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amber white Mar 2012
he had broken me.  left me on the floor, broken and bleeding.
i can still hear him, hiting you with his fist.
i want to yell at him. tell him to come after me and not you.
but i cant. and i never will.
he comes bursting in. i tell you to go and hide. dont come out, no matter what you hear.
you run and hide. he comes in stagering. he's drunk.
he comes closer.
"hey baby" he slurs. he's so close i can smell the jack on him.
i want to run, but before i know it he has me pind agunts the bed.
as he starts to slap me, i only cry out once, telling him to stop!
he yells " WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME?"
i cant anser him, which only makes him slap me harder.
he stops, as he hears his baby girl crying in the other room.
he gets off me. " dont worry rose, mama coming."
I de hvide lagner opstår de hvide løgne. Forskruede sandheder der uden tøven er klar til at passere dine læber unden at overveje konsekvenserne. På deres vej mellem dine læber og mit øre, overvejer de ikke een gang hvem de kunne såre, eller hvad de kunne ødelægge.
De danser blot gennem luften, ubekymrede og smålige. De tre små ord, med den største betydning. Men jeg anser det ikke. Jeg er for betaget af din ydre skønhed til at indse at du, i mine hvide lagner fortæller hvide løgne.
Paul Hardwick Jun 2013
I am
the diamonds
that you see in your head
do you know those diamonds sing to me
and that i hear, within my head,     please feel free to sing alone
not that you will
for you are strong
the one and only you
but feel'in blue
face long    and I ask!

What princess
the princess of mine
and you give me that look
that means back off

but i don't
tell me


at that your skin turned grey
then after time you did anser  
leave me alone for I feel cold.
tom krutilla Oct 2014
I think I shall sit upon my finest chair
but first sweep away the rubble
of emotional ash
yes, this feels better, a clearer mind now
so I can dabble in unintellectual thoughts
glass of red wine, sip gently, settle in
anticipating the silly grin
thinking of the why question, and the what
if, roll the ball down the alley, oops
a curve and a miss
do I anser the chirping robins calls
hardly, in what language, do they reply
the fog settles in now, a blanket of fine mist
for the demons and ghost to play in
i'm just  an obsever of this nightly show
A W Bullen Feb 2022
So I gave Bob Dylan
a Greylag Goose

( for his wildfowl collection)

I phoned him and asked
what the bird was up to
and he started to reply,

" The Anser, my friend..."

- get the folk outta here, Bob!
Dawnstar Jul 2019
Wer not i were the fir trees shake and wail
    In tracts ov sleep amung sum aking vale,
    Their somber snores, sir, preventing
    The yonder moor's circumventing,
        Then cross i woud,
        And make this good
    Complainant flud relenting.

Thank God we'v gotten rid of "phantasies",
God noes we'r not quite thru with "fotografs".
In lite of "ache", a mustache quaches!
So let's not mache the same mistache,
I'll spell it "ake"; now that is set,
And we ar free from dout and det.
Yet don't forget: be moderat!
(Or not, its ritely up tu yu.)
It needn't be rad or frenetic,
If only a tad mor fonetic.

Take, for sake of example,
How "hemorage" and "flem" are ample
Enuff, then shrug off "cough" and "though",
And "dough" as well can go.
E'en "sleigh" and "neigh" and "weigh"
Have nay a place today.
Why cling to things immutable?
A modern "frute" is sutable!

Do not indite me, dauters and sisters,
For offering change to a cumbersom sistem;
The anser is plain, my frends, not hidden!
Nor do ye shun me, ye tuff men o' wor,
For casseling "castle" and coring the "corps";
Som rules a poet can surely ignor.

Shall we then masque the musque of a maskerade,
Put on by men in mosks at prayerthyme?
Or asque for Coronel's victuals—
Orderves; or, just a bictual—
Let's change our lang a lictual, like Sam's *Rime
(In case you're unaware, "victuals", in standard English, is pronounced like "vittles".) 
Yashashvi Oct 2020
the word bothers me the most,the word which i want to understand although never i happened to know what it means then i found a answer through mirror,that can never relate.a reflection from another world smiling as like me but never did i knew myself i smile so beautiful,never did i knew i can look so pale with no smile.the crazy reflection of my ownself. perhaps it wasn't the anser i want, because it cheated me everytime.the mirror failed to show my thoughts and the real me who is hiding inside yet lately then i realized i was smiling knowingly all these years
is this really what the fate is?
deviceing oneself!
birth of human
death of human
things that always makes me eager to know , to understand
most specifically existence of human
blisters on my temple the latent swan emerges cancelling its fig
as a man I thought I was in engrossed wandering through a yankee smile
*** dripped under the sink sorry to give you time to think
driven by a donkey loose in fixtures so that you can deliver
masquerade in a tulip zone firm to the end let me explain
caught up in reality getting squeezed below the knees
grab for the shining surplus in such a dream...,

in view of my poetry got to stay cool in such company
fancy in timeless plight in view towards blight,
rehearsed to a second Nova drive in the interpass
stop drinking soda the current closes through a mercury wire

a chance at a refreshing rant
drop the kids safely at home
deliver the goods that endless fire
blown up in the most purest desire

A view from a far...
on lady's spent torn reality the screen is clean
a brother with an afro teaches you places to go bust up the beat to promote its timeless tempo
seek truth with all of your heart the mere medicine of the soul,
longing every discovering places to go,
a clown in a circus our nations finest
consider the dream that holds men back
headed back from the memory as far as I could see...

A view from a far...
Trump the neighborhood hunk
Nancy Pelosi 78 never skips a beat
the trade to enhance a noon day smile
mixed with silver stand still & deliver
haunted by the memory as far as building on my legacy
teacher, teacher, Obama is speaker getting 100, 000 from every event he speaks
turned below out of control it pays to lay hold of king,

a poet watches while waiting in its agrovating
smile turns into laughter prepared for the great here after
lone said I to hear the fawn of a hush lulabye,
a leader can be a bronzed follower,
Dig deeper and richly share to facilitate another...
some people have to go through actual hell before they enter heaven,
captivated by a New York smile filtered in the while days are confused view sorrow eye
my words are deep my soul is pure we **** through water that travels through,
ivy storm of a brisk inhabitant bringing a swift cabinet...,

A view from a far in times that breath selected from every known captivity,
it is customary to hold the seat up never to sit on anyones *** start thinking of me
as a child we sit in the buster seat stand grim and complete,
still the prisons are filling up just don't drop the soap,
a Chinese visitor took a crap on the urinel faces in the window storms in the night
these are barren lands just aim to talk with the Uncle Sam
everybody has a price another chance at which to roll the dice
pocket beasts and remedy come and sit next to me you look so very funny
aiming at the sky to please we often go deep
Deeper then ever before you touch bae at the neighborhood store
where wood and sought after chemicals blend makes me shaped as a brand new man

Mister Rogers Neighborhood nothing fun as being in the hood you anser good
pealed back the curtain on such a new days blind kissing my fat behind,
together forever we embrace the arts then draw bridges to delegate forgiveness
can I get a witness as busy as a visit come assist with us,
sought out barricade fleshly squeezed lemonade

— The End —