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Leal Knowone Feb 2015
THIS IS GOING TO BE A WORK COMPOSED BY ALL OF US. POETRY CAN BRING US TOGETHER. Comment the next lyric and I will post it with your name in parentheses.

Here I sit in this bitter cold(L.K.)
whispering sweet nothings to the moon, for the night will cease into existence and dawn shall be upon us soon. (aesha nisar)
Enwrought with silver light and dark cloths of night(Abhay Chopra)

There she plays in a twisted mind
bombarded with such torturous remarks, and a dark witty retort  
don't fall victim to the spoon
once again observe the phoenix taking flight (L.K.)

Here I sit in the bitter cold,
Watching the sunshine fold,
Down beyond the horizon,
Along with it's shimmering gold(Arlen)
were I wept no one knows
Beautiful sunset pink, and yellow
even in the bitter cold
light shines in the darkest soul (L.K.)

for this is the place to be? I'm told
Shall I add a line, should I be so bold?
Or just sit here alone in the bitter cold(Terence James Potter)
alone in the bitter cold (L.K.)

There she plays in a twisted mind(L.K.)
whispering sweet nothings to the moon, for the night will cease into(aesha nisar)
broken womb destined to the tomb
Enwrought with silver light and dark cloths of night(Abhay Chopra)

As the paint peels off the moss ridden eaves
Watching The violent clouds sailing by(Nirali Shah)
just like the passing of the autumn leaves
moving your puppet strings, so sly(L.K.)

I'm not sure what to fill so I'll sit by this window sill(Chimera)
looking at the ****** of crows, and their fresh ****
sitting here solemn, and every so very still
do what thou wilt, let that be your will(L.K)

And the daylight still creeps coldly across the floor(Evelyn Ash)
wretched images of decaying bodies there like zombies
laying on cold steal floors, what is human anymore
even in the wretchedness I will endure (L.K.)

writing words on someone's soul(Cristina)
The one who stole mine, I've been told(Michael Wysocki)
I put my own name in parentheses(Joshua Amos Graff / J.M.G.)
so no one truly knows me(L.K.)

dysfunctional pull grasping the life out of me(patty m)
as I am chocking, hoping I begin to breath(L.K.)
with coffee stained teeth chattering and frosted skin vibrating( J.M.G)
I can't understand what you prophets are saying(L.K.)

Remembering the past of a life untold(Brandon K Stephenson)
Watching darkness as it takes a hold(L.K.)
This darkness has got a hold of me(Jaishree Kumar)
Remember that life will set you free(L.K.)
Sorry it took so long to get back to this, been busy with 3 bands and **** around the house. thank you everybody for participating. I do find this stuff fun
Pragya GAur Jul 2017
I wish we tie until we die.
Even after death we become ghosts and tie,
I wish even after death we tie.
Those memories together I wish they don't die,
I wish we tie until we die.
Kinshuk,Kartik,Ansh, Rajat, Abhay,Amit,Sahil,Yuvraj,
My brothers I wish we make the strongest bond.
I wish we tie until we die.
Time would pass but memories don't die,
I wish we die until we die.
Lunch during lectures,gossip while teachers teaching, punishment altogether, those morning assemblies.
I wish those memories remain after times flies.
I wish we tie until we die.
Akash and Tanmay of our class are smarties
They solve our fights and our the entertainers.
Deepakshi,Mahima,Kanishka thanks for this adorable friendship of yours.
Siddhi our fights big or small I am sorry for all.
Your friendship gave me many memories thanks for all.
Shivi your caring nature gave me to learn a lot,
Shruti in class I really miss you a lot.
Kshma I love your company sis,
And you will be very successful one day I know this.
Shreya you are a great companion
And a great chatter box.
I love your company a lot.
Kinshuk Amit your are the best brother I got,
and I really love you a lot.
Yuvi Rajat Abhay brothers thanks for the support I got,
And i really appreciate it a lot.
Kartik,Ansh in class you are really missed a lot,
Brothers I really love you a lot.
Thanks for this adorable friendship you all,
I really love it a lot.
I wish we tie until we die
A poem for my dearest friends who made school life wonderful
Abhay Chopra Dec 2014
Deep within,
lies a green home of depth...

With each step of learning,
I see these stones get wet...

Fully loaded I stand,
Firmly holding my empty gun...

Even if given a choice,
To a beautiful place I shall never run...

Staring long enough,
Blurred regions remain blurred...

Her unsaid words sliced me,
Cut open my unaffected world...

Gazing into the eyes,
Of unbelievable, unattainable beauty...

I gifted myself the prize.
The search for an illusion free cosmic duty...

From where shall we begin,
To where will this journey end,

No one here, can tell you...

What are you to loose,
To experience that 'gain',

You're here, to tell you...

For the keepers of knowledge,
The ones holding the truth...

Believe in guiding by distancing us from them.

We have to travel to the stars.
And then some more.

Till the edge of the universe is met...
Then start knocking on every alien door...

The ones that answer,
need to be ignored.

For God, we know...

He has a reputation to maintain...

Travelling till the edge of the universe won't cut it...
We need to work hard.

For what we expect to gain,
Is already achieved...

The winner is one,
Who'd want none of it at all...

You see, God just wants someone to love him back...

I've travelled the cosmos,
But didn't need to, for understanding this simple fact.

I love you.

And you love me.

Let's just keep it at that.

- Abhay Chopra
Abhay Chopra Dec 2014
You want us to be close,
We stand closer.

You intended to fill our hearts,
It's now filled with prayers.

Thoughts so powerful,
We manufacture only the good one.

Our journey is long..
And thus, a beautiful one..

We put in efforts,
We label meaning to life.

What the few understand,
This forthcoming second, leaks with the true essence of Space and Time.

One day, we shall all be divine....

Ripped till our True Self is revealed!

The Creator !
I see her try hard to resist a smile....

I see her smile....

I see her smile....

- Abhay Chopra

— The End —