holding that gun to my head
the bullet showing all the pain
all of the years and years of hurt
this was my addiction
physically damaging myself
as well as mentally
but the physical pain was to
take away the mental pain
and for a short time it did
for just a bit I was distracted
from my pain and hurt
but it was never enough
to make it go away
no matter how much I tried
it was always there
and even got worse time after time
but if it's an addiction
then for some reason
you enjoy it
or you hope that it will
take the pain away
why are you addicted to this

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
I am stuck between somewhere
and nowhere
searching to be found
but still miles away
it's pitch black here
but I'm okay
feeling not like nothing
but not like something
I'm not living
but I'm not dying
just simply breathing
but I'm okay
close to letting go
but still holding on
but I'm okay
my heart is shattered like glass
broken in millions of pieces
but I'm okay
you left me
without a reason
you left me
to think of the reason
you left me
to cry at night
but I'm okay

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
everything is becoming a blur
slowly fading
feeling myself let go
going to another place
and leaving this one behind
this place that has you
need to be somewhere
that doesn't have you
where I can't see or think of you
I'm falling up into the clouds
going higher and higher
but feeling lower and lower
all of this just to let go of you
to forget that I am missing you
maybe this time I won't wake up

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
our love
is like a song
something I fell asleep to
every night
the song never seemed to
come to an end
I could just listen
to the beautiful sound of
the instruments playing
every night
it was like the sound of your voice
telling me you loved me
something I always looked
forward to
it was calming and peaceful
when go to sleep
and I listen to that melody
every now and again
I hear something a little different
but I didn't think anything of it
maybe it was to make the song better
as time went on
it kept changing
but now it's completely different
it's louder and not soothing
the instruments are out of tune
to the point they sounded like screams
our screams
I remember
during one night
I was listening to that song
the instruments sounded louder
than it has ever been
and in the middle
it got silent
no longer was our song playing
all I heard was dead silence
never again
did I hear our song playing
it had officially ended

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
you aren't
pushing me to go
but you're also not
pushing me to stay
so where do you want me to go
or do you even want me
I don't know anymore
and you sure as hell
aren't telling me what you want
so just make up your mind already
do you want me
or should I just go?

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
holding onto you
is like holding your breath
sooner or later
you won't be able to breathe
you will just be gasping for air
or you will suffocate yourself
but letting go of you
seems impossible
I don't know if I can
I don't even know if I want to
I am still in love with you
I just wish you were
still in love with me
then maybe
I could breathe again
and I wouldn't have to just
hold onto you
I would have you

Bailey Metcalf Dec 2014
I was never good at saying goodbye
and I never thought
I'd have to say that to you
but I guess all good things
come to an end
especially when you least expect
good things
we were more than
a good thing
you were the best thing
that has ever happened to me
and that was the worst thing
that could've happened
why is it even called a goodbye
nothing was good about that
I lost you
you were the most important
thing to me
you were my everything
my whole world
and I thought I was yours
but I guess I was wrong
all the things you said
you never meant
we were destined for goodbye
from the beginning


— The End —