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David Ehrgott Apr 2016
I am a lonely sole
No one is ever there
to talk to, or ask
A question or two
From my window above
I see them
Backgrounded by the traffic's din
So empty
Their lips silent
Carl D'Souza Jul 2019
The full moon
looks pretty
in the night sky
backgrounded by stars.
If I were to wither in death, peculiarly as your symphony…
Caressing your sweet songs.
Oh! How to know that I'll yearn for your seed of heart amongst the bitter milkweed…
To be wreathed, after the thorns I've been crowned while I breathe.
To be six feet under earth, uttering words in deep slumber.
To hear the bells ring beside my stone as I dive in eigengrau?
For in spirit yet I indulged to journey your trail…
With backgrounded hymns high and low in unison, "Ashes to ashes, dusted he be with earth"…
You laid me to rest in peace with your mourns and lowered heads.
You sing me carols of the loved Or so will i know you'll sing me the  "Arms of the angel" .
Bare me palms of three stroked soil thrown with last biddings of sorrow and grief.
If only the mind knew where my life went?
Let alone be embezzled of greater revelations between my dimensions.
With pure warmth, to no sprouts of bitter in your heart.
You'll see the slab written R. I. P
Bereaved with your flowers of hue,
Laying down as every step leaves the hill in a spree.
Will your heart still skip me a beat?
Or might you as well bury the sheets?
For it's known, to long for the gone…
And take granted of the bond…
As I speak of a reverie, far from reality,
I painted my pictures blue,
To know this is far-fetched…
To know it is due.
Dennis Willis Sep 2019
sitting comfortable in this darkness
this cricket backgrounded quietness
this ear scratching cheek rubbing
this i'm in no hurry to go to bed
there it is there is the cool air
i was promised i always wanted
i exalt in quiet ways over this fresh
i respect inside my skin this taste
coming here to be tasted aloud
what moment what thought isn't
an ****** whatever that is
coursing us forward imaginary
companions fluffing our need
and this ink sticking you in time
is skinning oaken barrels of being

today is decanted among much fanfare
samples doled out in small glasses
sniffed and quaffed i think in style
enriched by not missing

it is misdirection we invent
to defy the coarseness of seconds
when we should be exalting

— The End —