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I awake to a rustle of leaves.
I find that I've my potential,
And I'm embarrassed to ask you
If I have grown past you.

Well I can spread seeds at the flick of my wrist
And I convert sunlight to sustenance-
Don't really need you...
Find your own soil to feed you.

With that
I uproot,
And I take the squirrel's nests with me.
It's hard to pull both feet out the grave, but
I've still got the stars to uplift me.
I've still got the stars...
They've still got my heart...

If I
**** well
And I want to.
Please carve your initials
Before you leave.
I tried to tell you, that
Simple as this.
But you
All up in the
Webs the spiders weave
Between my arms...
My arms,
My arms,
My arms.

A crack and a tumbling of dirt,
You know dragging roots are so clumsy.
Don't touch me as I'm shambling past her,
This is
Something that I'd like to master.
My blue birds shake off as I move,
Slowly they're warming back up to me.
I think they're getting used to the motion,
I should
Stay steady, serve their devotion.

If I
**** well
And I want to.
Please carve your initials
Before you leave.
I tried to tell you, that
Simple as this.
But you
All up in the
Webs the spiders weave
Between my arms...
My arms,
My arms,
My arms.
This is a song, not a poem, but I lost the chords to it, so it's now a poem, not a song.
I want you to twinge.
I want you to shake.
I want you to spin
in your grave
as fast as you can.
Please believe,
please believe:
I want you secure,
I don't want you safe.

So get off your ***,
I want you alert.
I'll feed you some meaning
if you're willing to work.
Don't put up a fuss,
put up a fight.
They'll have to take me out
feet first
if they plan to take me
Spark up your eyes.
Blow out the lights.

Count yourself in.
Count it all down.
Drop all the dice.
Just walk away.
Find a new path,
run to it's end.
Do it so the story feels better to say.
Then flag down a star,
ask if I'm wrong, ask if I'm wrong.
It'll give you no answer, the same as this song

So get off your ***,
I want you alert.
I'll feed you some meaning
if you're willing to work.
Don't put up a fuss,
put up a fight.
They'll have to take me out
feet first
if they plan to take me
Spark up your eyes.
Blow out the lights.
A song I wrote years ago. The rhymes aren't great, but it's fun to sing.
 May 2015 William Lodge
JR Potts
We were misfits
the neglected *******
of a backwards world
that rejected us
not because we were sick
demented or dangerous
but because we didn't prescribe
to a preconceived notion
of what a functioning citizen was.

Not rotten enough to spoil
behind the bars of a prison
just competent enough
to work menial jobs
and drown our sorrows
at the corner pub.

We swallowed this hard truth
the same way we drank our shots
with no chaser
and at times it burnt
maybe even made us tear up
but we never let it beat us
(too strong for that)

We were beautiful
resilient beasts
that could carry the weight
of the world upon our shoulders
and it was heavy
but we would tell ourselves
"doesn't every world need an atlas?"
so we went on holding up the sky
when no one asked it of us.
i like to draw with silver
tracing lines of red and
creating brilliant drops
of scarlet paint
and scarlet pain
on a pale canvas
halfway between hell and home

wrote this over a year ago and just now found it again.
 Apr 2015 William Lodge
Zach E S
This weather has brought me to you.
We have swayed like trees in this weather
Closer than ever.
Sometimes further away.
I remember your heart on that day.
It's nearly a year.
And the weather is holding.

— The End —