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captured in the psych ward the cool heavy metal fan winds up being captured in the psych ward

you see while ron is busy in his hdu trying to look after everyone, in werribee, there was this man

playing heavy metal really loud, and the real **** of a bloke came out to complain about it

the heavy metal fan told him to get nicked and put it up even more louder, and this bloke rang the

police and the police came down in 45 minutes and the heavy metal fan said, dude, i am only sharing

the music i like the best, and it is good music he said, but the police said, TURN IT OFF, and when the

heavy metal fan refused and also spat right in the cops face, and the policeman grabbed him and

put him in the back of the paddy wagon and sent to the lockup, when he got there, he stopped swearing

and became suddenly good, actually forgetting about why he is there and this prompted the police to

put him in the HDU, saying he is a danger to himself and others, but he became very defensive when it came

to defending his music, he punched charlie chaplin and patty roe, for saying his music is crap, and ron

went into his room to try and get his name, and he said it was axil slash bone, and ron didn’t believe that

was his real name, but it was hard to get his real name out of him, so he called him axil, and ron said

do you know why you are here, and axil said, i was listening to my cool heavy metal music and this big fat

rich ***** came over and threaten me into turning the music down, i refused because heavy metal is made

to be enjoyed and ron said, have you been on any medication in your life, and axil said, medication, are

you calling me crazy, only crazy people take medication, and ron said, well, for what i heard, you might need

something to calm you down, and axil yelled out THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME, and ron said

maybe not, but you have to control your behaviour, axil told ron to get ****** saying, i am not like these

******* in here, i am a cool heavy metal fan who deserves a break, ron was prepared to break it for a while

but at dinner he yelled at the dinner table threatening to bash charlie, saying, you are crazy, you do know

that your not fucken charlie chaplin don’t ya, charlie said, leave me alone you idiot and except medication

and axil picked up a metal knife and started chasing charlie around with it saying come here ****

come here ya bleeding **** and charlie yelled out, HELP ME, HELP ME, the mad man is after me

and ron gave axil a shot of ****** and put him to bed and went to the nurses office saying axil needs

to be trialled on medication, he won’t like it, but we might have to convince to him, his behaviour was

disruptive and needs to be placed on a drug, so when the dinner dishes were picked up and they

bought out the sandwiches for supper, then ron bought out the medications and he had some risperidal

for axil, and when he reached axil, axil yelled so loud, I DON’T WANT ANY MEDICATION, THERE IS NOTHING

WRONG WITH ME, and ron said, yes you do, and you are going to take this medication even if i have to

force-feed this down your throat, and axil said, why do you care so much, all i was doing is playing loud music

there is nothing wrong with that, ron said, you got aggressive with the man, so the police bought you here

and while you are here, you must take medication, and as he did it, ron said, what is your favourite music

axil said, i like AC/DC and twisted sister and WASP and guns and roses, and that is where i got my name from

and ron gave him the medication with a glass of water and left the HDU and went to the pizza hut, to buy a super

supreme and retire to the couch to watch TV.
Annie Jan 2010
I found your black tie
Between the warped slats
Of the dresser drawers
And a curled
Of you in Blackheath
A hopeful day
Head filled with the universe
But that was you
A dreamer they said
And all around you
Harder types
Their spades clanging
With symphonious legerity
For the few bob
They drank on Friday.

You left that place
And moved home
To the frozen sod
Of your birth
And still you smiled
Your fists knurled
Around a shovel
Splitting turf for the fire.
And all around you
Harder types
With reins and whips
They only sought to protect you
From the pain of wanting
What you could never have.

But still I loved your stories
You made me believe
That the cawl and grog
Was pheasant and port
And everyday an adventure
A bud on its axil
You made me
Into you
A dreamer
A sybarite
And all around me
Harder types
Eyes stuck to their shoes
So they can watch their step
And charge me to
Watch mine
Ivan Brooks Sr Nov 2018
God gave me a gift
And I'll use it to uplift,
To inspire and motivate
To impact and create.
Maybe I'm a vessel
Maybe I'm an axil
Through whose works
Quotations, Poetry or books,
Generations will be awakened
And subsequently emboldened.
To rise up and make changes
And produce juices like oranges
And shine like lights on a dark street.
Oh how sweet it tis, oh how sweet
To know that I have a part to play,
To know I can tell a kid to not sway
That no matter what really happens,
Hope is a parachute that opens
For those who take a leap of faith.
No matter what you have to deal with,
There's a God somewhere who cares,
So never give in to your fears.

© IB-Poetry
Out of thin sir,, out of nowhere, comes a strange and unusual kinda work.
Zywa Sep 2021
The crow builds a nest

in the axil of the tree --

very beak-handy.
Collection "Without reserve"
Zywa Sep 2024
An egg in the tree

axil, a feather comes out --

then: a singing bird.
Poem "Fürchte dich nicht" ("Don't be afraid", 1951-1953, Hilde Domin)

Collection "Germ Substance"

— The End —