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TW Sep 2019
You can see a midday moon but not a midnight sun,
The planet's ******* with you til your big time comes,
I remember parents telling me to sit tight, son,
Because they knew just what would happen if this kid might run,
I'm, maladjusted and badly stunted, I'm lacking comfort,
Stuck in amber, I have to rush but I'm acupunctured,
Pins and needles are seething to see what happens under,
The skin of someone who carries burdens til backs are ruptured.
Did it ever freak you out as a kid that you could see the moon during the day?
Maggie Aug 2017
A resplendent dandelion
that tenacious gales and gardeners could not uproot
crowned with a wreath of lion's teeth
both smooth and sharp
guardians of my quintessence
flitted away and fell out
as I ate
and ate
and ate
and threw up
on food and drugs and love
to fill a restless void I'd felt since birth
a yearning
to feel in extremes
but I lost my teeth
and became a gummy grandmother
a fragile translucent globe
a clicking anaemic clock
acupunctured with eyelashes
yes the gales rip through me
but it's the whispers that melt me away
everywhere and all the time
yet I still try to float and fly far
in fear of landing in a farm
Jace Albine Mar 2021
Inside the minds eye we think to ourselves
Outside everything all at once
In life I came to understand the simplest things
In the most complex way that I could imagine

The body knows to breath
Life knows how to be
I am amongst it all
And forever

With these hands I hold the flame
An old joke dies
And in its wake
Births quietly
Acupunctured skin folds flap and flew
Ventriloquists budding
A hairy dog
Grass masked the mane of the dandelions roar
A powerful broad sweeping stroke off a solitary water painters pen
Insects burrowing in the garden
A whisper of somebody worshiping the gods that they were told to know
Easily finding meaning within a limited scope
The ****-fest of mankind
And our limited ability to perceive the entirety of it all

I do recall
The words that I’ve used

Electric flesh
I am
And so are you

And to each other

We present

Our edited lives

— The End —