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Albuna Sep 2018
It is strange,
Strange how someone can hurt you so much.
Strange how you can't sleep because of this person,
How you stay awake the entire night because you think of him.
It is strange how you suddenly want to be around him,
Or only hear his voice.
It is strange how every time when he looks deeply in your eyes your body starts to shake.
It is strange how when you think of him,
Your eyes start to shine,
Or you automatically smile like an idiot.
It is strange how your body can't move when he touches you.
Strange how you listen to every word he says.
Strange how you love it when he speaks about his passion.
Strange how you know everything about him,
But he nothing about you...
Strange how your friends say to stay away from him...
Strange how you don't listen to them,
You don't hear their warnings.
Strange how you believe everything HE says.
Strange how he doesn't want to know more about you,
And only speaks about his problems.
Strange how you help him with his problems,
Understand him,
And every time something happens, you are there for him.
You drag him out from the black hole he falls every time.
Strange how he writes with many other girls,
How he sends them hearts like he did it every time to you.
Strange how he wants pictures,
Pictures of your body.
Strange how he doesn't even ask about your problems.
Strange how his problems can't let go of you,
How you keep them inside of you,
Until they destroy you.
Strange how he called you every day,
And now he doesn't have time anymore.
Strange how you can't let go of him.
How your inside breaks when you hear his name.
How your tears you hold inside for too long,
Find their way out.
Now we don't write anymore as we once did.
We don’t meet each other anymore.
You don’t talk with me about your problems anymore.
I wish you two good luck and I hope that she doesn't break too.
Nobody has to go through this ****.
I hope that you will treat her better.
That you will listen to her.
That you will help her.
And the most important that you will LOVE her.

To the ones who fall in love with the wrong person.
Todos han muerto.
Murió doña Antonia, la ronca, que hacía pan barato en el burgo.
Murió el cura Santiago, a quien placía le saludasen los jóvenes y las mozas, respondiéndoles a todos, indistintamente: «Buenos días, José! Buenos días, María!»
Murió aquella joven rubia, Carlota, dejando un hijito de meses, que luego también murió a los ocho días de la madre.
Murió mi tía Albina, que solía cantar tiempos y modos de heredad, en tanto cosía en los corredores, para Isidora, la criada de oficio, la honrosísima mujer.
Murió un viejo tuerto, su nombre no recuerdo, pero dormía al sol de la mañana, sentado ante la puerta del hojalatero de la esquina.
Murió Rayo, el perro de mi altura, herido de un balazo de no se sabe quién.
Murió Lucas, mi cuñado en la paz de las cinturas, de quien me acuerdo cuando llueve y no hay nadie en mi experiencia.
Murió en mi revólver mi madre, en mi puño mi hermana y mi hermano en mi víscera sangrienta, los tres ligados por un género triste de tristeza, en el mes de agosto de años sucesivos.
Murió el músico Méndez, alto y muy borracho, que solfeaba en su clarinete tocatas melancólicas, a cuyo articulado se dormían las gallinas de mi barrio, mucho antes de que el sol se fuese.

Murió mi eternidad y estoy velándola.

— The End —