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Tessellate Jun 2013
She abides in her circular chamber,
prophet to the oracular God.

Perched delicately a top a three-legged mount,
engulfed in a haze,
an hallucinogenic cloak.
A mystic figure,
clutching branches of laurel in her Delphian hands,
a bronze bowl of water cradled consciously in her lap.

Her hair as dark as the fates she acquaints.
A cape of red flows like the blood
of those who perished from her
manic counsels.

Aberration is evident in her dazed eyes.
At times her body thrashes
with apparent anger and confusion.
Her limbs then go limp.
A painted smile bleeding across her face,
delirium manifested.

A warning set in stone:
“Know thy self.”
Pay no attention to the opinion of the masses:
advice to be heeded.

The hollow-horned shivers
from head to hoof.
Sacrificed for knowledge of the future
yet unknown.

Her hysterical beauty sanctions
the nonsensical prophecies.

“My wife is with child,
if I contend with the enemy,
will I return to my family?”

She stares into the water,
her face distorted,
for the reflection she sees is not her own.

"You will go,
you will return,
not in the battle you will perish."
Her red cape became
more prominent in colour.
Her ambiguity brought a child
into the world
without a father.

"You will go,
you will return not,
in the battle you will perish."
the Greek Oracle at Delphi
redinblue Nov 2016
in the limitless manifestations of
His bountiless mercy is the gift of two precious, precious, women
in my life;
Safiyyah, my mama and
Rahmah, my grandma.

there is nothing more i could ask from Him,
when He completes every moment of my life
with the blessing of these two ladies.
Safiyyah, the pure one, Rahmah, the kind, merciful one.

and He acquaints me the understanding of a love,
utterly unconditioned
and true
of the purest within the innermost
manifest within their smiles.

the Prophet, peace be upon him, said;
"Paradise is at the two feet of your mother."
Denis Martindale May 2018
To think, Man gets attracted to the mundane things of life...
The daily tasks that we must do... that sometimes cause us strife!
The constant grind that hurts each heart determined to stay free...
The nagging doubts that won't depart... the pains of poverty!
Yet this I know, for I've survived... and thus each challenge met...
There's holy joy I've still derived... despite times of regret!
I've put aside the foolish things... like playing games and such...
I've cast out what each sadness brings... I've given up so much!
I've simplified this life of mine... that others I might bless...
I've searched out truths that prove divine that grant me happiness!

I've trusted God and Jesus, too... without them, I'd be lost...
Amazing grace has brought me through... despite the awesome cost!
Because I know Christ died to save each sinner He could reach...
Yet most of all, their sins to waive! So that they, too, could preach!
Christ's Blood has proved the miracle... and that's why He's adored...
That's why I share Good News with all... then share the risen Lord!
How long we've left I fear to tell... for soon Christ will return...
And this, God's angels know full well... yet let us, too, discern!
When Jesus comes, dear precious saints, our present lives are done...
It's then each one of us acquaints ourselves with Christ, God's Son!

Denis Martindale March 2018.
Prince Ikpesu Feb 2020
The pride and beauty of all days
In your innocent and unadulterated eyes
I have seen the age and immortality of the sun and the moon.

The incomparable blast of your unabated smile
Acquaints my heart with an acquiescing admiration
Indeed your beauty is priceless and devoid of sentiment.
Noura Mar 2022
my life began at 23,

I was used to parting seas
nail and tooth, knuckles bruised
a battle of wills, mine was fraught with distrust
all that I need, my one and only muse
brought my tattered soul to the fountain of youth
emotions I cannot speak of without wells of tears streaming down my face
made the pits I disdain my home
the comfort of familiarity brushing away remnants of passion
and it is often when you become accustomed to pain that life acquaints you with joy
my joy, the force that shakes me and grounds me
all that I am, and ever will be is someone made for loving you
my life began, the day our eyes met
the day words were exchanged
loving glances
softly hidden smiles
knowing chuckles
the day the world ceased to turn, for as long as our kiss lasted
all I was before you was shattered, I am utterly yours
devoted to the loving cause of loving you
my life began at 23, when the universe brought you to me
my life began the day our hands met and our smiles merged
the day we became one
the day the world began
was when I was brought to you

— The End —