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Ar Bazian Jan 2016
"I came across a lonesome face,
among the figures stuck in traffic,
Someone there, somewhere,
Longs for a distant place...
A place, of dreams and magic.
This ageing scent, of dying breath,
And history, is just too tragic!

The wandering braids,
Scout the town,
Hoping, things will come around,

And as early risers greet their way,
Their faces Pass, and fade away!

The stones and old homes,
Fill space Between,
fiction, And the stories we tell!
They reek through the alleyways,
With reflections keen,
Mixed with an old familiar smell...
Of Passages dusty and features a-print,
The smiling pales of concrete mint,
And the fellow grin, by the local inn,
Who's never had a tonic and gin,
Unlike those of London...

I can barely define,
stories-high, as we go by,
simply left behind!

But passenger light,
Drops in flight,
In the hours of eight 'till five,
I caught the melody sung in sun,
In our hour or so long drive...

Still I couldn't tell,
Of this old scent and smell,
and all that it's not,
why This raging ravel still, seems so forgot.
Although they've bettered it,
in some sort of a way...
Today, I think...
With all hopes a-still,
there's little much left,
and less be will...
Little still floats, and little is wet!"

A.r. Bazian
*Jan 14th, 2012
It had rained earlier that day
Simpleton May 2014
Take this metal car and plane
And give me a camel or a horse
Take these four walls
I want to trade them
In for a tent
I will pitch it at the bottom of the Mountains
On the banks of Barada
That runs through Damascus
Or the shores of Tigris
That binds Turkey and Iraq
In the suburbs of Amman
Amongst the unique contrast
Of old and new
Or the deserts of Arabia
The unknown regions of Yemen
Maybe on the slopes of the pyramids
In the oasis of Libya
The valleys of Kashmir
On the beaches of Zanzibar
I'll trade in the can of pop
For coconut water
Or thirst quenching
Organic blends of fruit juice
That I will hand pick
Straight from the trees
Sleep to the lullaby
Of rain and birds
In a tree house
In Kuala Lumpur
Awake to the
**** a doodle doo
Of a rooster
In Bangladesh
Then go and collect
The eggs from the hens
I'll trade these windows
For a panoramic view
Technology and social networks
For loyalty and love
Go back to simple living
Be friends with the earth
Vivian Jan 2015
my whole mouth tastes like metal,
copper pennies from before
The Great Zinc Switch
filling my warm wet mouth.
cigarette smoke hazing
my sinuses like a frat rush
and I'm desperately in need of an Advil.
let me place my coppery lips
on your bronzed skin,
Amman to Atlanta,
nails like knives and
The Book of Biology
teasing hormonal touches and hydration.
iron oxide keeps flaking off my
skin, eczema and psoriasis in rust, and
the guitars in my ears are ******* furious.
and still:
sweat and *** in the sheets, your love
lingering on my palate like a
too sour wine; you fermented and curdled
in my mouth, and
to taste you now
is agony.
time is dilating around me in ripples;
I cough until the gas in my stomach releases itself; crystal abrasive.
it's all drugs and
tinder matches these days,
****** kids...
total sunbeam, in my opinion
there's still enough for
a couple more
hits, it's still rolling,
words cloud around my head like
so much weedsmoke, Storm clouds
on the horizon of my parietal lobe
and I feel fine.
I am fine.
to the love i fell in across the ocean, i am still drowning in you. -Amman
hazem al jaber Oct 2023
My lady ...

I dreamed of you, my poet...

It was one of the most wonderful...

and beautiful dream...

with you...

and now I woke up happily...

with strong feelings...

because I made the most beautiful love...

all night...

with a great poet...

yes my sweet poet...

my lady ,...

who taught me love...

so happy i am now...

but I wasn't satisfied...

i want you for real...

in my world...

as you were with me...

in dreams...

hazem al ...

Words of Love can be powerful motivators

hazem al...

( Poet from Jordan-Amman ) ...
Hani H Ghanem Aug 2019
“Rhythm of Heart”  

Bonjour darling
My pleasure to say
“Bonjour mon amour”
or you prefer to hear
“Bonjour mon Amie”???
To be “mon Amie” …
I should release my mind!
To be “mon amour “…
I should widely open my heart!
No one can combine
both “Heart and Mind”.
Both cannot live friendly
together in one world.
I will adapt my feelings
I would adapt my heart
I would change my mind
to meet what your heart
would expect from mine.
I would Learn Spanish
I would learn Chinese
I would learn the language of your eyes
I would draw the rhythm of your heart
The impossible I would do
to fly up to your moon!!
Aiming to be close to your heart
Dreaming to share the rest of life

                                        Written by:
                                             Eng. Hani Ghanem
                                                     Amman – 30/7/2019
Kindly arrange to publish it

— The End —