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 May 2017 Urmila
Mike Hauser
All the clocks that are owned
The only time they've ever told
As long as the day is old

From the start of the day
Until the hour growing late
The only sound that they make

As the seconds unkindly tic
Every minute that we live
Hardly can get used to it

With no way of keeping up
This timeless ticking of the clock
Whether or not you've had enough

With every seconds timeless tic
Opportunities often missed
In this life that we live
The sail was raked
The mast did groan
The spray would wash
My life's on loan

And when I saw
The black veil raise
I let out a plea
To God in Praise

Oh Lord I pray
My sins forgive
I'll live right
Just let me live
 May 2017 Urmila
The violin is sonorous
The cellos are in tune
The kettle drums
of thunder
Beat against the moon
Woodwinds through
the eaves
Make the nightbirds

Coyotes are a clarinet
Such a lonely howl
As the night storm passes
You can hear the owl
Cougar makes his
With a roaring growl...

Crickets are ubiquitous
Rosening their bows
Sometimes in the
Cicada's music flows
The nocturnal fragrance
Trickles through
the groves
It makes the
lovers giddy
Romances the nose...

The stars are
great musicians
At last, they appear
They play the piano
With the music
of the spheres
All the while, listening,
The cactus stands
and hears
God gave coyote

but Saguaro He gave

A little night music...

Going to try to catch up
On my reading tonight...
If I don't get to read your
Work right away please
Understand. My mom's
Been ill, and I've been back
And forth to doctors.
I try to read when I can.
Been in a slump.
Coming OUT of it though


£♡¥€ you!!! ♡♡♡
 May 2017 Urmila
To really look at yourself is the hardest thing to do.
Not just looking in the mirror, but when the mirror looks back at you.
When you see all your flaws, your weaknesses, and your short comings.
Its hard not to break and start to leak, like a crack in the plumbing.
When i looked into my soul, i saw nothing but black.
Cried, prayed, and wished for a chance. A chance to go back.
To right all the wrongs, to patch all the holes.
Even though i know its impossible, like changing the way the river flows.
Since i cant go back, all i can do now is change.
Have to mend my soul, order my feelings, have to rewire my brain.
 May 2017 Urmila
Catarina Pech
A whisper of a notion
A whim ready to go
An anti-plan put in motion
A seed ready to sow
Relinquishing to a passing fancy
Do what ever it please
So long as it's not too chancy
A whim on the breeze
Sometimes I have urges to do weird random things, I usually suppress them but  it's more fun when I don't.
 May 2017 Urmila
Ann Beaver
Head bowed
Eyes closed

It has all gone vapor
Through the chimney
Mixing with the clouds
Pixel perfect
Engineering effort

learn to look up again
See again
Eyes open
 Apr 2017 Urmila
Pearson Bolt
 Apr 2017 Urmila
Pearson Bolt
my lethargic limbs ache
taut against the strings.
****** around
by a puppet-master
with invisible hands.
perpetually exhausted.
i sleep,
but i do not rest.
just once,
i'd like to wake up
on the right side
of the bed.
instead, i keep
waking in a sweat
at 3:00am, wishing
i was dead.
National Poetry Month, Day 19.
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