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margotskidder Feb 2018
From birth, through younger years
You think adults are the best
They know it all, don’t question them
Even ones in stringy vests

But then through wide awakenings
From innocent teen eyes
Your conditioned way of thinking
Is shifting all the time

Morrison’s doors of perception
To Orwell’s “Nineteen Eighty Four”
Digesting Brown’s “Da Vinci Code”
What’s behind Dad’s study door?

I always thought there’s something
Something missing from Mum’s smile
Sincerity, yes that is it
Her sparkle’s light-yeared out for miles

I caught my College Tutor out
Her face was filled with dread
As I asked her complex questions
She rambled and went red

It’s not the work you contribute
That catapults you through
It’s who you know, not what you know
That gets you through round two

It’s realising the rich get rich
Capitalising on the poor
Mocha choco frappucinos
To Primani discount stores

It’s sweaty public transport
Followed by a gruelling shift
Evils from your sadist manager
For laughing at his quiff

Offered a promotion
Yes, they’ve recognised my worth
Then the disappointment fills the air
When they ask me to move turf

From Manchester to Liverpool
A fair distance I would say
But with two small kids and secretly
Another on the way

It’s either this or loss of job
This once was steady job
They’re packing up and moving out
To make room for some snobs

They’re all blagging it, they are
No one gets their dream come true
Kaleidoscope shapes are twisting
Now the truth is shining through

A positive is being aware
We’re all muddling through this life
From observation to motivation
I won’t become a stepford wife

I’ll make the best of this you see
I’ll make my family proud
I’ll bulldoze through eternity
Leaving my trail through the clouds
My first ever poem, be kind.
A Mareship Jul 2014
The cries were lynched from wall to wall
Dangling like pastel vowels
And painted planets,
So the air smelled of colgate and snot.
Aw Dan, what a night that was!
You cried for your dog -
I wept for the bow in my laces
Which I knew I couldn’t tie without Mother -
But then the morning came with a friendly knock,
And in a few more nights, we were brothers.

I’ve totted it up, you know
And I’ve watched you wake up over a thousand times,
I’ve filmed you crash your car,
I’ve stolen your chips,
I’ve punched your kidneys
And pressed my eyelids to your lips.

What a long way we’ve come
From those two boys left alone.
I wonder what they’d have thought if they'd been shown a video
Of you and me in 2014,
Rushing a hug over beer?
I almost wished we’d known back then
So that we wouldn’t have been so frightened.

I wish we’d known how much we’d laugh,
How we’d utilise Latin,
How we’d sell those diamonds
Blagging, without a clue- !

I wish every boy had you
To see them through.
Thomas Sloan Nov 2014
No one listens.
We are all waiting our turn

Spin the bottle of conversation.

Watch for re-action.

Deciding to respond

Construct witty reply.

Or not
Miss your queue
Save your response for another conversation

I think they are blagging it better than I,
Their conversational repertoire seems encyclopedic,

If they speak much longer my response might require knowledge,
Or even some insight,
oh my!
Maybe I left you baby?
Maybe I went for ****?!
Maybe I,m just sick of acting off our rags.

I ended up at the nearest bar some people were playing pool.
The barman was acting suspect i sat down on a stool.
I bravely attempted the crossword while really not giving a jot.
Four letter word from the heart, Do I love you? Do I not?
I lied that i needed ****
and cowardly left you to your pain.
I walked the quietness of the river and inhaled the rain soaked grain.

Maybe I left you baby,
Maybe I went for ****?
Maybe I,m just sick of acting off our rags?!

I sauntered past interflora another cute *** reminder.
I did not call you once.
My head was on spin dry binder.
When i left the bar that day i finally walked away.
I knew if I returned to you'
You would assault me with your say!
I would nod on time as usual and yes babe every line.
Lying again, Never talking
And pretending love is fine.

Maybe I left you baby?
Maybe I went for ****!?!
Maybe I,m just sick of acting off our rags.

I met a woman named muriel she found me sleeping in her car.
She invited me into her place and poured a welcome jar.
I am never coming back now!
This time it is for reals.
No more one for the road, Crying with alien faces and pleading sentimental deals.
No more worth it last hugs or blagging short notice shags.
No more chatting **** and pretending to go for ****.

Maybe I left you baby?
Maybe I went for ****?!
Maybe I,m just sick of acting off our rags.
John Bartholomew Jul 2021
Blagging it at 19 saying I was 23
Agencies believed me with no photo ID
Plumber with no certificates just taking a big chance
Stood my ground,
looked real good,
while taking this unknown stance
Got away with it until I crashed into my comeuppance
From earning big bucks to starting again,
lifes not good back earning just a tuppence
I gave it the large,
Six five with a shoulder barge,
don't even try and stop me
Now four foot ten
A midge amongst men
Starting all over again
But hey, I done it to myself
A life of ill health
Thinking I was impenetrable and of hard stealth
I left my love shaken and numb
For being so selfish and dumb
Life really does has it's unforeseen conundrums,
and I'm sorry x

Doing Life Backwards

Yenson Dec 2020
What is there to doubt
when all I learnt from them
is that they are incapable of learning
and they are susceptible to suggestions
because they know nothing about real confidence
built on proven attributes and defining achievements
you see they are superficial people who live on blagging
insecure, empty and petrified cause a pinprick deflates them totally
they take their lives at the slightest stress cause they cant handle the slightest pressure
can you imagine butting heads with half-baked waffles that can speak that's about it......

— The End —