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Marc Morais Mar 6
I used to build words
like a carpenter—
lines hammered out
plank by plank
word for word,
like bridges
spanning waters
for anyone
eager to cross.

And now
I write to meet the page
like aching skin,
like quiet water
hesitant to ripple—
careful to bear a mark.

All the words
I’ve sent off—
paper boats,

I let them all go,
and bridges alike,
let them sink or rise—
and let the tide
bring the words
Marc Morais Mar 16
She stands—
small as a whisper
against the bleeding sky—
The night unfurls
in ink
and red-ash.

She listens
for the slightest noise—
a snap
a howl
a stretch
in her imagination—
the language
of things
that do not speak quietly.

The world beside her
every splatter
every stain
heavy on her trenches.

She wonders—
if the dark feeds on her fears
if shadows
ever tire of stretching—
between heartbeats
she stands her ground
with tin soldiers
pooling at her feet—
right as rain.
I painted the digital art first and used it as inspiration.

A Breach in the Calm—
Marc Morais
There is no prelude
only a twist
a turn—
the way the world
wonders in a small room
where nothing waits
but her.

Her lips know
what they are for—
his body,
a compass
without a thought
she moves true

Sleep lags behind
a slow traveler
watching his limbs
remember her—
a hand on the small
of her back
a breath bending
to her collarbone

The dream learns
its lesson—
not all things
need saying
some simply
some are meant to be
Marc Morais Feb 26
It’s been this way for years—
my side of the bed
feels like an abandoned playground,
stretched wide under the sheets,
her side tucked tight as a drum.

I don’t ask her anymore,
why she curls her back,
so small, against the curve of my patience.
I just listen to the rasp of her breath.
Her hands drift—
fingers skimming the mattress seam—
measuring the length of her leaving.
Even in sleep,
she moves like a caged bird
eyeing an open window.

The nights are endless—
I feel her absence,
colder than her body ever could be.
Her warmth turned off,
while I stay open—
like a shoreline bracing for waves
that never get close enough,
pulling back before they kiss the sand—
even the tide has its limits.

Some nights, sleep betrays her—
I hear her grinding dreams between her teeth,
muttering the name of a man
she thought she’d forgotten,
she can't keep under her tongue.

This isn’t her fault—love never is.
She loves me like wind loves tall grass—
never staying, just passing through.
And I love her too—enough to know
I am her leaning post
she doesn’t want to need.
Marc Morais Mar 3
Part 1
Moored to Your Fate

You never thought it would be her—
the one who once traced your hairline
with lullabies,
who held your hand across the street,
who held up your name,
like a promise that the world would
never break you—Hope.

But sometimes—love wears a cruel mouth,
fingers that once soothed now shove you under —
you learn to swallow the tide,
to keep quiet when her rage bleeds
her voice upon you—Hope.

Part 2
The Haunting Storms

And when you run away to find shelter,
the storms do not ask if you are ready.
They do not care if your ragged bones
are already cracked.
If your heart, heavy as a stone,
has already been tossed away into
deep, dark water.

Still, they sink and you drown, they
sink and you drown—you hate it—
hating who you’ve become—sunken,
cursing your name—Hope.

Part 3

One day,
you wake to a  perfect calm—
not sure how you got here,
only that the air is crisp,
with daylight most forgiving.

Beside you,
a younger version of yourself,
small fingers tracing your hairline,
as if mapping a way back.
She grabs and hugs you,
pushing her tiny nose into your neck.
She kisses your cheek and whispers in
your heart—thank you.

Thank you for not giving up.
Thank you for holding up my
name to your heart,
like a promise that the world would
never break us.

Thank you—for becoming the oar,
the mast, the unsinkable hull
that does not break—having me safe
as your stowaway.

Thank you—learning to row
with bleeding hands,
to steer by the stars no matter what—
the punishing rain blinding you,
and the wind lashing at your face.

Thank you for taking my hand and
carrying me across the oceans.

The sky splits wide with light,
a flood of emotion makes you both fall
to your knees.
The brightest shore fills you up
like a slow hymn, and you—
standing grateful
in this perfectly made morning—
a day to remember—Hope.
Marc Morais Mar 7
The attic is no place to live—
but it’s where I hide,
among clocks leaning against walls,
their faces turned away.
There’s a kind of shame in being watched
when time isn’t yours to keep.
I know they’re scheming—
like men in trench coats,
hands hidden in their pockets.

Words escape me now.
I hear them as they slip—
trickling out sideways,
like strangers running through fields
where nothing flowers.

They’re bright, buzzing—
fireflies, too quick to catch.

I trapped silence in a jar.
I named it Weekend
and made it swear not to leave.

For a while, it did.
I told myself
it might stay forever.
But silence is clever,
it knows how to sneak away quietly—
and now mornings are like Mondays,
with thin, pale faces
peering through the glass,

Nothing speaks here—
not even the coffee.

The windows are painted black—
someone thought it was kindness,
thought it was better this way—
now, no one, not even the light,
can find me and trap me
in a jar.
Marc Morais Mar 6
Sorry is a door
you step through,
barefoot and
every time
you think
you must fix something
that was meant to break.

Sorry is a door,
soft as cloud,
hard as regret,
it swings
no matter how many times
you slam it shut.

You keep—
and walking through.

As if the other side
will be different this time.
As if love
waits with open arms
instead of crossed fingers.

The truth is—
sorry is the door
you take over and over again
until you understand
you never
wanted to be on the other side
to begin with.

Sorry is the door
to the wrong house.
Marc Morais Feb 24
There is something quiet
in the way
the flowers bloom
against the gray,
among abandoned doorways
and forgotten walls,
as if they belong there—
their softness brushes
against decay,
like a secret
they aren’t trying to keep.

You stand still,
and time slows.
Nothing moves but a subtle drift,
nothing speaks
but the quiet cascade of petals—
growing where they shouldn’t,
thriving where the world
has grown tired.

It’s almost enough
to make you believe
in something—
a small kind of hope
that hides itself
in unexpected places,
waiting to be noticed.
Marc Morais Feb 23
Wood splinters,
as doors slam—
Someone always ends up leaving.

Down the hall,
voices rise, then settle—
we were taught not to talk to strangers,
even the ones who once loved us.

Love is a blanket,
too short to cover our feet—
stretched too thin,
it always tears us.

A house can break in small ways—
first in the sharp cut of words,
then, in silence,
until even the walls stop asking for us.

In the end—
there is nothing left
but the frame of a doorway,
a threshold where no one waits—
just air shifting,
and a ghost stepping through.
Marc Morais Mar 12
As a reminder
to be kind
to others—
and put
my multifarious talents
to use—
I took a penny
with the year
I was born
and wrote—
Be Kind
on the tail side.

Year came
to pass.

And, one day,
I turned
the coin on its head
and wrote—
Be Considerate.

And now,
if I suffer
a nefarious death,
at least
it will be
a glorious one.
BLT's Merriam-Webster's
Word of The Day Challenge
March 12th / Multifarious—
of many and various kinds
My heart trips
on its own beat—
a clumsy thing
my little red fighting machine
stepping where it shouldn't
falling where it swore
it wouldn't—
silly heart with two left feet

It moves in crazy fits
in starts
too eager
too uncertain—
a tiny dancer with a desire
to count
to a tiny infinity

Love taps twice
but it falters—
always leading
where it should follow
always missing
the note
by just one step—
but dance with me
lovely girl
with two left socks
in your feet
Marc Morais Mar 13
The road bends like a drunk prophet.
I hear the wind murmuring my name,
through teeth full of gravel and tar.

Each step I take is a betrayal—
boots thick with yesterday's rain,
the mud holding on like it knows
what I have left behind.

My thumb rises, a hesitant blade,
cutting the air, asking not for mercy
but a push in the right direction.

In the trucker's headlights,
I am nothing but a smear of a shadow—
a shape too hollow to recognize.

Cornfields bow their heads in judgment,
their stalks rustling like gossip.
The wind slips a cold hand inside my head,
rattling the empty spaces
I've been trying not to regret.
It smells like rust—
like the kitchen light I try to remember
if I forgot to turn off or not.

I walk—
Each mile is a dare.
Above, the stars look sharp enough
to break skin, and I wonder
if they've ever fallen for someone like me.

By the time the road bends into darkness,
I've stopped looking for salvation.
All I want is the sound of tires slowing,
a stranger's voice to remind me
that I am still here, still real—
stitched together by the fragile need
to keep moving.

But the road keeps taking,
pulling me deeper into its endless ditches.
I walk until the horizon bleeds out,
until my hunger becomes a thin, feral thing
growling on this road to nowhere.
Marc Morais Mar 16
The mind stays sharp—
a blade untouched by rust
thoughts streaming
through the dim corridor
of memory

The heart beating strong,
a river carving
through worn stone
knowing no end.

But the body—
the body
a house abandoned
timbers bending
skin thinning
like paper—
fingers tired
as wind-worn

We live—
not in sinew
not in bone,
but in the fire
that refuses to burn out—
the light
against the dark—
and forget
this house abandoned.
Marc Morais Feb 26
When the sky turns to water,
hard and gray,
and the wind moves slow,
as if sadness has made it heavy,
I sit in a room
where the walls sigh.
The air is thick
with things unsaid,
but I wear my pain like a coat,
and it scares me
that it fits so well.

Then the walls start to close,
shadows stretching long,
a deep blue swallowing the floor.
I hear footsteps, but no open doors,
I reach, but the walls
offer nothing back.
This is the room of depression,
where time has no use for my name—
where the lonely screams
of the blood in my veins
fade before they find me.

A door creaks open,
but no one steps through—
grief enters like a storm—
rattling the windows,
dragging the scars of every goodbye
I never got to say.
I hear the scrape of empty chairs,
the ghosts of things
that should have remained.
Here, the air is salted
with old remorse,
and nothing I touch is real.

But somewhere,
far past these sunken feelings,
past the wind’s torment,
a brightly painted door waits.
I push it open—
let the sun stretch across my skin,
let the air smell like something fresh.
And though the past still haunts me
like dust in the corners,
I step out—
a little less broken,
a little more here,
a little more now,
in a house with four rooms.
The represents a journey from one emotional state to another—sadness, depression, grief and healing.
Sometimes, you write a poem and only realize after it is done that you needed to—this is one of them.  Enjoy!
Marc Morais Mar 4
You walk between moments,
where old wounds
hold you hostage
against new days,
where your hands carry
lessons you were never
meant to have.

Peel back the voices—
the ones that say stay small,
the ones that tell you
to give until you are empty—
as if you were made to be a turnip.

With a leap of faith—
trust yourself,
unknot your spine,
soften your jaw,
scrub the shoulds from your skin
and kick the naysayers
to the curb.

You do not need
to be saved—
just reminded
that before the world
carved its shape into you,
you were—
and boundless
beyond measure.
Marc Morais Mar 8
I walked the shoreline,
against the wind—
the sand,
stinging my face.

The tide held its silence,
better at keeping time
than keeping promises—
softer than salt air,
gentle as a smile,
gone and forgotten.

fell short,
a sigh,
a soft retreat—
leaving only the faint warmth
of footprints
fading behind me.
Marc Morais Mar 8
You came in fast,
like summer in April—
all swagger on borrowed time,
a heat that I couldn’t survive—
I should have known better
than to touch.

Your hands—
a bonfire across my skin,
your voice—a quiet guise
before the strike
of a match.

There are forces around us
we should not take casually—
magnetism, gravity,
the stretch toward something
that pulls in and begs
to be followed—
ironically, literally
I was no match for you.

You are made
of something primal—
untamed, unapologetic,
and in the end,
it was never a fair contest.
You, fire. I, thin air—
rushing to meet you,
after knowing full well
what fire does to air.
Marc Morais Mar 18
He heard a loud thump as the boat
shook sideways and pushed down—
she was caught between  the tides,
drowning  in foam and tangled net
seaweed  curled  in  her  long  hair,
her mouth full of salt.  

His net  had  never  held  before  a
creature so destined for drowning—
lips like a petal of  a watered  rose,
skin the color  of  mist  just  before
the sun’s first light.

He touched  her  shoulder  and  the
ocean sighed—unsure what  to  do
he brought her home  in  his  arms,
wrapped her in linen too rough for
her flesh—set her down on his bed,
where  he  turned  down   the  dim
light of the oil lamps that flickered
against the  walls like  fish  darting
in a shallow cove.

For days,  she didn’t  speak—only
watched  him  with  her wide eyes
that had  only  known  dark  water,
and had forgotten how to close.

He sang to her  softly,  like  waves
curling  against the  shore—he fed
her the pinkest meat of the salmon,
washed her hair with  milk,  while
his palm rested  firm  on  her  ribs,
listening  for  something  that  had
gone quiet.

And when she stirred at last, it was
with a slow, liquid sound—her soft
fingers  trailing  over  his  wrist—a
tide returning.

She whispered something soft, like
cotton, her syllables thick and crisp
with ocean, something  he  did  not
understand—nor did  he  need  to—

He would follow her anywhere.

That night, she lay beside him, cool
against his  warm  side—though  he
closed his eyes, he felt her watching—
a  tide  of  something  wild  between
them, as enticing as the scent of  wet

Morning came—she was already gone.
The bed smelled of coarse salt, he put
his hands  to  his  lips  and  could  still
taste her.

Down by the shore, the waves rolled in,
welcoming her back—as the fisherman
stood at his window, staring beyond the
cove, saddened she could not stay.
Novo Amor—Anchor
Marc Morais Mar 13
If I tell them
I do not care anymore—
they will not hear the breaking
of my heart.

Some shoulders
will sink into the ground,
dragging the sky closer,
until I am buried
out of sight.

Some blank eyes
will look right through me,
as if I have vanished
into thin air.

It is not small—
this knowing
of how words
find their way,
into the spaces between us
where the air thickens,
where hope might
be hidden.

And sometimes,
it's all you need—
to feel the warmth in the air
or the lonely wave
that comes
when nothing is left.
Marc Morais Mar 1
She holds her children
as if she could keep them forever,
as if her arms could become
a wall against time,
drawing the world smaller
into her universe of warmth.

Fingers trace small backs,
pressing hope into tender spines—
their touch speaks louder
than any prayer.

This is how she endures—
a calm sentinel,
watching the winds rise,
gathering her own
against the open maw
of the world,
drawing them closer
into her silence
to remind them
they are safe.
Marc Morais Mar 18
She planted small hopes
in the cracks of a dying world—
timid sprouts, fragile but defiant,
pushing through the ash.

Even as the sky forgets the sun,
her dirt-scored hands
remember the language of survival.
A faint stir rises within the earth—
roots quivering beneath barren soil,
aching for water's warm touch.

The air hangs thick,
against the cold truths
of metal machines—
her ears strain for warmth,
her hands sink into the ground,
seeking a quiet song.

The soil clings—ancient, enduring,
unbroken by decay.
She kneels, and in that moment,
the dirt softens beneath her—
It cradles her hope,
a green breath
in a place the sky forgot.

And still, she moves,
as if her breath
might wake the heavens—
as if the softness of her hope
could dispel the dark.
Marc Morais Mar 3
Pear against my lips—
late snack under the stars,
porch light flickers.
Haiku Soft Senses 4/5
Marc Morais Mar 16
A beginning
A breath
A step
A want
A reach
A fall
A sigh
A was
Marc Morais Mar 5
This city
was not built
for people like me—
I am the space
between the buildings,
a line
in the pavement
that no one stops to notice.
My memory is the sky—
storms tearing through
like the way we need
to index clouds.

I am
blurred lines—
a smudge
born of gridlock,
but going unnoticed
is a weapon.

No fingerprints
to leave behind—
just a ghost
hidden beneath my skin,
too blurred to see,
too drab to notice.

What does it mean
to walk the city
and leave no trace—
to peel open my eyelids
only to find nothing.

Sometimes, I wonder—
if invisibility is a disease,
born from a system so loud
it swallows everything.
Marc Morais Mar 6
In the fist of winter,
I watch a creature move—
a faint figure buried in snow,
its paw bent, awkward,
each step a question of survival—
its body’s response to the harsh cold.

I feel the force of it,
feral and raw,
a silent ache gnawing at my bones—
how the frigid cold carves so deep.

The creature stumbles, pauses—
I imagine the bone, splintered
beneath its skin, how it bites
when it stretches forward,
not with any grace, but with reluctance.

I follow its moves—
the sharp shudder of it
against the barren slopes.
Its eyes are glassy, dark—
questioning, perhaps,
if winter might be kinder elsewhere.

I wonder if the creature knows—
if it feels it too—
how some wounds never heal,
they only sleep waiting.
It looks back, it limps away,
its silhouette smaller
against the wide mouth of the wind.
I will leave some food out,
tonight just in case—
not only for it, but for me too,
for the part of me
that waits by the door,
calling out for someone
to come out from the cold.
Marc Morais Mar 12
The sky is crimson rain—
she curls into herself,
ribs arched like bridges—
naked in a cold world
full of spoiled dreams.

The air—heavy
with rust and burnt ****.

Unseen eyes burn,
raking across her skin—
heat grabs at her collarbone,
spilling downward, molten,

Figures haunt her sides—
fixed, sinister creatures,
hooded in cold fog.
Their breath—low, rasping—
skims the pale fields
of her thighs.

They watch with jagged mouths,
stretched wide—hungry—
she remains frozen, silent—
unable to run.

Beneath her feet,
the ground sears her soles—
bruises throbbing—
purple and black.

Her heart, raw and wet,
hangs loose in her chest—
like a pendant in her neck
about to fall, beating—scared,
fragile, uncertain.

She cradles her head,
not to hide—but to remember
the soft rhythm she once knew.
If you think she is difficult—
just stop fueling her demons,
you don’t know what surviving
is about.

Above her, a pallid figure waits—
too far to touch, hauntingly familiar,
standing between the pit in her body
and the darkness that devours her.

The night breathes with sharp fangs—
She is alone in its grasp, and
she wonders how much of herself
will be left when the shadows
are done with her.
Marc Morais Mar 12
I had this dream—
a life in a perfect little world
where I would know no harm—
a life in my perfect little world.

I built enormous walls
around my house
and spread cotton *****
all around, over and over—
a life in my perfect little world.

A life in my perfect little world—
a perfectly lonely little world.

I tore down all the walls—
and after long consideration,
I put a small white picket fence,
a nice inviting gate,
a big friendly sign on the lawn,
built a walkway to a big yellow door
of my bright little house.

A life in my perfect little world—
with a perfect little gate,
with a perfect big sign,
and this perfect little claim—

Stay on the walkway and respect my boundaries
or I will make you eat cotton *****
and claim self-defense.
Mothers and Fathers teach Sons and Daughters about boundaries, self-esteem, self-respect, and just in case, self-defense.
Marc Morais Mar 15
We search for shelter—
two shadows moving between spaces,
palms scraped and scarred but open,
not seeking refuge but something softer—

We search—not for doors that lock,
but for walls that breathe,
for corners where the wind slows,
where silence smoothes hearts soft.

We carry this shelter,
like stones wrapped inside poems
we placed in our pockets—
proof that we are not alone.

We gather room to breathe—
where closeness begins in trust
and the patience between our words
where neither of us has to explain
to our demons to stand down.

We do not build with haste.
We do not name this place too soon.
We let it stand and settle,
until the day we know—
this is home.

And when the world rages,
and the night feels too wide,
when the wind screams and howls
of vampires and life-leeching ghouls
we do not run from light and darkness
we do not fight—we stand, together,
having each other’s back
until the storm has nothing left to take
from us and this strong shelter.
Marc Morais Mar 2
A poem can't be open-minded
A poem can't be thoughtful
A poem can't be endearing
And a poem can't certainly know better.

A poem can’t cook
or can't even be a limp noodle.

A poem can't do anything—
Except show us how good we are at giving
And maybe teach us how to give to ourselves.
A companion piece for Liana’s terrific poem, I Can’t.
It’s a reminder that even when we feel like we can’t, there’s something within us that still gives, that still creates, that still is. And maybe, just maybe, poetry can move us, shape us, and reveal things we didn’t know we needed to see.
Marc Morais Mar 6
I do not know
the right words—
only that I see you,
carrying what should not
be carried alone.

I wanted to be
the kind hand,
the quiet beside you—
but closeness
became a language
I forgot
how to speak—
I have only myself
to blame.

This space between us
is no indifference—
only a shield to hide
what I do not know
how to give.

Even in silence,
I hope you feel it—
how deeply I care,
how I wish one day
my memory will leave you
Marc Morais Mar 14
A silent witness—
I do not ask
I do not offer
I do not even question—
all I can do is listen.

My heart resting
still as quiet rain.

Some griefs
are meant to echo
to fill the room without reply.

I do not turn away.
I do not quiet the storm.
I hold space
only a presence—

This is how I honor you—
not with words,
but with a silence
that lets yours
be heard.
As the train whistle calls,
it sits in the corner,
scuffed leather the color of burnt umber,
the handle worn smooth—
hands too hesitant to carry further.
The lock rusted—I’ve come to like—
its mouth clenched tight over secrets.
Each click of its latch—
a swallowed sob.

Inside, letters tucked in the pages
of my favorite books.
There is a note of apology,
exhausted from being turned over too often,
a confession hiding at the bottom,
like a ribbon of sorrow,
a name stitched into the lining—
a name I never learned to erase.

One day, I will unpack it,
lay the words flat on my bed.
I will try them on—once more,
as if for the first time,
each syllable slipping over my shoulders,
like an ill-fitted coat—
too tight in some places,
and too loose in others.

But instead, it sits there—
an artifact from parts of me
that never knew how to speak.
And when I leave,
I pack it anyway—
its ache, a quiet anvil,
with a silence louder
than the wind—
carry it some more.
Marc Morais Mar 8
It holds up—
like the lip of a cracked cup,
so fragile
your mouth might shatter it.
A bone-close kind of grief,
tucked deep
where your mouth meets memory.

You know this feeling—
a forgotten bruise,
resurfacing in the worst way.
It hides—careful,
just beneath the skin,
tightening each time you try
to smooth it away.

The mirror doesn’t argue—
you see the stretch of your tired face,
your tight smile, more armor than expression,
held just wide enough
to stop the ache from spilling over—
but it leaks—sharp as sunlight
through broken shutters—
It has a way of moving through us,
tearing loose the things
we didn’t know held us together,
leaving us hollow,
and burdened, all at once.

They’re gone now—
shadows slipping from the walls
following everywhere you go—
so you meet the world,
and all you can offer
is a tight smile.
Marc Morais Mar 6
There is a tremor within me,
a shiver beneath my skin—
the kind you feel in the morning air,
when the day is too quiet
for you to have started anything.

My eyes are drawn toward a tulip,
its colors red and ready—
while mine are blurred and blue.
It stands, its back to the breeze,
petals brushing against the air,
soft as silk, soft as a cloud—
if only I could learn how
to keep in place so simply.

I don’t know what tomorrow holds—
or maybe I do, but it’s easier
to pretend, to write the answer
on a piece of paper, throw it away—
make a promise never to read it again.

Each mood I have as of late
either turns to red or blue,
a streak of color against the morning light,
a quiet strength I long to mirror—
to have once again.

Maybe the tulip knows the secret,
could teach me how to bloom
and live again, even as the ground
stirs beneath me.
The Tulip, the Sky and the Fluorite.  1/3
Marc Morais Mar 5
I am—
an unlit wick,
a sparrow unseen
in a flock of starlings,
a smudge,
in a trail of erased steps.

No one claims
the air I move through,
as names fall away,
a shadow too faint
to take notice.

I am—
and I vanish.

The crowd breathes
a broken branch off a tree,
a blank page
torn out of a book.

I was—
now vanished.
Marc Morais Mar 13
She moves through wind,
storm   wild  in  feathers,
a wing  bent  against  the
Her silence falls  heavy,
her words clipped short,
her  eyes  cast   down—
                always down.

Shadow wraps her close
her  shape,   tucked   in.
She wears mistrust  like
a mask,  always  smiles
to stay quiet—a wound
                  bound tight.

Inside,  her heart aches,
stuck to repeat—caged
in her  nest  of  tangled
thoughts, and her hope
swallowed—kept  nice
and hidden,  like a key
she thinks she lost.      

If only the dawn knew
where to find  her, and
lift her wing, to see her
rise  and   set  her  free.
Marc Morais Mar 17
It’s not the fall
that breaks—
it’s the slow descent
of our horizons,
the moment between
what we once held
and what has slipped
through our fingers—
our efforts
unmoved by regret
and broken
from remorse.

Not that it matters—
down here
scatters the same
we will all
be judged differently.
Marc Morais Mar 21
The tide withdraws, leaving salt-etched lines,
kelp curled like loose strands along the shore.
Gulls brace against the wind, their wings drift,
while a crab, buried, waits for the next wave.

Two figures walk, their steps dissolving behind them,
fingers brushing once, then parting like foam—
driftwood leans where the water lets it.
Strawberry Sunscreen—Lostboycrow & AVIV
Marc Morais Mar 11
If I sit too long, time gathers in my chest,
as my mind sees the finish line waiting for me—
It makes it hard to breathe
not from the aches of the world,
but from the slow diminishment of time—
my own.

I find myself caught,
between the urge to fight
and the desire to let go,
between wanting to stay
and fearing I’ve overstayed
my welcome.

I wish I could run backward in time—
through rain-soaked streets
where I should have spoken,
to rooms filled with words
I swallowed down.

To rewrite a road already traveled—
I’d keep close only a few,
kind souls etched in love and loss,
and have us meet on softer roads
and brighter dawns,
let love linger longer—
so much longer—
before it learns to fade away.

But the clock never bends,
so I dwell in tiny moments,
trading the vastness of tomorrow
for the precious depth of just one day—

There is comfort in knowing
not all battles are won
with clenched fists
or held breaths.

I have no wars left to fight—
only the love for others left in me,
fading to purple, barely breathing—
but finally unmoored.
Marc Morais Mar 3
Lovers drift, apart,
brushing skin like slow wind—
barely there, then gone.
Haiku Soft Senses 1/5
Marc Morais Mar 4
A secluded beach,
A sense of nostalgia—
days of summer gone.
Haiku Seaside 5/5
Marc Morais Mar 12
The water rises
slow as seaweed—
it does not rush
to take us.

It waits,
as a pause
between bobbing,
leaving silence
do all the work.

We build our rafts
out of hesitation,
float on thin
as reeds
in the tide.

What holds us
isn’t strong
but still hope—
to pull
from thin air
something to grab
and drift away.
Marc Morais Mar 5
My hands knew
what I should do.

My mother understood how—
carefully carve into my soul,
shaping me softly.

She was never one for goodbyes—
you behave
she used to say instead.

Her mouth learned
how to make me know
she meant it.

My hands understood,
my heart, too.
Marc Morais Mar 14
Rain only on mine
harvest heavy in my heart—
for the sky was dry
where others stood waiting
mouths open to bitter wind.
Marc Morais Mar 14
The vines
have given up on us,
their fruit—
hard as regret,
refusing to soften.

We peel back skin,
bite deep into silence,
the taste withered—
and we are—
all tired.
Marc Morais Feb 26
It is a tongue,
smeared across the roof.
It is a fist, closed tight—
not in anger, but in grief.

Black is the curve of silk—
a black dress slipped from a chair—
Its soft lines trace a story.
Its elegance lives in withholding,
its meaning hides in what remains untouched.

Black sits in a room with no doors,
filled with unanswered questions.

Black isn’t a void—
it is the soil beneath the seed,
the womb where light is forged.
It is the pause before the stars appear,
where names come into being.

It is the space
where all things begin—
an ache—on the cusp of becoming.
Marc Morais Mar 18
I like blank pages—
like quiet rooms
where I can sit and wait
where thoughts and distractions
circle above
like sparring partners—
with clarity—
making me
before I can truly hear.

The space
where thoughts
and undecided
between focus and futility.

I wait—
for thoughts to gather
and distractions to mutter—
the ink to fall
and the noise
to pause
for silence to shape itself—
to find a voice.
Marc Morais Mar 4
Laughing seagulls,
a bluish sea that sparkles,
drifting clouds look on.
Haiku Seaside 4/5
Marc Morais Mar 11
You arrive uninvited—
slipping into my dreams,
stirring up the ache
of an empty bed.

We are fault lines,
two halves of a broken bridge
waiting for the river
to wash us clean—
unsure of which side
to stand on—

We are left and right,
bold and broken,
fierce and faded—
a paradox
of love and ache.

I love you—
but mostly,
I hate you—
for what we were,
for what we are,
for the bridge between us,
neither of us
how to mend.
Marc Morais Mar 15
We built a bridge
out of chalk outlines,
soft lines drawn with our careful hands—
a meeting place of sorts,
where we approach without fear,
where breath is light and unburdened.

Our demons watch, restless,
lurking at both approaches,
waiting for tensions to appear,
but we ask the rain to come,
to wash, to erase,
to show them how we stand—
how we move freely
without breaking.

We are not in a hurry—
if the lines smudge, or
if the rain turns to flood,
we will draw again, again,
and again, if we have to—
slowly learning how to build
boundaries and bridges.

One day,
when the shape holds
and the bridge can carry us,
when we step forward
without shrinking back.
We will meet in the middle,
where the chalk fades into stone,
where the weight of the past
cannot pull us under.

And our demons—
forced to wait on each side—
will learn, at last,
how small they have become
here, at Boundary Bridge.
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