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Bury me in true green pastures,
Safely down below.
Serenade me in my deepest sleep,
For I lay where only sound can go.
Keep me after,
Where the silence lingers,
Shielding all our ears.
Clutch my flag between your fingers,
My last gift to you.
Stand above my white crossed grave,
To live another day,
Where you belong,
Where I have fought for you to stay.
Now turn and walk away.
Leave me with the men who quelled our country's fears.
For I did not die on fields of poppy,
Nor on foreign sandy beaches.
I could not fall beside my comrades at the hand of any King,
Nor fight amongst my brothers for equal things.
So leave me where I've earned my keep,
In fields of forest green.
Where more will come to sleep someday,
From war in lands unseen.
For I could not die in battle,
Instead I lived long after
Met many people
And filled their lives with laughter.
"Boy toy
or girl
toy! Don't
make me tell
you again, Pedro!"

I have committed a felony
within the land of the Golden Arches.

I have gone through
another patient's order
and forgotten which gender
to assign to the child
standing right next to them,
as if in need of another
fresh new coat in
traditional roleplay,
as if these little ones
were the cattle of tradition.

How foolish of me to assume
that the tiny calf in pigtails
would enjoy the strong-willed,
goal-setting, leadership-evoking
action figure instead of the sanitized,
goal-admonishing, vapidity-provoking
fashion doll.

I wouldn't want to lose
another valuable customer.
both oceans made of water
made from thee
why does thou
cast this storm over me
that make both oceans
that we fill so happily
then i must confess
this ocean that we fill
is my sanctuary
 Jun 2013 Vivian Summers
 Jun 2013 Vivian Summers
I want to reveal
things about
and have you
seek out their
I want you
to pour over me
the pieces of you
I don't know

Maybe we need
to stop.
Stop allowing all
the doubts
infused from everyone,
to keep our
thoughts tied.

What have we
to lose
time and hiding.

In my gut
I feel a weight
could be evaporated
from us.
A light
glowing dim between
could be
Completion and
a knowingness of
who we are already
is not a hole
either are trying
to fill.

Maybe we just want
a hand to hold
after our struggles.
A comforting embrace
to melt into
after our pain.
A heart to accept us
and love again.
we just don't want
to carry fear around

Intimacy is something
vulnerably created
and hardly given,
I know.
Spiritual connectedness
is the highest of highs
and I think
we're both wanting
to fly.

Is tonight another night
I like to label restless
Will it be filled with dreams
Or thoughts of things unseen

In the dark I stare at nothing
Yet something's staring back
its the night where my nightmares live
And hauntings of things I lack.

Darling, look at me,
Through this night that we can defeat
We'll march proudly and come to be
We'll see who boils under heat.

When the sun decides to wake
Darling, I will be there
When the sun comes up
I'll always be here.
Take these perfect tears
Take them please
I hae their shine
Their glimmer

The way they fall off my face
Catch their descent
Steal their salty life
From under my eyes

With all the sleeves stained with red
With all the scars
These tears
Have brought

Grant me sleep
And with this sleep
Take my eyes
So they may never cry

And with the morning
Take my heart
So never will i feel
Those perfect tears again.
Never, never again?
Not on nights filled with quivering stars,
or during dawn's maiden brightness
or afternoons of sacrifice?

Or at the edge of a pale path
that encircles the farmlands,
or upon the rim of a trembling fountain,
whitened by a shimmering moon?

Or beneath the forest's
luxuriant, raveled tresses
where, calling his name,
I was overtaken by the night?
Not in the grotto that returns
the echo of my cry?

Oh no. To see him again --
it would not matter where --
in heaven's deadwater
or inside the boiling vortex,
under serene moons or in bloodless fright!

To be with him...
every springtime and winter,
united in one anguished knot
around his ****** neck!
I am your secret
I am all yours
You know my landscape
I know the shape of your eyes
And the lines off your smile
Keep me a secret
Ill be your secret
We will hide under the covers
And we will explore
We will stay there for days
We willl melt into one
If you keep me your secret
I will keep you mine
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