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 Aug 23 Jimmy silker
Why ain't I able to move on from you and your memories, Why you always makes me yours through my dreams, Just wish me once, to be like you, and then perhaps I'll lead an ecstatic life like you.
I was loving some o' that heat when some cool cat turned the thermostat down.

Cold and grey suits batshit Britain today
I watch them through the leaded lights with leaden feet all kneeling to receive some blessing,
I never go, I leave them guessing as to what I'm doing and they come to a consensus that I'm stealing lead off the church roof,

I forgive them; they're old and no one ever told them that lead's no longer used on church roofs.

I'm off today
and some say
I've been off for years

can anyone explain to me
that when I'm off
it always seems to rain on me
and not pennies from Heaven either

when the roof caves in
and only the faithful
are saved by him

I'll be with her.
can no longer take things for granted
or we'd probably get arrested,

I heard someone got six months for
taking time off.

They are altering everything,
and offering nothing,

I yearn for those ways
back in the days
I stand on the banks of yesterday
Watching moments slip away
Like leaves on a river's gentle stream
Lost in the current, a memory's dream

In the depths, I see reflections of you
A fleeting glimpse, a heart that's true
But like the water, you're gone from sight
Leaving me with just a fading light

The river flows, a constant beat
A reminder of time's relentless repeat
Moments lived, moments lost, moments dear
All swept away, leaving only tears

Yet, in the flow, I find a peaceful place
A sense of surrender, a gentle embrace
For in the river's heart, I hear a voice
Whispering wisdom, a heartfelt choice
memories, and longing
the river ran incessantly
and it became a
that runs through me

of course, its course has changed
and I have also changed,
the passing of years and erosion
do that.
 Aug 23 Jimmy silker
I’ve got a Time Machine.
But I have to warn you,
It’s a painful ride,
going to the past.
Sunny days are rainy days
Going over to storms
And the thounder roars
Lightning the only light

Standing at the Edge of life
the mourning wind, tries to push me over
but I stay strong as an willow
I'm the tree, that doesn't break

The falling rain Turns into a river
The water current becomes wilder
It tries to pull me down
But I'm the Willow, that won't break

The lightning strucks into the other trees
And the fire Breaks Out
Ash and smoke surrounding me
But fire won't get the tree

The storm it grows
Ripping Out the Forrest trees
It still tries to Break me
But I'm the tree, your worst enemy

But at one day
The sun came Back Out
The storm is away, the water drained
I'm the tree, that will stay 'til the end
Let us all smile.
Let us all smile always,
Like a river that never runs dry.
For beauty is only attached to a smile.
You are like a perfect love
that flies in the air,
which radiate my heart.
That in between the glow of your lips
And the sweetness thereof.
You still create a way to make me feel
like am the only one in the world.
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