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Drab 6d
They will get theirs.
And I will get mine.
Words to die by.
I forgot.
Drab 6d
I take the blame for all I have caused.
I take the blame for all I have thought.
I take the blame for everything.
Almost, except for what others have done.

NOTE – just sayin ....Friday, September 13th a day that will live in infamy.....

#blame #responsibility #difference

RIP NYC Council?
NOTE – WARNING: consider the source, always. Checked for bias,
Drab 6d
She couldn’t shut up.
The salad was sour.
The mood was low.
And the ***** flowed.
NOTES – Wrote this listenin to Garth. Fixing to listen to further excalmations….(pun or whatever it was)
Sept, 21st century
Drab 6d
Some are to be made fun of.
Some of them are to curse.
Some of them tickled me red.
Some stole from my purse.

I tell you it’s wonderful
I tell you it’s not pho-nee
It’s the holes in my head,
That reaches out to all thee.
NUTS - Friday the 13th. What a drag it is being old.
Drab 6d
It was held open with toothpicks.
A valve in its womb.
Held on by threads.
Seen by everyone in the room.
A time when I looked,
From within, from just five.
It’s not as good as being dead,
But it’s great being alive!

NOTES – Hmmmm, another name would be Pathology Blues. Changed my mind.
Drab 6d
Tigre was a dog
Poodle though he may have been
A terror to us all.
When he got out on his own,  his chosen whim

But he stayed around, for only five years.
Not many disasters.
Not many tears.

We had to give,
My life away,
So he could swim,
With her today.
NOTES - Good doggie. Lady had to swim for her arthritis. Tiger joined her daily.......
Drab 7d
A tiger’s view.
From a bedroom window.
Draws me towards it.
Or is it just the dog next door barking.

Doh! Dang alarm clock.
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