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Roger Vila Feb 2018
We were all by nature formed
But nature moves with glacial tread
Yawning aeons pass unmourned
Alive a day, a long time dead.
The fly that's in the amber buzzing
The same as every fly that's been.

Our speech we learned at mothers knee
By firelight heard the old folks tales
Misremembering monkeys see
Common sense and myth engrailed.

To read and write was the next phase
Learning all there was to know
History and our songs of praise
Placed in context high and low.

Then to science we were called
Prisms rainbowed onto walls
Scalpels sharp the quick to cut
Forces to our wish construct.

Now in each and every hand
All that's known is open wide
On giant shoulders do we stand
Speak in tongues - no answers hide.
Outer space or fermion dish
Take a selfie, make a wish.

Rejoice now and grandly grow
Proudly accelerando.
Great from cultural evolution
Creatures of our own creation.

the strings
of a viola,
I am

like an



te-- le--

so fa me re do--;


a marble

a piano's
keys, my
pulse, with



pitch, pitch

now, now

now now now

(c) KEP 2012
shall i even say it?
Xander Duncan Sep 2014
Despite people constantly explainings music theory
I’ve never quite grasped the concept
Of different keys.
Because to me
Something would feel sharp and
Fall flat but
Be all too natural to you

And I had difficulty trying to articulate what I meant to say
Because we had such an interesting dynamic
And dissonance is positive when done correctly,

Constantly, you played chords on my heart strings
Like the threads wound tightly against the pegs on your guitar.
But never gently
Rarely slow
With some fascinating sort of
But not always the kind that I understood

And despite believing that your interest was genuine
I sometimes wondered if you got as much of a rush from
Holding the curves of that wooden body close to you
As you did from thriving on the attention that you got
When people saw that you had the skill
To manipulate something ordinary into something unique.

And I’ll admit
It got into my head
And caused me to fret

Refraining from over-analysis
Has never been my forte.
But somehow we always managed to bridge the gap
That our differences created
And accented the qualities that really made us harmonious.

Hoping you would not hesitate to
Pick me and
Bend me and
Guard me and
Let the notes ring loud and frenzied and
Place your hands
Along my neck
To let me be the fine-tuned
Of your affection.

With lungs andante
And a heartbeat accelerando
I’d leave it up to you to conduct
A tempo.
While the melody lead us
In an entanglement of musical phrases and lyrical nonsense
That all came together.

I suppose.

But don’t ask me why,
I never understood music theory
I just know what I like to hear.
An old poem reworded to be past tense
Ben Nov 2012
two minds in sync
two hearts beat
Stephanie Little Dec 2013
she starts out her dance
with the blanket wrapped
around her body
slow and even
she turns in her sleep
to an unheard rhythm
until the night gets thicker
and her dance hits
an accelerando
one arm dangled above her
hitting the headboard
in time with the music
her other hand searches
all the pillow's crevices
for a cooler side
folding it
turning it
bringing it to her side
the dance slows down again
with her foot hanging out
of the covers
and off the bed
when the sun finds her tango
it goes to a crescendo
the girl turns and turns
spinning faster
like a ballerina
her partner struggles to
hang on
clinging gravely to her skin
eyes almost open
she sits up and falls over
lies on her back
and dances again
noon, when the music ends
and the dance is over
Katie Tanji Jun 2014
Music is so much more
Than just rhythms on a page because
I can hear the bass in someone's chest
Or jazz in their laughter
And I can find music
In the way people's voices rise and fall
Or the sound of their lungs
The low trill that comes from the smugness in someone's voice
Or the fast strings of someone panicking
Some people sound like a piano, smooth and quiet
While others sound like the thunder of the brass,
Unable to be missed, but capable of tender moments
Because no one is less than an orchestrated piece
No one notices the subtle parts at first,
Like the vibrato in the solo of their thoughts
Or the sudden accelerando of passion and arguments
The forte pianos of being tired of fighting
Or the single flute of absolute euphoria
But when you return again and again
You fall in love with the way
Words seem to rise from their feet and wash over you like fog,
like a bassoon
Or the quickly improvised comments that fills you with a sense of warmth and safety  
play with the strings of your heart like a saxophone
Because nothing compares to noticing the people
Who are made up of nothing else but music
Nienke Nov 2015
quiero pensar en español otra vez
hablar con una persona nueva
esta persona de mi mente
quien he cambiado
está cambiando
cada día
mi vida
siento que va muy rápido
a veces siento como dos
accelerando los pasos
a la mente formada
según ella
mi vida
The bass fades in, nice and slow,
fading out again for a moment of silence.
The flash of a flute in the distance,
a slow cymbal shaking into existence,
cellos driving out a deep and quiet rhythm.
The tin whistles of frightened seabirds
fly for shelter from the rising and falling
of bassoons floating in the dark sky.
The conductor unleashes a mighty roar
from his orchestra and gone again,
the violins with their staccato
carrying on for a bit longer
before the orchestra erupts again,
playing a few more notes than before,
the oboes constantly playing.
Drumsticks beat down steadily
on a cymbal held in a gloved hand,
rising up in crescendo and accelerando,
harder and faster they fall,
harder and faster they strike,
the orchestra blares again
as we in the wings start to get unnerved
but the storm has used all its power,
the players are tired tonight
and all that is left
is the tambourine man
shaking his hand as he walks off stage.
Matthew Jan 2019
We were as radiant as the moon that shined in our eyes
Because we were back to those days laughing in its light
A nameless, hopeless choir reminiscent of the moments of adagio
The ceaseless winds that we transcribed into a language all could understand
Never knowing we were writing nocturnes of our own beauty
But it brought me to that moment when the moon failed to shine
That’s when the chorus began.
To remind of the grave, and the lost
The accelerando of the sun
To beat down our fatuous darkness
The bluest skies
To block out the romantic music that had given me my soul
Yet stole yours
As I eagerly watch the sun set it’s greedy gold body down the horizon I hear a cadence
But it’s sly and deceptive
Now the sun rising as if the night had passed my love
Stealing or shielding me from that reprise
To live in this purgatory of repeats.
Islam Marzouk Dec 2018
Memories held between the lines of scores,
Cold chills to the core, music's open doors.
Laughs at guitar lessons, moments that implore,
Keenness to times when music filled my essence, a love to explore.

Walls resonating with my presence,
Playing music, an obsession, a lifelong essence.
Drumming jamming sessions, a rhythmic coalescence,
Piano surrendering to accelerando progression.

First show-off to the crush,
Few chords and a wink, making her blush.
A look that can't grasp enough,
Beats on, lights off, into the black hush.

Shut your eyes, turn on music, teleporting back,
Feel warmth in your heart, a familiar track.
Sync heartbeats to the song, a connection intact,
Hold your breath, stay in, before it all goes slack.

— The End —