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Jun 2014 · 7.8k
insomnia is
sabrina Jun 2014
staying up til 3:34am just thinking about his kisses

angrily fluffing pillows because they're not him

tossing and turning wondering if he's doing the same
Jun 2014 · 368
sabrina Jun 2014
has no concept of time; he stole that with whispered sweet nothings that went something like, " forever, baby, forever. i promise."
Jun 2014 · 531
sabrina Jun 2014
dwells on the past, holds grudges over spilled milk, firmly believes people don't change, googles "how to move on,"
Jun 2014 · 362
sabrina Jun 2014
thinks too highly and too low of herself, smiles at her own jokes in public, avoids eye contact, lives entirely in her own mind.
Jun 2014 · 296
sabrina Jun 2014
reads too much poetry, falls in love too often, cares too little, leaves too fast, talks too quietly, cries too loud.
Jun 2014 · 305
sabrina Jun 2014
favorite music is the thundering crescendo of her own heart breaking because at this point, it sounds like home.
Jun 2014 · 1.5k
sabrina Jun 2014
tries to play hard to get but only succeeds in distancing herself so much he loses interest, cries a lot everyday after
Jun 2014 · 308
sabrina Jun 2014
washes her hope down the drown, doesn't bother checking her voicemail, sleeps in the day he leaves to minimize casualties
Jun 2014 · 387
sabrina Jun 2014
one day your name will just be an unfortunate set of syllables and your eyes won't be starlight and i'll stop looking for you in the most ludicrous places

but for now

hearing your name supplies the air i breathe and your eyes are the constellations i wish on and i'll be on my knees checking under my bed for you shortly
Jun 2014 · 516
goddamn it
sabrina Jun 2014
this is me saying
i know neither of us believe in god
touching you made me consider
a higher power
Apr 2014 · 360
define: self
sabrina Apr 2014
            I'M THE WIND IN THE TREES,
            SHH SILENT AND SHH,
            EVEN TRY, TO TOUCH ME
            THE GUM STUCK TO THE
Apr 2014 · 254
i know i do
sabrina Apr 2014
sabrina Apr 2014
Apr 2014 · 468
Letters from a Ghost
sabrina Apr 2014
September 6th, 1994
The leaves have started dying
Early this year and so has
My hope for spring.
Wilted flower petals blanket
The ground and I think I can
Relate to the way they've been
Hiding the trees' secrets for
Far too long.

October 31st, 1994
When I was little, Halloween
Was always my favorite holiday
Because I could be anyone I wanted.
I haven't decided if it's
Poignant or powerful that
I never grew out of not
Wanting to be myself.

November 24th, 1994
What is the point of thanksgiving
With a godforsaken family,
And a death wish on the side?
I love him, I love his eyes
And his smile,
I love the way he whispers
My name and the smile
Lines that fill his cheeks.
But being thankful for a boy
That has broken me in half,
Is as ridiculous as a
Thanksgiving with no thanks.

December 14th, 1994
I feel as invisible as ever;
I talk but no one hears me.
He hasn't stopped crying
For the past 48 hours,
"Please stop crying.
Please stop crying.
Please stop crying."
He doesn't reply anymore.

January 1st 1995
The clock just hit midnight.
I could feel the room fill with
Reminiscent screams of
"Happy New Year" and "I love you"s
Between laughs. They never
Go past arms lengths and
The glasses of champagne seem
To separate us by miles.
I slipped out of the room in
Failed attempts to calm my mind.
Three hours later I heard a familiar
Crying from the bathroom floor.
I've never seen him
Shake so hard before or seen
Such a strong refusal to acknowledge
My hand reaching to comfort.

March 26th, 1995
You know that double sided
Glass they use in police stations?
(Speaking of which, I had an
Astonishingly real dream a
While back that you were
Being questioned in a
Police station about me;
You didn't listen when I tried
To tell you about it.
Your ruby lips shook and
The tear that landed
On the folder in front of you
Reminded me of that rainy day
In august when you said
You loved me.) Anyways...

April 12th, 1995
I sometimes hear you
Screaming my name
In your sleep, but
Not in the way you used to.
How do I keep ending up here?
You sometimes wake up and
Grasp for things that are not there,
And it is as if you wake up
And look for me.
Am I a ghost, or
Do you not hear me anymore?

July 23rd, 1995
You got up early and
Went to church today.
You swore to me you'd never
Step foot in that building again,
So I don't understand why
You keep going.
I often wonder who
You're trying to reach and why.
Your mother keeps referencing
Missing me over lunch and
I don't know why everyone
Seems so stuck on who
I used to be to them when
I was with them.
I know my mind has traveled far,
But I don't feel gone.

August 1st, 1995
You say my name so much--
Why, why do you do that?
You utter it softly, indirect,
Like a reminder.
But you don't look at me anymore
And I'm having trouble
Remembering if your eyes
Were blue, like the tumultuous
Sea when we went to the beach
That day in late October,
Or the stained glass in the church
That's become your hideout.
I'm praying to your God
That you look at me soon,
Because I'm losing the oxygen
In my lungs and your eyes
Are like a breath of fresh air.
Darling, I'm afraid I'm not all here.

September 27th, 1995
I am petrified because
You are not getting better.
I heard your father kicked
You out again and
That you were found four days
Later in the church basement
(Pronounced dead at
6:14 AM, September 24th,
If I remember correctly).
You touch me now, and
I mean really touch me.
You don't cry much anymore,
Maybe when you
Miss your mother or your sister,
But you do not wake up screaming
My name or yelling things at walls.
You may not be getting better,
But a part of you is put to rest and
You have found hospitality
Next to my grave.

November 23rd, 1995*
You told me today that the reason
Why you still go to the church
Is because you first kissed
Me in that church basement.
You sometimes remind
Me that I would
Have been better off not
Killing myself at all,
And maybe my brother would
Have grown up a bit
Stronger and more naive.
I learned today that,
On our second Thanksgiving together,
I had something to be thankful for;
sabrina Mar 2014
i can handle the separation,
i can wade through the silence,
and i can swallow the insomnia.
but don't you dare say you never cared.
that, i cannot endure.
Mar 2014 · 282
insomniatic (n.)
sabrina Mar 2014
the bags under my eyes don't matter, don't ask about them.

i'd rather you give me a rough estimate of how many times you tossed and turned last night.
Mar 2014 · 274
sabrina Mar 2014
you don't love me.
        i'm in love with you.
               this isn't a desperate plea
                       for you to love me back.
                              the baby's crying,
                                     i have to go.
Mar 2014 · 268
sabrina Mar 2014
i don't want to lose you,
who am i kidding?
i want to get lost in you.
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
if i could turn back time
sabrina Mar 2014
please understand that
you left me
a scattered mess
of bright lights,
a mere insult to
the constellations
i used to be.
Mar 2014 · 287
due process
sabrina Mar 2014
fall in love when
the want to write about me becomes a need

realize you're in love when
thinking about me after the rain becomes habit

say you're in love when
my touch becomes your very lifeline
Mar 2014 · 393
pt. 25
sabrina Mar 2014
yeah, i guess, i just miss you a lot, i guess.
Mar 2014 · 429
pt. 24
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss
i just
there's so much
you have so many little things
Mar 2014 · 429
pt. 23
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss how you used to look me in the eye before you stopped because you realized all the pain behind them was your doing.
Mar 2014 · 396
pt. 22
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss every memory and moment that we never were.
Mar 2014 · 458
pt. 21
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the you that was exclusively mine.
Mar 2014 · 455
pt. 20
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way we never fail to make each other laugh.
Mar 2014 · 753
pt. 19
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your stupid sneakers covered in stupid plaster and spackle.
Mar 2014 · 718
pt. 18
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your eyelashes. they're delicate.
Mar 2014 · 493
pt. 17
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way you say my name; softly and direct but like it means so much, like it's this important, fragile thing.
Mar 2014 · 534
pt. 16
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the possibility of us because we held such promise.
Mar 2014 · 579
pt. 14
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your eyes, they're so beautiful.
Mar 2014 · 613
pt. 13
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the scar on your cheek. (i want to kiss it forever)
Mar 2014 · 560
pt. 12
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way putting your hands in your pockets is a genuine habit.
Mar 2014 · 619
pt. 11
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss that certain face you make when something is really funny.
i miss the way i've only ever seen you laugh like that when you're with me.
Mar 2014 · 746
pt. 10
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss saying your name. out loud, that is, in public. i say it alone every night as if i'm rehearsing its one syllable.
Mar 2014 · 675
pt. 9
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the pencil you wear behind your ear. who even does that? (you)
Mar 2014 · 684
pt. 8
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss how warm you are.
Mar 2014 · 703
pt. 7
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your hands because they're a little bigger than mine and ours fit nicely together and yours are slightly calloused.
Mar 2014 · 731
pt. 6
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way you say so much without a single word and just an innocent, doe-eyed look.
Mar 2014 · 786
pt. 5
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way you subtly hold my hand, as if i'm not supposed to feel your fingertips setting my palm on fire.
Mar 2014 · 835
pt. 4
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your funny walk, which i'm sorry for always making fun of because it's perfect, actually. it's more of a lope and you're perfect.
Mar 2014 · 843
pt. 3
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss the way your eyes soften and dilate quietly when you see me.
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
pt. 2
sabrina Mar 2014
i miss your whiny voice, which is also very husky. i just realized.

— The End —