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Creep Jul 2014
In the beginning, she was nothing, an it to everyone. Wasn’t worth insulting or complimenting. Black hair. Black Clothes. Black eyes. Black everything. But when she noticed im, she also noticed herself. She never had a care about herself before, and now look at her, the cute girl with pink and a tingling personality and flame. At first, it was only small changes. Switch out black combat boots for black converses. Start wearing less black eyeliner, added some dangling earrings. No one noticed yet. She tried harder. Took off her dog collar and choker. Replaced it with something a normal girl would wear, a heart necklace. A few glances tossed carelessly, lazily her way. Black pants to a pink miniskirt. Outright stares this time. Bangs cut and dye her hair blond. Rumors started, gossip exchanged like the racing pulse in her wrist. She knew she was changing, but she craved the attention; for once people could see how great she was underneath everything; they would give her a chance when she changed her appearance to their liking. She swiped on sparkly lip-gloss and tossed her band shirts for spaghetti straps, midriffs, and **** bras to show off. She threw the last of her away and he finally noticed, once she changed everything.
“Hey, babe. I never noticed you before. Are you a new student?” he asked with an unmistakable hidden meaning and looked her up and down with a greedy look. He slipped his hand over her **** and grabbed it. She backed away slowly, like he was an animal, which he was. He stepped closer. She was at a wall. He hastily reached his hand out to her ****; she could feel his rapid raspy breath on hers right before he shoved his tongue in her mouth, feeling her up. She gasped, thinking isn’t this what she wanted? She blinked and punched him in the nose.
“Ow! What the **** was that for *****?!” he yelled at her all while clutching his nose. She slowly began to walk away backwards, watching him. People around her barely noticed her dismay, but those who did did nothing to help her. They whispered, some even yelled or bluntly said things, not hiding their harsh venom words.
“******* *****.”
“Such a total ****. I knew it all along.”
“I heard she’s ******* the whole football team.”
“She just came and already she’s sexing Matthew up?”
“Who does this ***** think she is going around practically naked trying to ***** everyone right then and there?”
She kept backing away as their words surrounded her and crowded her and finally drowned her.

She didn’t come back to school until two weeks later. She arrived in black to her own funeral. Everyone sneered and leered at her. Rumors were spread; biting words were thrown like confetti. Each little thing took a chunk of her away. Matthew didn’t even recognize her.
She was gone the next day.
No one cared.
The corpse lay left behind to rot in the small apartment.

It was weeks later when neighbors began to complain about a strange smell coming from the apartment did the police come. By now it was too late. Her corpse was a reminder to those that pain will always come and find you no matter what.


After her actual funeral that no one who actually genuinely cared about her attended, a multitude of people left to go home.  Some were only trying to clear their guilt for not helping her. Others just wanted everyone else to think they cared when really they didn’t give a ****. Death tends to bring the fakers out. In the end, still no one actually, really cared about her. No one looked through her diary to see why she hung herself, no one remembered.
After a week, it was old news, and she was forgotten again.


So you see? It’s an endless cycle. Things maybe good right now, but those who are willing to gamble their current state for a better state usually end up worse. They are hurt and are never the same again.
just trying something out... kinda proud of the story, wrote it late last night (midnight) just some random ramblings and a story begging to come out.
Creep May 2017
You were so fleeting,
I couldn't get enough of you ever.
I ate you up,
swallowed you whole,
and when you had enough,
all that taking and taking
never able to give you enough
you were done.
i miss you

by childish gambino
Creep Aug 2014
Don't tell me you're grounded
That excuse won't fly this time.

Will you please stop leaving me?
You told me you would
Never abandon me,
I've had too much abandonment,
But yet you just did.
Thanks for nothing.
For you vinnie! *glare* I miss u lots.... Ughhhh y
Creep Jan 2015
Was I really worth it?
All the drama,
All the tears?

Cause you seem genuinely happy
Now that you have let me go.
No its not meant for anyone.again I love writibg depressing poetry even if it has nothing to do with me so don't worry bout me ^^"

Kanye west, pusha t, 2 chainz
Creep Jan 2015
I want to write you so many things,
but whatever I write doesn't ever seem enough.
nothing i write is ever good enough to compare to you.

dream lover
by bobby darin
Creep Feb 2015
Close your eyes too tight,
you see nothing.

Close them halfway,
too little is seen.

Open them a little too large,
too much light and your eyes will hurt,

Open them so large your eyeballs pop out,
and you see nothing.

Only when opened at a casual look,
open just enough,
will you see what needs to be seen.

Do not wish to see more than what is given to you.
Maybe was meant to not be seen.
idk. random. not related (ish)

when you were young
by the killers
Creep Jan 2015
Haha well okay, so I have this thing for fairy tales, and I love reading them. Sooooooooo cause I'm selfish ;) I want you guys to write a fairy tale. It can be based on something real or fake, but this is open to all interpretations, from old fairy tale cliches and writing styles, to a more modern take on it. Prose is good, but poetry is okay as well ^^ Tag it as #fairytalechallenge. Feel free to message me with questions, and to have fun with it, there are no boundaries!
Good luck and have fun! :D
pwetty pwease do dis challenge for meh? :3 cx
Creep Mar 2015
We were all together once.
A wall of friends, ready to help each other
to slay and protect.
The Fab Five/The Passionate Pentagon...
The Dark Side.
What happened to us?
What we once were,
we are no more,
and we look back at the Dark Side
like the same way we reminisce old memories-
but we are not old memories.
We will always be the Fab Five,
The Dark Side.
We are tied together
by bonds unseen but there.

But yet we are all reaching out,
stretching our flimsy arms to everyone around us
people who never were a part of us,
longing to be held and heard-
to not be forgotten.

There is no need for that.
I promise you,
you are not forgotten, and never will be.
So maybe...maybe let's try again, eh?
Let's get the old gang together
remember we exist to each other,
take away all the walls built up between the bonds,
all the anguish squished in between us,
and let's
My old gang and I....we're falling apart. We used to be together always, and now we barely talk. We need a reunion tbh... I'm sorry I haven't been there for you guys, I've been so caught up in my mind, in my own selfish needs. Je suis desolee, mes amis. Let's talk about stupid teachers and school, and laugh about eating each other, and about being the passionate pentagon that praises the good lord heine, aight? Let's remember the bonds again...We should use Skype, and meet up after school to hangout sometime soon, or what little we have left will be gone.

Talk ***** to me
by jason derulo
all of me
by john legend
Creep Jun 2016
With every whisper,
a smile ending the sentence.
by super junior
Creep Jan 2015
When you find me, burn strongly,
and I'll teach you how to survive.
with fire, humans are able to cook raw meat, no?

by gavin degraw
Creep Aug 2014
Never be perfect,
Because if you try to be,
And somehow "accomplish" this
You will just be full of flaws
To me.
Creep Dec 2014
Does it matter that we are both full of flaws?
Maybe you can fill in my flaws,
I can fill in your flaws (if you have any that is),
half and half makes one
^^ just another one to j

stop! in the name of love
by the supremes

dream lover
by bobby darrin

i choose u <--- all time favorite song 0.0
by timeflies
Creep Dec 2014
You're like the flu,
everyone wants you,
maybe just to skip school or work,
but really,
your gonna make us regret having you.
We'll try to get rid of you,
but you'll just threaten us,
tighten your grip.
Everyone knows who you are,
you don't care
about anyone,
you strut in here like you own the place.
You'll take control, seize our minds,
as we'll struggle under your grasp.
And when you finally go,
you'll always leave behind a trail...
(i'll) attack
by thirty seconds to mars
<3 love this song omfg
*impromptu dance party*
Creep Aug 2014
You would think
Of all people,
You should know me well enough
To know that I'm ******,
Angry, and utterly
Creep Oct 2014
It drives me nuts,
I just want to take my brain out
of its cage
and examine every corner,
every nook and cranny
and find what I'm looking for.
Every thing's in there,
it's just a matter of finding it.
I used to remember
the way your hand felt against mine,
as we ran against the world.
Now, I've buried under tons and tons of
heartbreak and equations and dates and everything
wrong and right in my mind.
Now, I just need to grab my shovel and dig.
Now, I need to find it.
Now, I will collapse and cry once I find it again.
Maybe there's a reason why I had buried it all along.
work in progress, will need to add more and edit, bear with my scrambled mind this morning, thanx... collab with the great Stevie Ray de Vries Andries. :)
Creep Jul 2015
I found you again
Siting at the park
With discarded roses
At your feet,
Looking for a way to get back to me,
To hold me like you used to.
I'm glad I found you-
You would've never found me,
I was lost too.
You're always on my mind, onii-chan! :) Je t'aime.

Tired of Singing the Blues
By Lana Del Rey
Creep Oct 2014
Okay, *******!
I'm sorry I'm too shy to do anything in real life,
too insecure to ask my love out,
to be in love with something so physical
Sorry I am not an arrogant self-centered ******* like you are,
that I am not confident and cocky.
Maybe I don't want people to look at me,
and judge, that I only want people to see my soul,
my personality.
But is that such a crime?
Hey, and what if everyone here is a stereotype, overplayed, overdone and fake? Looking for someone and something real is hard...
******* for calling me sweetheart, beautiful, then turning around and laughing with a friend about how I'm such a mess, talking to people in the internet on some random poetry website and for falling in love with someone's personality and soul, not just their looks, not like you who only wants a girl for her big *** and big *****, not to mention skinny *** waist and curves.
Well I'm ******* sorry (nope not really) that I like internet people,
with no judgements
like the ones you have written across your lips and constellated in your eyes.

Just do me a favor? I hope one day you will fall for a girl
with just a bit of soul, someone not a ***** for once,
and I hope she breaks your heart,
and that you will see what it's like to be with someone with a bit of spine and brain.
[walks away from him with one finger in the air]
repost if you have ever been ridiculed for having internet friends, or have internet friends, or date online, or idk if you can relate in anyway...
have been steaming all day cause this ******* always ******* teases me about talking to ppl on hp cause of how unjudgmental u guys r... ughhh ******* hako *throws one finger up in the air*
Creep Nov 2017
Like a moth to flame,
they'll all come to me eventually.
They'll saunter over,
lackadaisical smile and all,
offer me a word or two,
light the spark in me,
and before they know it--
they have a flame.

But the closer they get,
no matter how beautiful,
no matter the glistening
dancing crimson that was smattered before them
they would never be able to get too close.
Nor could I.
I'd burn them
with a touch, with a smile, with anything more
than mere warmth.
I'd burn through it all.
Their hearts, their charm, their love.
And it seemed, I
burnt my joy while at it too.
Feeling pretty bad ngl

by the script
Creep Apr 2015
But what of the young girl
Confused and clear minded?
She'd all but given it her all
Gave the world all she had to give,
Conforming to society's
Ideals ,
Tried as she might,
But never enough.

Until she had enough.
She shattered the glass walls surrounding her,
Broke through amidst all the fumes
And the heartbreak,
Escaping into the sullen night.
Now she runs
Sprinting delicately through the dark,
Tendrils of light illuminating through her dashes
Never stopping for anyone or anything.
Nothing stops her,
Nor does she stop for anything.
She is all alone,
Taking comfort with the other shadows.
But that's all she needs
All she cares about.

Let nothing stop her
From loving
And daring to be
One for my friend, dani chase. Check out her account ^^ she's awesome, always there to listen to all my whining and sorrows, so strong and fierce in her way.

Car radio
By 21 pilots
Creep Feb 2015
People tell me that what goes on the internet stays there.
Well then.
I'd like to say one thing.

If I were to unexpectedly die,
At my funeral,
I don't want people to be sad.
I want them to be happy.
Rather then mourn a death,
Just picture me traveling about somewhere,
Maybe in Shangri-la,
And instead,
Celebrate my life.
I can't stand seeing you sad,
Smile, dear.
It warms the heart.
Sorry I'm weird. I just wanted this out there, in case I were to get in accident or something and I pass. Don't take this as a suicide note, I'm not planning on dying anytime soon. I just want this out there though.  
Oh and I want punk rock or classic rock playing, preferably mcr or fob. Sinatra works well too.

A dream is a wish your heart makes
Fron the cinderella movie soundtrack.
Creep Dec 2014
A violent, jagged
slash across the chest
as if you slowly dragged the dagger though me slowly,
unsure with shaky hands,
stopped to think again,
then continued, just as
shaky as before.

All the while
the crimson paint begins to
a volcano too full,
a river that decided to be an artist,
but the only color it has is ruby.
embrace the evil
by upon this dawning
(not something i listen to, but this song works for this poem nicely)
Creep May 2015
Don't you dare
Forget this smile.
This is the real me,
Flying through colors of ecstasy,
Like a little airplane
Floating through the air
Little packets of happiness down to the ground.
I hope someone opens these packages.
Idk I'm just so psyched and happy ^^ my family isn't fighting for once and I somewhat got all my **** together :)
I literally can't stop smiling and I can't write jackshit but I tried I guess lol

Don't stop me now
By queen
Creep Nov 2014
-looks up at the sky-
please! whoever is up there!
give me someone who actually cares!
for once!
just done with guys... they feed me all this **** like yea lets get to kno each other and i like you and other **** and then they forget what they said and leave me hanging... like u ******* how do u forget what we were talking about like 3 seconds before? for once, id like to meet someone who would put some effort into a relationship... things r so one ended... and ive just had enough of this *******.
Creep Nov 2014
He clenched it tightly
He'd only used it once
"You have to pull the trigger first son, and BANG BANG BANG!
You can **** anything!"
With intense intent on his mind
His verge for vengeance grew within, now it's time
To show the bullies how he feels

He glared at them with and intensity
of a malicious lion gazing at prey.
They stared at him back,
paralyzed and gaping,
surprised, scared, shivering at the sudden ominous
cloud around this figure that once shook with
the demons that clawed at his being every minute of the day.

Teachers deigned to his prowess
Consoling him not to shoot
He glanced at that kid who kicked him, sneered at how stupid he is.
He screamed with angst, blood streaming though his fingers.
Trickled to pull the trigger, this is now or never.

a whimper. He glances away quickly to see
his little sister's eyes swim with murky waters.
He looks away.
Then, shoots.
He smiles,
watches the chaos erupt the way his mind does every night,
stares at the crimson velvet beginning to crawl out of the bodies as the ragdolls crowed with terror of the dead,
ghastly large eyes , desperately hollow,
wanting only the warmth escaping.

He feels alive, for the first time he's the fire to ignite the dark
Burning everything within his grasp,
Dictating any norm in his way.
The silence preaching him, Feeling remorse of that obscure stance.
He ruptured every enmity that denotes innocence. Screaming, "WHY DO I STILL FEEL SO ******* EMPTY!!??"
italicized is me, and bold is the brilliant erenn.
im so honored to be able to collaborate with him on this poem :)
thanx erenn!
Creep Jan 2015
When will you get it through your head
That not everyone wants to be your girlfriend?
That not everyone loves you,
And most of all,
There's a difference between
****** relationships,
And Family?
Dedicated to all the ******* :)

By silverstein (cover)
Creep Jan 2015
Chonny: -in car- Hey, dad?
Dad: What?
Chonny: Which way to the doctors again?
Dad: You have to turn left here and then go straight. Okay, hey what you do at doctor anyway? You sick? Eat some panadol then.
Chonny: Oh no no, I'm going there for a blood test 'cause I wanna find out what blood type I am.
Dad: Oh, ok. Is this what you do in your spare time?
Chonny: It's kinda for my work.
Dad: It's kinda... gay.
Dad: Hey boy. How's school?
Chonny: Oh, not that good... um... I get bullied at school...
Dad: Who cares? I just want to know the result from your report card!
Chonny: Oh uh uh they're pretty good, I got a A+ in math.
Dad: Mm. That's okay. 7 times 7!
Chonny: 49!
Dad: Mm. That's okay.
Chonny: I got a A+ in Chemistry.
Dad: Mm, that's good, make me the drug.
Chonny: A+ in Physics.
Dad: Mm. That's okay, you could have done better.
Dad: What about the English?
Chonny: Uh.. I got uh....
Dad: What about the ENGLISH?
Chonny: I got a... I got a...
Chonny: I got a... B, B+.
Dad: B+?! WHA, WHA, B PLUS?!?
Mom: B PLUS?!
Dad: B PLUS AGAIN?! That's it. Too late. No more chance. You die.
Chonny: WHAT?! Why?
Dad: You die, ok? When we get home, I'm gonna go to the backyard, okay, get my butcher knife, chop the branch, chop the stick from the tree, very long one, and I'm gonna have to whip a *****, I'm gonna have to whip you! I'm gonna have to whip you!
Chonny: NO! No, sorry dad! I'm sorry!
Dad: Sorry is not an excuse, okay. Just listen to my lecture, listen, listen carefully.
Chonny: -sniffs-
Dad: Ok. A, it stand for the good job. Ok. A stand for the good job, you have to get A. It stand for the good job. A stand for: A doctor. A lawyer. A dentist. Ok? All the good job.
Chonny: Then that means A can stand for a garbage man.
Dad: Garbage man? Ga- garbage man?! GARBAGE MAN START WITH A G! NO WONDER YOU FAIL THE ENGLISH! YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL DA GARBAGE MAN! Just get out of my car, ok. We already at the doctor. Just get out.
Chonny: -gets out of car-
Dad: Garbage... ugh. Garbage man start with a G. Even I know that and I can't even spell garbage.

30 Minutes Later

Chonny: -gets back into car-
Dad: So how was it? Your blood all good?
Chonny: Yeah, yeah, it was all good.
Dad: So what the result? What blood type are you?
Chonny: Um, my blood type is B positive.
Dad: B positive? B PLUS?! B PLUS AGAIN?!?

watch the video, the accents r hilarious XD one of my favorite videos, yourchonny is the best, he's my favorite youtuber! :D

(no song, just the video for this one ^^)
Creep Dec 2014
You know what's the best compliment?

                                                    ­               *You have a pretty soul.
by Nat King Cole

this poem is inspired by:
awesome poem^^

Creep Jul 2016
into the woods
we rode our horses
into the woods we went
and further down the road
a little troll we met

he told us how things would end
how the end was drawing near
we turned our heads
and went on our way
for nothing could make us hear

the tales of danger behold
of the realm we were to go
we ignored and continued
where no one else would go

and so here we are
in the realm of tales
that no one dared go

and here we are
together we are
together forever
we shall go
idk like the rhythm to this

no song, just the steady 1, 2 rhythm to this
Creep Feb 2016
The thing is-
I can't stand liars,
that take advantage of the trust
and love
that we have given to them-
free of charge!
and throws it out
like it means nothing
and watches as we continue to smile,
though forced now,
and through gritted teeth
we tell you how much we love and appreciate you.

So please,
just tell the truth.
Even if you just "don't want us to worry,"
because really,
the thoughts that swirl our mind
are worse than
any truth that you could bring.
baby don't lie
by gwen stefani

so ******
Creep Nov 2014
Someone who will shower me with affection,
and will take my love and hold it in his heart,

With eyes that will watch me,
know me,
and will ask me what's wrong.

Arms that will old me together
so that I don't fall to pieces again.

Lips to whisper endearings,
to show me how much I mean to someone,
why I should still stay here;
lips to make me giggle shyly,
blush, and snort with laughter.
Lips of truth.

Hands to hold mine in,
to caress my face, and point the way.

Words to make me forget my demons behind,
to open up the seams I sewed in awhile ago,
and let all my feelings out,
and all of yours in.

And a mind to think for itself,
won't let me sway him,
independent and dependent.
Morals to be kept,
to never hurt.
Respectful, and pushy.
Sweet, caring.
Rough around the edges and soft in the middle.
My very own diamond in the rough.
I'm not picky,
i just dont want to be hurt.... looks<personality
havent found anyone yet who wont **** me little by little.
i crave someone i can trust and love, i need someone.
but ill hold out a bit longer i guess...*shakes head to go from sad to happy*
thanx ember for making this challenge :)
ps: "are you gonna be my girl" by jet is the best and i would love someone to sing it to me ;) lol
Creep Oct 2014
Last night, I clutched on to you
kissed you, caressed you
one last time.
While I was dreaming, of being in your arms
again once more,
you left me,
flew away,
forever gone.
I woke up the next morning,
not a bit sleepy,
and eager to go live again.
I'm good now :)thanx for stealing my life and thoughts, everything, alex, cause now I realize how important these are and that I need to hold on to them much harder.
Creep Oct 2014
How do I start this?
How do I express this to you?
Well, here's the thing.
I like you. It's simple at that.
Sometimes I'll joke around,
tie your shoelaces together, say mean things,
but deep down I really do love you.
And I want you to go and give your heart to her,
not to me.
Because she will be so much better for you.
She's sophisticated,
I am quite casual.
She's smart and cute,
I'm average and insane.
She's pretty and skinny,
I am fat and ugly.
She's the one that you stare at,
I'm just that thing, that accessory, an amusement for you to use.
Though some part of me wants her to break your heart and hand it back to you,
I don't think she will, not with the way she looks at you,
and the glimmer in you eyes as you look at her,
like shimmering like sun reflections on water.
Some other part urges me to lie to myself,
they won't be together long, they'll break up,
you can finally be noticed for once,
you'll be the heroine, be the shoulder he needs.
But that's the selfish part of me.
I realize, at least he'll be happy right?
It doesn't matter if I'm content
with sitting here in the corner,
alone and observant of the love that surrounds me,
while I stay here in my sullen pitiful sphere.
It doesn't matter.
It's the way your heart beats and the way your smile
inches across your face
instantly making it all the more beautiful,
that's what matters. You'll be happy,
with someone you deserve,
someone you need in your life,
a piece of perfection,
not a berserk,
nerd/geek like me.
You two turtle doves are perfect for each other,
perfect looks,
perfect grades,
perfect everything.
A barbie doll to your ken.

So please,
walk to her now,
hand her your heart,
that full and crimson thing
that beats so fast next to her, and so slow next to me,
give that to her
while I'm not looking.
Give me some mercy.

Last of all,
good luck.
I hope she will care for your heart,
the way you might care for hers,
with adoration,
words whispered in whimsicality,
little pearls of treasures only found with two turtle doves.
Not that I would know. And I do hope I will know someday
what it feels like to be one of those turtle doves.
to: matthew s.
good luck with asking Andrea.
Creep Nov 2014
When you text me
Good morning! <3
early in the morning right when you wake up...
Makes me go all smiley and ditzy for the rest of the day
knowing you thought of me when you woke up...
:3 just another crazy teenager crushing on some random awesome person who decided to write about stupid things like this
^~^ no need to read >~<
Creep Feb 2016
The sky was gray,
the kind of overcast that took over
not only the sky
but took your mind with it,
Pouring all of its tears
into all your thoughts,
Drenching them and washing them all away.
The steady pitter patter of the rain
drummed away all the swirling mania that danced across my head,
the soft jazz settling into my head
steadying me
and finally bringing me to rest.
I love the rain and dark days, especially with a hot cup of tea and a warm sweater and soft jazz playing.

Cest si bon
by Louis armstrong
Creep Oct 2015
He was the epitome of stay away.
The guns, the knives, the tears, the deliveries.
He was the boy that screamed allurance,
the one that parents told you to stay away from,
the one that no one took the chance with.

But there was something about those eyes,
that smile,
the way he spoke.
That hidden side of him
that he wouldn't show anyone,
but me.
The Adam of the Beast,
The one that held you close and couldn't stand to see you cry,
the one that wrote poems and whispered reassurances in your ear,
the one that performed his own songs on guitar, crooning the night away,
the one sending you roses.

And yet,
Even with the violence and the danger,
I love all of him.

by Troye sivan
Creep Jan 2015
Has anyone heard about her?
This magnificent girl,
my fangirl parter,
the other half to the
photography duo?
If so, please contact me.
Todays her birthday,
and yes I'm a few hours late,
but I'd like to say a very
Happy Birthday
to my dear friend.
She has helped me through tough times,
and has been through a lot herself,
but she's a survivor.
She's MIA,
and I need my friend back...
Well, I hope she is doing well,
she's finally becoming a teenager
(but totally not a normal stereotypical one, who needs  normal anyways?)
and I'm so proud. -tear-
She's come a long way and I've had the privilege of knowing her personally.

Hope you're okay and that you see this,
Tata for now ;)

by katy perry
Want that old thing back
by the Notorious B.I.G feat
Creep Dec 2014
-friends that care
-kawaii shtuff
-hella sweet and cute ppl ;)
-talking to my crush
-learning something useful that i like
-reading (especially cheesy romantic comedies)
-most sports
-talking nerdy
-nerd/geek debates
-youtube videos
-playing guitar
-playing video games

by pharell williams

Creep Oct 2014
Me: I hate you.
You: Don't use hate, that's such a strong word.
Me: Oh yeah, that's right.
You: (:
Me: morose tone I really, really, strongly hate you so ******* much. I loathe you. I just want to pulverize you to little pieces of dust, then burn those in the fiery pits of hell, and finally dance on those ashes. I have been tempted to break your spine, punch you in the face, **** you. Take all of your mother ******* blood and drink it instead of water.  Strap you down and slice my words onto your chest, with a knife in each thigh holding you down. And that's just the start. *smiles
could be more gory and sadistic but eh
idk where this came from, one thing led yo another i guess...don't worry i wont **** u ;) i only bite a little
Creep Oct 2014
Why are we so lazy to even write out happy birthday and we have to use HBD? gosh, that just demeans the whole birthday! Well today is my friend Dani Chase's birthday, go check her out shes pretty cool and writes good stuff, but just wanted to tell her happy birthday and thank you for everything; for being a my rock when i went all crazy and fangirly, for being there to share my own bsge stresses, for being all tomboy up in here with me :) happy birthday, dear, i hope you have a good one with all your wishes coming true! :D and thank you, there are no words to describe how grateful i am to have you ^~^
and ps, dont struggle when we come to kidnap you for an adventure someday this week ;)
happy birthday emmanuelle! :D repost, comment, like to celebrate her birthday or even just to say ur against the whole hbd thing!
Creep Nov 2014
Don't tell me your heart beats like a drum,
'cause while it beats so steadily for you;
I'm stuck here with a heart beating erratically,
like a struggling, frantic moth stuck in the window pane;
**one and two five seven and six and negative four triplet and
idk... weird counting beats lol :P
Creep Apr 2015
You ripped my heart out of my hand just as I was about to give it to you.
It wasn't quite ready to be given away yet.

It was tired of being shoved around and hurt without a thought
Tired and forgotten, it lost its true meaning:
To love and be loved.

It loved and loved and loved,
It oozed it out.
Everyone took it for granted,
Always wanting more and more of the sticky ambrosia.
But it will never be enough, huh?
It will never be enough...

So they kept taking.
They gave nothing back,
Until all it was was a shriveled up thing that longed for love and affection,
Still guzzling out too much love
And always getting shoved around and bruised and cut and scarred.

But you came around.
You shoved everyone back
And saw how my heart was dying.
You gave it life again,
Loved it and gave it purpose.
Thank you.
I just hope I'm strong enough to do the same for you.
Eh. Random piece again. Trying to write bur ew writers block...

By coldplay
Creep Feb 2016
It's only getting worse and worse
this longing I have for you
that pulls at my heart
and stretches it wide and across
far enough that my heart
oh my stupid heart
it's on the floor now and being dragged across the floor
and straight into your open palms.
Ach I miss him but this is new this is a new kind of longing and I dont know what to call it or what it is but it hurts

Heart songs
by weezer
Creep Nov 2014
I can't stand the heat.
     You know why?
          Because I'm scared
               it will melt me

Embrace it.
     The cold is here to stay.
idk... i wrote this awhile ago: 10/9
was in my journal, thought id shared it with you guys.
sorry if i dont post tomorrow or the day after, i am so busy rn...
Creep Dec 2014
I can't concentrate
all I can think about is
shut up and dance
by walk the moon
Creep May 2015
Don't say goodbye,
I haven't even gotten over hello yet...
Hello goodbye
By the beatles
Creep Mar 2015
The sun stayed out for a little while longer today,
It decided to check on all the peeps.
It yawned a great big yawn and peered out from behind the curtains of clouds,
Glaring at us all.
Even with that mighty glare,
People stared at its beauty,
Blinded by it, even,
Its looks burning onto their skin.
And they rejoiced.

For so long it had hid, and now it was out again,
Everyone was able to see her majesty
To admire her beauty and to bathe in
Her radiance.
She will beat down on everyone,
Be merciless with her immense love,
And then hide again.
But people will miss her harsh tactics.
She will be loved.
It was 5:30pm and the sun was still out for once woohoo spring plz come quick! But ****, I didn't have a camera with ne but when I walked home from guitar practice, imagine this: pale white snow covering a forlorn cemetery, the sky red and blue the sunsetting down into the white horizon with the skycrapers and trees covering its shy face.... ***..

Here comes the sun
By the beatles
She will be loved
By maroon 5
Creep Apr 2015
If I close my eyes long enough
I can pretend you're right next to me
And everything is alright.
Lies are beautiful, no?

The only exception
By paramore
Creep Aug 2015
The stars will guide you home,
my mother once told me.
So I looked into your eyes,
and let myself be brought
back to where the heart lies,
by Edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros
Creep Apr 2017
nothing seems right
the colors don't fit the tone
the melody doesn't fit the song
everything is spinning out and out
no end to it
no end to the constant pain
that sneaks into every little crevice it can find
and if there are no more
it'll crack and break you open
like a ******* pistachio
and seep through
ooze into every part of you
until you are nothing more than a corpse
filled with gooey black
mess and sorrow and agony and pain
oh the pain it never goes away
it shows too much
you can never keep it inside
it'll always find a way to dissipate
show itself
so prideful, tell them all that
you've been able to consume another victim
able to corrode away the inside and make it
it's new home.

That's all it ever wanted anyways.
A home;
isn't that all we ever want?
Creep Jan 2015
Trying to reach you,
But you are too far away...
How do I say I love you when you are
Thousands of miles away?
How do I truly express my love for you
Without it being warped by the screened words?
I love you more than anythibg, more than imaginable, I love you so much it scares me. I'm sorry if I did anything to offend u or hurt you...

I'm sorry.

Moon song
By karen o
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