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Emma Sawyer Jun 2013
Oh disappointment dad, how you haven't changed.
You are still guttless and horribly deranged.
Faces have aged and we are all wise.
Disappointment dad, you cram yourself with empty lies.

Oh disappointment dad, you claim to work so hard.
Forgetting the world, you say you have becomed scarred.
But the ones who are scarred are the ones cleaning your mess.
Selfish and blind, your words of woe fill us with protest.

Oh disappointment dad, can't you listen to the world.
Your life is ever so more becoming twirled
I can leave through the door at any moment, and wouldn't care.
Oh disappointment, why don't you show me you still have a pair.

Excuses will only get you so far disappointment dad,
And truthfully less I see you, it makes me glad
Maybe one day you won't forget about me,
Maybe one day you'll chnage and be free.

However realism is my gifted teacher
And it has taught me about people like you; the preacher.
I can accept you'll always be singleminded
But Disappointment Dad; I refuse become blinded.
certifiednutcase Sep 2017
Things strewn around the house
Shirts on sheets and shoes unsymmetrically
placed on the dog-earred floor mat
That spells “welcome” but
Thick layers of Dust and dirt
Reduced it to a “wel”

Splashes of paint on a plain,
Blank canvas followed by red
Angry slashes. 1...2...3... uncountable.
Black patches of spilled ink
Followed by smeared blotches
The paper is not clean

Butterflies in ribcages let loose,
Broken bones and
Insects crawling under my skin.
Chipped nails and dried blood,
Skin flakes off
ashley marie Jan 2018
We are one of a kind,
You and i.

Creatures of a similar feather,
Similar face,
Similar mind.

But we become named
Becomed blind.

The name and the nameless
At best beauty and the               .

The truth is for only yourself to find,

The true names of the blind
Tina Willmanson Jun 2020
I have people around me
I talk to them, share my future goals with them
And tell them how I am as a human

They listen to me and keep their point of view
They do everything the way I want
They make up situations that I desire
And help me to get a pre- experience out things

But something is wrong
They do exactly what I want without saying anything
One day they are good to me and other they are bad
They just run on my fingertips

I get out from the room
I see my mum and my sister watching TV
I am in my house with my family
But still I feel I am in space, an empty space
I have no one to share my problems with
Because I am scared what people will think
So I create my virtual space that listens to me
Those people in my space are real
But in reality we have no connection
And life goes on with me dreaming about them
I dream of them so that they listen to me
I dream of them so I don't feel lonely
I dream of them that much that this life has becomed a dream for me...

— The End —