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Danielle Rose
Fall River    My perspective is my greatest enemy and my only ally.The goal is freedom,freedom from the past and the things I can not change.Half the time ...
Ann M Johnson
Minnesota ( A Small Pop?)    All poems original Copyright of Ann M Johnson, unless otherwise noted 2013-2021. I love writing and reading poetry I also enjoying singing. I also appreciate ...
Miss Havisham
Texas    "Bluntness is a virtue." -Allison Ling
Amanda In Scarlet
London, UK    I love that moment of connection and the lump in your throat when you find a really special poem. And I've read many, many special ...
Once An Angel
Grounded    Maybe the reason why even Angels Turn bad Is cause They've been good for too long.
Jaymi Swift
America    I know I am simple, in verse and in rhyme, but it comes from my heart, so please be kind.
Maybe just an extraordinary girl, living in an ordinary world.
If only I was something Or someone profound. Here I am a silly teenager, Apathy and immaturity pinning me to the ground.
Andy Cave
27/M/Hillsboro, Oregon   

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