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12.4k · Jun 2018
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2018
I have a disability
Because it is lack of memory
Others refuse to accept it is
The way my mind shall be
After testing my memory
The PhD of Neuropsychology
Agreed that I suffer with
Cognitive impairment, MCI
My forgetfulness is here to stay
With me until I die
Yes, I can exercise my brain
It may help a bit, still I will forget
So just accept it!! PLEASE QUIT
Telling me to exercise my brain
I know my limitations best, oh Yes!
Everyone telling me to try to remember is really what
Drives me insane!!!
I have tried my hardest everyday
For years I have been fooling You
All in so many ways!
Now the truth has escaped
It is a relief, I must say
I am so tired of  playing
The main role on the stage
Every single day!!
Please, all of you quit telling me
To exercise my memory
If this was happening to you,
God forbid, then perhaps you
Would understand me when I say
I am tired, oh so tired, of striving
for just an ounce of memory
Day after day!!!!
So again I say
Please, just let me be Me!
The Ole' lady with memory disability
THIS IS ME, ₩€ND¥°•°°•°•°°•°•°°•°•°°•°•°
7.8k · Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
We are not here to play, to dream to drift;
We have hard work to do and loads to lift;
Shun not the struggle, face it, 'tis God's gift.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!

Say not the days are evil--who's to blame?
And fold the hands and acquiesce--O shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God's name.
Be strong, be strong, be strong!*
"If you are willing and obedient,  you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword"; for the mouth of The Lord has spoken.
ISAIAH 1:19-20
5.3k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
I wept for a night on my pillow,
When I'd failed and wandered astray;
You saw my tears and forgave me,
And gave joy at the dawning of day.

I wept all night with deep sorrows,
Lamenting a love that had gone;
You sent me peace as I slumbered,
And I woke with new hope at the dawn*
Am I able to look beyond today's pain and sorrow and trust the promise of joy and healing tomorrow?
4.6k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
I Have sustained
Healing of my brain
Yet, I have come to terms
With so much more
realization that I am not
In control
Jesus gave His life
on this earth
To save my soul
Thank you Jesus
For all you've done
Thank You Father
For sacrificing Your Son
I finally see
That He is the
True matter to me
Monday is the Anniversary of my brain surgery. This is a poem to say Thank You!
4.4k · Sep 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Sep 2014
The time in my youth that taught me about true peace
Was fishing with my Papa on the coast of the East
We'd get up in the morning before sunrise
Papa would wake me with sparkle in his eyes
I'd jump down from the bunk bed
When my feet hit the floor Smells of
Grandma's hickory bacon would rush to my head
She would wrap the bacon up in a biscuit and pack it to go
I'd grab the bag of bread crumbs we'd been saving
for the seagulls, to strew
We'd pile it all in the SUV
The poles clasped firm on the front bumper
Papa's clever bumper holder made of PVC
I can smell the salt air so clear
Papa and Grandma are always with me
Ahh, that is true tranquility!!!
PEACE IN MY HEART THAT WILL NEVER DEPART put this on a notch above the daily fluff for Father's day  Love you Papa Angel, to stay!!
4.3k · Nov 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2014
Delves into the deepest realms
inside of me
It opens my mind
Makes me see
Life, good and bad
All meant to be
Write those poems
If it eases the pains
It will lead onto the next terrain
Give Peace to sustain
4.3k · Jun 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2014
In your madness you do not see,
your hatred does not lie in me.
Spite and jealousy is where it
derives from.
To you true peace cannot come.
If only you could open your heart
and truly see, God has released
your stress from me!
Honey, when you give the Lord
control you too will feel
true peace inside your soul!!!
4.1k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
When I was young I wrote poetry to analyze my life.
I felt I had to question everything to figure out what's right.
(Now I know there's no such thing as right & wrong)
Then life got busy, I had children, parties, sports
life became a routine of sorts.
  My Passion, poetry seemed to drift away,
occasionally, I dreamed I had time for it to stay.
I felt as though I had become mature, it was something
I should have outgrown.  The Lord kept the passion deep in
my heart, one day to be shown.
  Then one day a terrible accident occurred to me.
I was T-***** by an F-150.  
I believe it was meant to be!
  Yes, it brought me into a new land of torture and
Oh, so much pain,
10 broken ribs, ruptured spleen and my pelvis was fractured in 7 places,
but truly it does come to gain!
No, I did not receive a dollar amount or any kind of pride.
I did truly realize my loved ones are always by my side.
  I had many days and nights to lay still, in pain, and
realize my painful blessings in life are a true gain.
  I did not think about poetry
I laid there in pain.
At that point I did well just to sustain.
  Then I started feeling spells of Deja vu,
yet, they lasted even longer than I would ever have wanted them too.
  This went on and on for quite a few years.
Many months after all of my bones miraculously healed
I consulted with Doctors who gave me meds that led me to tears.
During this time, fear began to grow in my veins,
it grew so strong, I felt I could not sustain
Then I started to have Grand Mal seizures, at last!
I know, it sounds like I'm happy about that, well,
at least I finally knew what had been happening in the past.
  I found an awesome neurologist at UT Southwest,
references said, he is the best.
  I felt like a lab rat when they set me up in a room,
put a camera upon me for days on zoom.
the point was to see what part of the brain was damaged.
To see if there was any way possible to get the seizures managed.
Electrodes were placed all over my brain, camera, recording, and an I.V. of fluid to sustain.
They took me off all those seizure meds and shined strobe lights
in my eyes, to promote seizures in my brain.
  My husband and my son were there by my side,
I was scared to death, yet I still had pride.
I did not want them to see, what was about to happen to me.
  My husband stepped out to eat some food and I was relieved
because anger was building and I was rude!
My son said he had to go study for his exam in college and I
was relieved, I did not want him to see me lose my mind, for I know that is what happens when I have a seizure every time!
He looked at me in my eyes and said "Mother, can I pray for you
before I go, because God is the only one who can save you and this I know." He said a prayer right then and there. He gave me a message toward God you see, and that is just where I need to be. Then he left to go study and the Holy Spirit joined me.
  My husband came back and I sent him home. I told him there was nothing he could do and I should be alone. I told him to turn out
the lights as he left, kissed him goodnight and said sweetdreams.
  The fear I had gently lifted away as he closed the door, I began to pray. I asked Jesus to be with me and for forgiveness of sins and I felt a
wave of Peace rise from within.
It felt as if I was lifted by a warm blanket all around and the fear of seizures left without a sound.
  I had 9 severe seizures on camera that night, I don't remember it all, but I'm sure the ones watching had quite a site.
  The outcome was that I was a great candidate for temporal lobe surgery, which I had six months later and it has cured me!!!!!!!!!
  BACK TO THE POINT that motivated this long poem,
my mind has completely changed!!!!
Now I see life optimistically, it's  a wonderfully, joyous experience,
even the ruff stuff, I HAVE TO EXPRESS GLEE
After the Temporal Lobe surgery an Angel came to me. This is what she said. "I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." ACTS 2: 25-28 That Angel was my Grandma, at the time I thought I was dead and she was taking me to Heaven. Now that I am back in this world I understand what she told me. I never read my Bible before that so when I did hear my minister say this at Church it nearly blew me away. Love one another and live in hope and pray!!!
3.8k · Jun 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2016
Once when I was a teen
~~~~~ I too ~~~~~
had a mood ring

Yes, it was the latest craze!
~~~ I remember that ~~~
~~ Yet, not much else ~~
~~ In that time of daze ~~

~ The color of my mood ring ~
Always seemed to stay the same
~~~~ It was a tinge ~~~
~~~ Of AquaMarine ~~~

~~ When I got It I read ~~
~~What that should mean~~
I never wore it for that factor though
~~ I wore it to feel like a Queen ~~

~My Theory is that mine~
Never changed it's shade
~ Forcasting my future ~
~Like a breaking wave~

Kinda like this poem motivated # 3 See what you started Mike Hauser! We all had those Mood rings :)
3.7k · Oct 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2016
At times people in this life
Are quite petty, full of spite
Why can't they open their
Hearts and their eyes
Reach acknowledgement
That to make others suffer
Is not so contrite
Turn acts of hatred into love
Put others first
Find selfishness and spite
Are useless emotions, no need to always be right
Masterfully human nature
Can strive to rise above
1Peter 4:8-9
Above all keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.
3.2k · Feb 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Feb 2016
8/25/2016 Today I wrote this way back in February after watching this evening news I just must shake my head
2.8k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
I was hangin with my friends who reside at Heritage Place today.
Again they baffled me with wisdom in what they say
Multiple Sclerosis
Just plain ferocious
Yet, when it comes time to pray
They all know just how and what to say
When I'm feeling lost and all alone
They grab my heart and lead me home
They point it out so loud and clear
All the material value we get lost with in this world is not so dear
The time we have in this world is just a snap
Then were gone
So LEARN the LESSONS and move along
Love one another, you see, they tell me,
Will carry you on into Eternity.
2.5k · Jun 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2015
Some may say
"She's obsessed with the clouds"
As strange as it may seem
I adore their beauty
When I gaze in the sky
I loose all self esteem
I see the strength
Of The Lord above
In cumulus elegance I feel
Supremacy of His love
Next time you are feeling down
Look up to heaven
See God's blessings clouding all around*
2.3k · Oct 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2016
Times in life
I feel as if I am lost, floating
~Alone in a turbulent sea~
Solitude inside, the sun sets
~~~~Full moon rises~~~~
I stand straight up~and pray~~
To face existence of fear
The clouds begin to dissipate
~~Water rippling peacefully~
The stars send forth glimmer
Hope, Our Father will guide my way
~~~~~I will always be free~~~~
His Holy Spirit guiding me~~~~~
2.1k · Dec 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2014
Christmas used to be a time of fun
As I age my eyes have opened
I am no longer waiting for a present
I'm waiting for my Saviour to come

In my heart I truly know
I will be the one to go
To meet The Saviour
There will be a day
Until then I must pray

He speaks to me each
And every day
Through His Spirit
If I truly give
Him my all
When I pray

Patience ia a virtue
You see
Give Him your faith
You will be set free

I do not know what I need
God, I bow to You
On my knees and plead
For Your quest in me
To be fullfilled
Your love for me is forever sealed

Human spirit cannot be
Our selfishness, we tend
To justify

Help me Heavenly Father
Give You all control
You are the nourishment
Of my soul

I am not saying Christmas
Cannot be fun
Let us not let go
Of our Father's Son
True happiness it
Will come
ISAIAH 40:28-31
2.0k · Nov 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2014
Oh, When a man clips our wings
We won't be pleased
Till vengeance sings
When love first starts
We are happy and mild
When he breaks our hearts
We become wild
Oh, Love is such a tumultuous thing
It starts with passion
Ends with sting
Motivated by watching the movie Maleficent tonight
2.0k · Aug 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2014
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, To my Grandson Tedy
How I dream of holding your hand
A true blessing Our Father has sent me
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet little man
Your Granny Winnie may reside so far away
Yet, her heart is yours each and every day
In my prayers you will always stay
My Grandson enjoy celebration on this wondrous day.
Wrote this to send on my FB tomorrow am to my new /grandson. He turns 2 tomorrow. I have not got to touch him yet. He is Peruvian, my Son and his wife are adopting him. I can't wait to get my arms around him, I pray we will get to go next summer.
2.0k · Sep 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Sep 2014
Part 1 "The show is not the show but they that go"
WendyStarry Eyes May 2016
I have epilepsy
It did not go away
Temporal lobe surgery
Reduced seizure accuracy
Without medication they will come back to stay
I have epilepsy
This I have to say
To live in denial
Will cause self decay
I have epilepsy
Every single day
It is a disease that I carry
That will not go away
I have epilepsy
The conclusion I must face TODAY
Hooray, Hooray, Hooray
The joyous comfort I have found is to pray!
1.7k · May 2016
WendyStarry Eyes May 2016
I am obedient to the directive of The Holy Spirit
Others may not agree
I do not want to sin
I will continue to try & try again
Even if others do not agree
I will not pretend
I will embrace His word
Until the end
Disobedience to His directives is sin
I have left materialism
The Holy Spirit is the guide of my soul...*
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control...
*GALATIANS 5:22-23
1.7k · Oct 2017
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2017
S O R  R O W
O P E  E N H
L E V  L  E O
I  N E  I  N L
T S  R N  E E
U    E  Q  S    
D    N  U S      
E    C   I          
      E   S        
WendyStarry Eyes Jun 2016
It is ever the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus; but Satan’s work is just the opposite of this, for he is constantly trying to make us regard ourselves instead of Christ. He insinuates, “Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough; you will never be able to continue to the end; you have not the joy of his children; you have such a wavering hold of Jesus.” All these are thoughts about self, and we shall never find comfort or assurance by looking within. But the Holy Spirit turns our eyes entirely away from self: he tells us that we are nothing, but that “Christ is all in all.” Remember, therefore, it is not thy hold of Christ that saves thee—it is Christ; it is not thy joy in Christ that saves thee—it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, though that be the instrument—it is Christ’s blood and merits; therefore, look not so much to thy hand with which thou art grasping Christ, as to Christ; look not to thy hope, but to Jesus, the source of thy hope; look not to thy faith, but to Jesus, the author and finisher of thy faith. We shall never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our doings, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul. If we would at once overcome Satan and have peace with God, it must be by “looking unto Jesus.” Keep thine eye simply on him; let his death, his sufferings, his merits, his glories, his intercession, be fresh upon thy mind; when thou wakest in the morning look to him; when thou liest down at night look to him. Oh! let not thy hopes or fears come between thee and Jesus; follow hard after him, and he will never fail thee.

“My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness:

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”
1.7k · Aug 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2016
There is a female cardinal
Eating on my bird feeder everyday
In my mind I love to believe it is my Grandma's spirit
Allowing me to thank her for all she had to say
Some in words, some in smiles
At times just squeezing my hand
Her touch soothed my soul
She always knew how to make me feel complete
She is a key piece that has made be become whole
I was not thankful enough to her while she was alive
In my heart I knew she understood
To this day the love she embedded
Is the love that gives me strength to strive
Red headed cardinal
Fill your belly full
Perhaps you will grow such strength
Fly so high
Become a beam
Celestial light
Within the realm of the sky
1.6k · Aug 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2014
Jealousy is so very sad to me
It is a form of inadequacy
When someone makes fun of what others have overcome
Or they resign another's accomplishments of time
They are really beating at their own soul
Giving inadequacy all control
So next time you feel jealousy take control of your heart
Send it packing
Celebrate, who knows, that may be when your success starts
1.6k · Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
My kitchens clean
now I feel complete
I bet tonight
My dreams will be sweet
Grandma always said
"A woman's job is never done"
She was wise, indeed
At times it is pain
To ever feel all is complete, chores by the ton
Yet, it is always strengthens the heart to meet others needs
Feeling love from everyone
1.6k · Jul 2016
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2016
Grace from above
Blooms forth below exquisiteness
Swirling this human heart
Forth in symmetry
Of the clouds
Where thoughts may never go
If not driven by captivation
Of our Lords
Exquisite *******
1.5k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
I know that your gone
yet, you did not leave me in this world alone
You gave me strength
You taught me right from wrong
There have been times when I've gone astray
Your love stayed strong
It drove me back to Gods way
Thank you Grandma for your love and strength each day
It gives me Peace to know your with the Lord to stay
I pray I meet you there one day.
1.5k · Mar 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Mar 2015
Planning adventure in life is not a job for me
I prefer spontaneity
For if I knew what was to come,
I ask of you,
Would that be fun?
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2014
How much stress are you carrying around? Do you feel burdened by life's circumstances and emotional issues? Becoming more grounded and happy starts with letting go of worry and stress. I learned this in my own journey, through overcoming drug addictions, healing myself from depression, and walking away from a career in corporate to follow my heart and be a successful writer and life coach. In the process, I had to let go of a lot of things to become the person I am today.

Physically, spiritually and emotionally, I had to learn how to let go of the person I thought I should be in order to be the person I really wanted to be. Letting go of anything in life can be a little scary, but it can also be an amazing act of self-love.

Letting go of my worries and stress made a difference for me; of course I still dip in and out of some of my stress jar from time to time, but I've found this list a good reminder of what I need to strive for each day in order to reach unlimited happiness.

Here are 20 things to let go of in order to reach unlimited happiness.

1. Let go of all thoughts that don't make you feel empowered and strong.

2. Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do.

3. Let go of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself.

4. Let go of regrets; at one point in your life, that “whatever" was exactly what you wanted.

5. Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don't want.

6. Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don't like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it.

7. Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are.

8. Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart.

9. Let go of being the “go-to person" for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first … because you matter.

10. Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you.

11. Let go of thinking there's a right and wrong way to do things or to see the world. Enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life.

12. Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It's time to move on and tell a new story.

13. Let go of thinking you are not where you should be. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go.

14. Let go of anger toward ex lovers and family. We all deserve happiness and love; just because it is over doesn't mean the love was wrong.

15. Let go of the need to do more and be more; for today, you've done the best you can, and that's enough.

16. Let go of thinking you have to know how to make it happen; we learn the way on the way.

17. Let go of your money woes — make a plan to pay off debt and focus on your abundance.

18. Let go of trying to save or change people. Everyone has her own path, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and stop focusing on others.

19. Let go of trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding.

20. Let go of self-hate. You are not the shape of your body or the number on the scale. Who you are matters, and the world needs you as you are. Celebrate you!
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2015
Thanks to God for my Redeemer,
Thanks for all Thou dost provide!
Thanks for times now but a memory,
Thanks for Jesus by my side!
Thanks for pleasant, balmy springtime,
Thanks for dark and stormy fall!
Thanks for tears by now forgotten,
Thanks for peace within my soul!!!
1.3k · Nov 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2014
I'm just
A farmer
In this
Life of mine
I'll jump on a tractor
Be a sower of time
1.3k · Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
I'm grateful for what I have
I've been gifted with so much grace
Despite all the times I've been so bad
It has opened my eyes to true happiness
The ungrateful ones are truly sad
I'd like to show them all who I praise
In hopes that one day they too will be amazed
1.3k · Jul 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2014
Before now loneliness was unheard
It meant nothing to me
Loneliness was just a word
Now I've been forced to let loneliness in
Finally I know that in the end
Loneliness will be my best friend!
1.2k · Feb 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Feb 2015
I have these spells of tiredness
I feel I just would rather not exist
Don't jump to the conclusion of suicide
That is a humanistic depression ride

I mean I just want to float away
As if I was a particle of dust astray
Float to a existance of peace, you see
where no one tells their problems to me

I am mostly a caring one
Yet, I too am human
I need to have fun!!!
This is how I started my day
I was under cloudy skies
Even though I knew I had promised my friends
At the nursing home I would be there to play

I dug myself out on my way
For the promises I make are meant to stay
I was driving to my mission, when
I realized tomorrow is Valentines Day
So I stopped at the store to get candy
To be cupids love display :~)

When I showed up at the nursing home
I started to share candy with my friends
It was as though my tiredness had come to an end

Listening to their complaints
Didn't seem to be so sad
It was as if the rain above
Had turned into a rainbow
Life was not so bad!!!!

When they looked in my eyes
As they complained, you see,
I could feel gratification
And their love for me

I came to a realization
That being the one
To tell your troubles too
"Is as good for me as it is for you"

So next time it rains
I won't complain
Who knows, when the rainbow comes down I may be wearing a crown :~)
1.2k · Jul 2018
WendyStarry Eyes Jul 2018
I think I have written something similar to this before but here she is again just a knocking at my brains door!!!!

.................. GO AWAY!!!!!!
YOU PLAY¤¤¤¤¤¤°•
~~~~~~~~~GO AWAY°•°•°•°•°•
1.2k · Nov 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Nov 2015
Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by

Tempted and tried, I wondered why
The good man died, the bad man thrives
And Jesus cries because he loves em' both
We're all cast-aways in need of ropes
Hangin' on by the last threads of our hope
In a house of mirrors full of smoke
Confusing illusions I've seen

Where did I go wrong, I sang along
To every chorus of the song
That the devil wrote like a piper at the gates
Leading mice and men down to their fates
But some will courageously escape
The seductive voice with a heart of faith
While walkin' that line back home

So much more to life than we've been told
It's full of beauty that will unfold
And shine like you struck gold my wayward son
That deadweight burden weighs a ton
Go down into the river and let it run
And wash away all the things you've done
Forgiveness alright

Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by

Still I get hard pressed on every side
Between the rock and a compromise
Like the truth and pack of lies fightin' for my soul
And I've got no place left go
Cause I got changed by what I've been shown
More glory than the world has known
Keeps me ramblin' on

Skipping like a calf loosed from it's stall
I'm free to love once and for all
And even when I fall I'll get back up
For the joy that overflows my cup
Heaven filled me with more than enough
Broke down my levee and my bluff
Let the flood wash me

And one day when the sky rolls back on us
Some rejoice and the others fuss
Cause every knee must bow and tongue confess
That the son of god is forever blessed
His is the kingdom, we're the guests
So put your voice up to the test
Sing Lord, come soon

Farther along we'll know all about it
Farther along we'll understand why
Cheer up my brothers, live in the sunshine
We'll understand this, all by and by
1.2k · Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
Mhmm... yea!
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah yeah mm... mhmm

Mhmm... mhmm...
Mhmm... yea! yeah
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah mm mm, mhm

Hey, yea-yea, yeah-eh-yeah-eh, yeah-eh-yeah-eh
Hey hey-yea-eh yeah, mhmm

Professional or beginner doesnt matter
Every sinner is a prisoner in a body that is subject to time
Now my entwined mind tries to form a straight line
not like twised scoliosis of the spinal chord

Cross eyed carpenters are cuttin' crooked lines
Can't construct
man-made shrines when the winds and the water move sands of time

Many minds on a deadline, yet live life like a live wire
I'm not tired!
Of blood and fire
Spirit's moving higher than the green grass ever lifted me

Spirit's moving higher...
Than anything else ever lifted you
Mm, see

We got spirituality
It's living in us like one in three
Injustice is concerning me
in the non-linear eternity
I'm speaking paradoxically
but you can nod your head now when you understand me-e-e-ee...

This is for my free men
whose backs wont bend in the lions den
now with their eyes on the ending

This is for my free women!
They fight with their love
The bearers of our children

Free men whose backs wont bend in the lions den
now with their eyes on the ending

This is for my free women
They fight with their love
The bearers of our children

We shine like lights exposing
what lies underneath decomposing
Unearth those chains that are rusted
my sweet Lord, is that what i trusted in?
That sin? That tomfoolery? Ugh!
What it is is mental jewelery that I adorned myself with

The enemy's gifts, the man-made myths, the ignorant bliss
of marijuana spliffs and alchoholic fifths
I got so sick and tired of it

Delivered and redeemed
by christ i mean
It's time to start livin'
and get a reason for the rhyme

I dont wanna be dead-wrong on the deadline
Standing on the dark side and all out of time...
Like a blind pantomime's fantasize
climb up his own ladder to the sunshine

Nothin's mine
that hasn't been given
No one's alive here
that hasn't been risen
For 19 years i was trapped in a prison

Feeding my escape by means of derision
but every man-made attempt just failed
when trapped in a jail
of my own guilt, shame, and iniquity

I was looking for freedom
How'd I find freedom?

Oh! Oh, freedom...
from all of this

He said believe
He said believe

Who are you telling me to belei-e-eve... yea
'Said I'm the Christ

...he said I'm the Christ

So I believed.


Mhmm... yea
Mhmm... ey!
Mhmm... ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah yeah eh, mhmm

Mhmm... Hey! No, no no
Mhmm... yea!
Mhmm... Yea ey-yeah-ey yeah yeah mhm,

Nah na-na-nah
1.2k · May 2017
WendyStarry Eyes May 2017
I've never grown-up
Kept it secret for sometime
Even I believed
I was grown-up

Then one day
A realization came
The light shined upon me
I'll never be the same

I'll always be His child
No matter how hard I try
Growing up is but
A piece of the pie
1.2k · Oct 2017
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2017
Cloudy above us
With the sun shining through
Rising rainbow beams
Commencement of harvest
In the morning dew
Temperature transition
Leaves bidding farewell
To their trees
Their color goes
Copper flows
Traveling in the wind
Blowing to the ground
At nature's ease
Season'  change
1.2k · Dec 2014
case of the flu
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2014
I've come down with a case of the flu.
It's handicapped my brain from writting
Poems for you
I pray my creativity will come back
When my brain stops throbing
From this attack
AhhChuu, AhhChuu
:~) Bless me, bless you :~)
1.2k · Jan 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2015
Hide from the world
Hide from each other
So we don't spread the flu
To one another
Watch out for earthquakes
Can't hide from nature
It will catch you
Hide from the world
It will surly make you blue
I tell you to break confinements
Set yourself free
Take chances
Get your vaccines
God gave us brains
We can use them quite well
We have maintained
In predicaments of hell
Do not let your fears hold you down
Let the accomplishments of
Your life resound
Motivated by the flu going around and the earthquakes in my area. Someone told me today I should not go to the nursing  home and see  my friends because I may catch the flu again.
1.2k · Oct 2014
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
Spending time in Vegas with girls in my husbands family
Was an eye opening experience for me
I came to a realization
They are lost, spinning in a land of materialism
Their souls are yearning in darkness deep inside
Covered in the falsity of pride
The bums that they discouraged me from talking to
Could have given them Lessons on how spirituality
Can carry you through
They told me I should be afraid of these homeless people
I wanted to befriend
My answer to them is, not loving them, that is a sin

1JOHN 4:18-19 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out
fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who
fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He loved us
I will pray for his family, that they may find God's purpose.
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2015
Feeling excruciating pressure
~~~~~~Of the brain~~~~~~
Cerebral tissue inside my mind
~~~~Has a purpose of~~~~~
~~~~~A weathervane~~~~~~
<><><><> My true hope <><><><>
^^^That guides me to sustain^^^
Knowing that Christ suffered much
<>More so that I may maintain<>
For the price He paid will carry me
☆☆Into a life with Majesty☆☆
~I will be completely sustained~
"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied"
WendyStarry Eyes Dec 2014
Words and Music by Josh Garrels

Children of the Earth
Once dust but now alive
Livin’ in tents of flesh and bone
We hold spiritual fire.
Set a flame in my heart
Illuminate the darkest hours
Where I wait before the dawn
To see the glory and the power
Of the Lord

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

The older we become
We must become more like a child
Believin’ there’s a land that lies beyond
All things that we’ve seen
Make my mind free from fears
You know I can’t do it on my own
The way is high,
But we could fly over
When you heal our wings.

We sing

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

This song is so simple yet means so much to me.  There are so many things to comment on, but the one line that is applying most significantly to my life right at this moment is:

“Set a flame in my heart, illuminate the darkest hours, where I wait before the dawn to see the glory and the power of the Lord.”

I feel the flame of the Holy Spirit burning within, and yet I continually try to put it out, allowing darkness to set in.  Oh that the Lord would end me and show His glory and His power.  May the dawn of His redeeming grace burn like the fire on Mount Carmel, through the water and the trench, making all my sinful darkness be extinguished by perfect Light.  I believe! Only help my unbelief.
1.1k · Aug 2017
WendyStarry Eyes Aug 2017
1.1k · Sep 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Sep 2015
This day has a cumulous attitude
Cirrus mixed in with the brood
Actually all kinds of clouds are mixed within
Is this a message from Our Father
Even the Cumulonimbus are on the spin
Teasing to bring forth rain
Stratocumulus are everywhere
Lumped together in rounded masses,
In line and in waves,
Perhaps to fight against such strain which surpasses
We may have to pray
Nimbostratus to bring forth rain
Until then contrails, God has given us, will ease pain
Saw lots of amazing clouds today so I had to come home a read about them.
1.1k · Feb 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Feb 2015
Humans, oh we,
Are all so judgemental
We all say were not
We live in denial
Let's keep it simple
Honesty, You see, is the best policy
Come join me on a trip down denial
1.1k · Jan 2015
WendyStarry Eyes Jan 2015
"Pray until you pray"
Understand The Lord
Loves us
True belief of His power
Is the only way
True faith in Our Father
Will guide us this way
Prayers are the route to answers of our questions
Give thanks to Him graciously
"Pray until you Pray"
1.1k · May 2016
WendyStarry Eyes May 2016
When I was just a little girl
Mowing grass was my favorite chore
I even earned play time money
by asking
"Can I mow?"
Door to door
To this day there is something in
Mowing that brings me peace
As I push the mower I jam
To my favorite tunes
All my stress is released
I feel great sorrow
For youth today
The ones who cannot
Comprehend that chores can be play
Some kids today don't even play
They would rather play
game controller & computer ****
To build their pride
It is true, in this age,
It may not be safe to go door to door
Even still, our children
May learn peace
By doing outdoor chores**
Just thinkin while I was mowing today!!
WendyStarry Eyes Oct 2014
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found
The same old fears.
Wish you were here
tO: JuLiE bUeL
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