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Lotus Aug 2014
Jeans rolled past my knees
Sleeves cut short to a v
Hair tied with elastic rubber band.
Already from shifting position
Three splinters and one rusty needle have pricked my soles.
Here on the bleachers at Pioneer Park,
That's what you become.
A splinter of wood amidst a haystack of action.
There's that group of thirty plus playing frisbee on the grassy flats, and
That group of acro yogi's you were supposed to join.
I'd rather sit here on these prickly bleachers and
Be a splinter of wood, with the sun shining and the cloudy sky drizzling,
Then go down below and be a social butterfly.
I've been that all day, now all I need is to get rained on, feel the wet,
Be a splinter of wood on the bleachers.
EM Aug 2014
j'ai envie de toi d'une façon que tu ne pourra jamais comprendre, comme tu n'as jamais su me comprendre moi
je t'aime d'une force tel celle que je n'ai pas pu accumuler pour te quitter.
tu me manque d'une intensité semblable a celle dont mon coeur bat a chaque fois que pose les yeux sur toi.
je veux t'oublier autant que j'ai besoin de toi.
c'est juste difficile de t'aimer, difficile.. difficile! j'ai enfin trouver les mots parfaits pour expliquer notre relation: difficile, compliquer et presque impossible, mais pourtant rien ni personne peut me rendre plus heureuse ..ou malheureuse. toi et moi on n'est tellement differents, on voit rarement les choses du même perspective, et chaqu'un veux des choses differentes et a d'autres plans que l'autre, ça m'irrite des fois mais c'est aussi une des choses que j'adore chez toi, après tout n'est ce pas que deux opposés s'attirent? mais il y a autant de choses que j'aime chez toi que de choses qui me rendent folle, ces choses ce n'est que dernièrement que j'ai commencer a les remarquer, comme ton insensibilité, ton egoïsme, ta malhonnêteté, et ton inconsideration envers moi, enfaite touts ces défauts tu ne les as qu'avec moi, tellement que des fois
je penses que tu fais certaines choses juste pour me faire mal et si c'est réelement le cas je voudrais te félicité car encore une fois tu as réussis ta quête et eu ce que tu voulais. je me demande tout le temps pourquoi j'insiste a restée a tes côtés et enduré ta crualité envers moi mais je ne trouve jamais de répense apart "parce que je l'aime" mais est-ce suffisant? j'y peux rien, je n'arrive pas a t'oublier, je me suis trop attachée a toi, tu ne peux juste pas imaginé a quel point je t'adore, c'est juste inexpressif j'admets aussi que je ne VEUX pas te laisser partir.. mais ce n'est pas de ma faute, tu a trop bien su comment me pièger et te jouer de moi pour me rendre carrément et complétement acro a toi, et maintenant je suis coincé dans ce piége, ce trou noir qu'est l'amour irréciproque
M Jan 2017
I was going to write a poem

   about how I stood on the corner after
   work, gripping a squishy handlebar with
   my left hand and holding K’s flip phone
   in the other.

My stomach flip-flopped across JFK blvd, down 20th street, and to that little alleyway where I stood alone for a while.

An old lady stared at me...

   did I trigger a happy memory of her
   or was she just smirking at the beads of
   sweat on my forehead and disintegrating
   soles of my ballet flats?
   My black dress slouched over my body
   like I was going to a  funeral.

And even though my acro class was yesterday, I still felt upside down. There’s no way I could stay in a handstand that long, but I would’ve done it if it gave me a different explanation for why I was so sick.

Inside of me were those cropping rainbow scribbles that I used to make on Paint, you know, the ones that seemed like they could create a picture but ended up turning into shaking lines?

I could feel the lack of your presence, I could FEEL your not being there. As the minutes passed and I kept standing and waiting my face drooped and it was hard not to cry right there on the spot.

It was just past lunchtime but there was still a steady flow of businessmen filling the sidewalk.
   They glanced at me but I just looked
   away because they were my father's age
   and gave me familiar half-smiles.

I said that I was going to write a poem because I didn't have enough energy to do anything but list words,
but I guess this just turned into a ******
From the dark side of the occipital ... galloping come my kind and jubilant comrades, they have been jumping and cutting the atmospheres of physical reality, after cooking my belly and my heart from stubborn wounds of unstoppable wars scary wounded slices.
Very close and dry from the dark side 3 and a half turns comes the cataract wart to the iniquity of its juice over the millions of Centilenials Writing Experiences.

On the white side of the occipital, 3 network crosses intersect with Playright Playwright, towards the hurried signs of the Writer beyond its spectrum. The soberest fear stained with bravery prosapia comes out.

 Metaphysical transfer, a capricious platform of insomniac spirit, walks 300 centuries with its feet dolled up and accommodating its semi-inclined crown sharp on its chipped shoulder of melted marble of Carrara ruin.

Preliminary Empty Transfer

Algorithm Cm, has been debating the hills like the chin of ***** maidens kneeling their outrageous non-eager emotions, neither brief as the fear frightened of releasing the beautiful vibra of the occipital color of the brave piano breaking the 300 imaginary ears of the emotion algorithm without piano of inharmonic skeptic cadaverous.

2nd transfer Preliminary Vacuum

Etrestles looks back at the Altamira wart caryatid cataract ... sees a serpentine hummingbird imbued with its sclera and grazes its feathers and the feathers ...

Later he leans to his ghostly cauliflower spectrum and returns to cross this threshold again, holding feathers in his hands saying: Since 300 centuries I have been navigating the aerial CO2 aerial ditches of the filthy world and now my brother Calamorous cauliflower prosaic ship in front of my eyes telling me If I had a brother like you, I would say come with me to cut wounded airs that I have to slice only in you lodged in the Cm Algorithm of the imagination, dietary anemia udder Holy atmosphere of the archbishop of Calixto and Calipsian blood.
When breaking the chalky limestone capita of its dimension, we will visit in this World Messiah Cauliflower. Brother of Picaflor, nodding his role Saveforest and Savespirit fraternal degeneration SOS.

3rd transverse transfer No Vacuum.
The mischievous eyes of cauliflower flying have to compensate for the world of the Cerebellum that betrays us,
That we have to be preset of spring countryside Tina Moldy.
Holy water in the jaws of ******* incense almost acunpunturial.
About living and surviving, of revenge and revenge ...
From Jutland the sour jerjel that shook the great extreme acro of the heraldic court for gathering thousands of restless spirits vitrineating with their hands as gamers, alpha play stationed of the severed but Sane Stoic Hamlet.

to be Continued
under to be a building experimental poetry.
Zoe Mae Sep 2021
Jays practice ballet
Nuthatch master acro dance
Doves do the Charleston
The performance at my feeder.
mike dm May 2016
acro in the park
at the local farmer's market
energy, again
My Abandonment Issues cordially invite your Abandonment Issues to usurp their lack-of-****-togetherness with a fusion of festivities!

What: A.I. Fusion Fest
Where: Sunny Padded Land
When: Now - You Can Never Leave

Activities Include:

- Acro Yoga
- Tandem Biking
- Graffiti Affirmation Wall
- Cuddle Puddle Grotto
- Synchronized Trust-Falls
- Sock Puppet Heart-to-Hearts
- Fear Archery w/ Custom Targets

Don’t miss the main event!

Three-Legged Race

Utilizing all the greatest affixing technologies (including, but not limited to: rope, Duct Tape, Super Glue, Gorilla Glue, wet cement, bungees, resistance bands and all variety of *******), the race will begin by the Fountain of Unknowns, ascend over Mount Paranoiac and finish down in the Valley of Chillax AF, where there will be infinite punch and pie.

No need to RSVP. You’re coming.

Northwest of Athens, once lost in the polis of religiosity and pagan worship, Lochnith followed the shoulder to find her on the cliffs of the Acropolis, where they had lost each other, after two thousand years since Theodosius would repeal by decree the Eleusinian rituals. Of rejection and unprecedented glimpse, Aerse was reclusive in her excessive desire to eliminate herself, being for both an unreality because he had possessed her by the neck devoid of the omphalos, causing the avalanche of their bodies and souls towards where they would supposedly perch on him. divine and Dionysian eschatological path leading to the Diokitís of Vernarth, supposedly going to the derivation of a catastrophe in existential decline but immortal Vernarthian, being a rhythmic hemlock with his Aquenio, who carried him from his right chest, for any pretense of being triggered to the encounter of Persephone, without her or he knowing why Eleusinus festering with Lochnith and Aerse as a single concentric whole in quantum beings of the dodecahedron and octagonal by straight or transversal line, which slipped away in the hypotenuse where the serpents were implicitly conceived, leading to relapses when they went to Aerse and wound up in his Hypomorphic spelling and Magna Mater conclave Mistérica, under the organizational power of his ministerial redemptive slogan and bordering on the intricacies that arose in sub-genres of himself procreating exultation in Vernarth's analogues, which were prolonged in eschatological purges and disagreements of the cult objective that must twist from the gender womb, but in magnetism of positive polarization and in a plethora of tendency that would eternalize after the cessation of assets decreed by Theodosius.

Aerse eminently half-dead with Vernarth, was after the compromise of repolarizing what was semi-human splendid into semi-gods from a bi-gender, which coalesced in a retrograde regenerative cult, to achieve reflorals in all the springs of the world, where they could be seen with Persephone in a Finnis that distanced himself from the ultra-earthly towards a dowry of profusion and disproportionate wealth, but not categorized as a mystery, rather as an unknown of a super method when poking the lanterns where no luminescent reflection of Aerse could be found by Lochnith, after getting lost in the polychrome figures of the acrotera, lying in the watery nitrosities of their rift and steepness of the acro cliff.

Biotics will influence Systematic Eleusis, of supernaturalness for all hydrogenated active elements, as prebiotics of the unknown remnants of the great sepulcher of humanity, where the true hecatomb of July has to be raised and a hundred oxen arranged in the new beings of the transitional oasis. The meager will of the annals will multiply in millennia of obscurantism, leading Lochnith towards a late, but exciting management of harassing in the search for Aerse, in a clear exo-mystery, already in the jaws of a night shouted by the reefs of Demeter for those who know about Persephone...?, even though it is an inventive fallacy of the addicted spirit in the correlation of rite and lineage. Every night that he convalesces, he will look insomniac in the servile promise of divinity in a visage that is undressed in his winepress and the festival of Boedromion, towards the born corporal position of a hierophant who dies from this mold and in which he does not renew Boedromion himself.

The iconography of Aerse was reflected in majolica transfused in the Eleusinian streams when Aerse was seen walking from afar floating in the meadows of the knoll, where he set himself up as cryptography of the lost cycle of the cliff when he separated from Lochnith, being able to expose his treachery mythologically and truly transcending epic, relating to the treaty between Zeus, Hades, and Demeter, for the rescue of Persephone, and after being dented on the beginning of the arcane that arose from that amorphous symptomatology. Aerse carried the stripped-down serpents still on her body as if a divine wind had to seek her out so that they would come out by themselves and unguarded, through lost eyes and secret testimonies resting from anarchy from where there is and will not be an Archon or governor, who in rapt trouble improvise a second after the third parties that cause amazement to see you in a process that could not have it of cursed detection.

Aerse, beginning as a Canephore intruder, came to meet her Adonis Lochnith, after the excesses of the self-inferred hypotheses by following him at the command of the gnosis consciousness in her detailing the Kikeon that made her psychotropic ally pale, from the closure of mineral light that was devoured by the numinous portent of the Mashiach, in the presence of herself on dominical or relative to the numen manifesting in eternal powers, before the numinous presence in the hieratic, from a man who looked at her fatherly or in the crass profile of Damien Hessiano, plotting in colossal and fascinating stealth. Here she surrounds him but does not come close and falls out of love, as a dilemma and granting herself an initiation towards a portal of twelve lunar months in Eleusis, for cyclical years and births where they bounce back to meet in the childhood of pre-pubescent that made them known as Aerse and Lochnitt. Here in the greatest trance of life in both beginning, it surpassed all the twists of the gestated penumbra that separated them by shaking of pain and confusion, still being divergent remains of leftover and uncooked serpents of the escarpment of the acropolis, until a meeting of the astonishing divine fire, and libertarian in two martyrs' tenderness that is purely re-propelling them back towards a new end, and muddy shine in a found paradise where the sea unfolds by masculine conscience, and pious is ratified in each flash of a striate, and of rediscovered calculometry in pairs of loves divided by the pendulum of the one who will only unmask the one who drives him away in his dominant ******, and in the misguided space of hieratic seducing in molecules of celestial structures, and urban public and private lawsuits that have never been crude, nor in ablution of simile sacraments of pagan gods, nor everywhere or whatever their dismembered remains parading I know through the creeks of Cefiso.
Lochnith Gleam II

— The End —