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I carved my apologies into my arm
In hopes that the pain would fade.
Only to hide under the covers
Of winter and shame.
I wish You were here
To smooth the knots in my back
I'd gladly trade
These sheets
To be all wrapped up
In You instead
Because these things don't make me
Feel beautiful when they touch me
Having to stretch over me
Taking every chance they get
Each time I turn over
To sneak out of bed
The way You only would
When You were headed for the kitchen
To brew a morning *** for the two of Us
Though I know You'd stay in
As long as You could
Watching me dream
Kissing my cheek
Waiting with patience
For me to roll awake
To watch those precious eyes
Marvel at my presence
And to feel those gentle hands
Still smoothing out the knots in my back
I wish You were here
I sent it
At three AM
On one of those nights
Where silence gets violent
And I'm alone in my head.

I told you about the
Tiny pink pills
And how
If I took eight
I would sleep forever.
I gushed that
They were hidden
Under the toothpaste slathered
In my bathroom.

I told you I loved you
But that
You weren't enough to stop me anymore.

I did actually consider it.
It was one of those nights.
But at some point,
As I laid on top of my comforter
And shivered under the fan,
I realized that
You weren't going to wake up
And convince me out of it.

I also thought
About how my mom was
A light sleeper.
How the floorboards would sound like
And the cabinet
Would be the symbals
To her.

I fell asleep
But naturally numb,
And woke up wondering
What you would say.

You didn't say anything.
Could I ever forget those long nights
when I snuck out of the house just to be with you?
Could I ever forget those long nights
when we'd forget the time and
just walk until the sun rises?

Could I ever forget those long nights
when you had to wait an eternity for me,
yet, as I come out, you were still there
with a smile on your face?

Could I ever forget those long nights
when you made your silly little promises
that for me were bigger than any future I saw?

Could I ever forget those long nights
when you told me there were no “forevers”
and only unending?
Could I ever forget those long nights
when you'd whisper in my ear,
“I unendingly love you”?

Could I ever forget
the love you had shown me?

You did.

I could never.
Would you like some Chicken Soup?
Only when I'm diggin' for a loop
Hole in the court system to pay the debt
Why ask y if its a letter in the alpha-bet
Let MF Doom & Moka Only save the day
Come on y'all, lets eat some more soup today
MNC Productions
The rapid desolate images
swallowing who they
scream for, her. Empty
desire, drowning
in what's real.
Majority; non-existing.
Present wanting.
Presence, dishonest
to the societal family.
the girl has her face removed
and replaced with a plastic advertisement
for bubble gum
chew on my head she says
with a slick smile
and as she fades down an alley
she is whistling an old
Broadway showtunes
she is reinventing herself from
inside a box of cereal
trips are for hippies

there are gypsy's hanging round her door
selling tickets to the dinner theatre
of her self inflicted dreams
the actors are picketing out front
for better lines
she took the best ones and rewrote them
to resemble the life and times
of sherlock holmes

she disrobes her masked face
and with a cautious shy smile
envelops him with her presence
her planned nature crafted to perfection
without second thought
without hesitation eats him alive from the inside
still hungry she mingles in the crowd
so she can steal their french fries
and **** on their soda's

she's celebrated
and cheered as she mounts the stage
her left handed shuffling fingers
grasping the fundamentals  of her mind
but a weak grip on reality's slippery skin
leads one the rabbit hole
to delusions publicly lived
standing in the worlds shadow
talking to yourself
laugh louder than the one next to you
lest they think you weak minded
and the small sounds at your ear
is your free will escaping

she lay down at the end of her day
and with Aesop's fables wished herself
away from this
dinner theatre of the mad
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