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 Jan 2018 Joellei
I wish
I didn't
know why
not one of us
is okay anymore.
 Aug 2017 Joellei
I hide my emotions because you wouldn't understand
   If you knew I had nightmares
You wouldn't believe me
You would talk about how carefree I am.
   If you heard that I am weak
You wouldn't listen
You would say something about my muscles
   If you saw how scared I am
You wouldn't think it was me
Saying to yourself how fearless I act

But I stay up at night because of memories of my brother
   I bring myself down and rip myself  apart for my inabilities and faults
   I am afraid of being vulnerable, and opening up because I've been hurt by those who love me

I hide among my new personality of strength fun freedom and bravery.
 Aug 2017 Joellei
I stand among the forgotten
We move without a trace
We speak without a sound
Heard but not listened to
Sympathized but shunned
I stand among the few
Those who want to be known
Ignored when speaking
So we shout
Not seen when walking
So we stomp
I am a man
A man with emotions
 Aug 2017 Joellei
Why do we fight the ones we love
Is it out of fear that their too close
Why do we lie to the ones who care
Is it because we don't want them to worry
Why do hide from the ones who are there
Is it easier then facing disappointment
Why do we hurt the ones we want
There is no excuse for the things we do
Yet We point to our pain
We try to busy the blame
But we know we did it
 Jul 2017 Joellei
Song of seduction,
Summer's night in Paradise
A nightingale sings
 Jul 2017 Joellei
the Moon reminds of romance
- unrequited love

but as the years wane
-this love was perfected.
the words wrapped in the shadows teach me how to bleed. in the hollow spaces of night, all is you. all is a search for you.
souls lay atop each other on reality's dark fabric.
your sight on top of mine. we are all 7 billion golden sights, blinking in on a pebble.

we're everything to each other. yet nothing. we search for ourselves. because we are ourselves.
we try to be other people. but the boxes are too tight.

(the last of the rain hangs from leaves, waiting lucidly for the final moments. in between cloud and ground, they wait. giants to an insect.)
Something odd and strange I wrote a while ago.
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