Since a bitter beverage goes best With sweeter courses, adding zest, So many breakfast dishes Considered most delicious Are sugary bases syrup dressed.
Though thimbles are rigid and heavy and tight Getting gouged by pins is no delight. A finger jabbed enough Gets calloused, horned, and tough, But why suffer needless pain from spite?
Though shaving with soap is very cheap The cuts can also run quite deep. Be careful round the lips. Or gout in scarlet drips. Perhaps gel’s price isn’t so steep.
Because zippers cruelly pinch the skin I use velcro for my fastening. Those hooks are much too small To puncture me at all, Twisting barbs into crooks blunts pins.
Would pumpkins smile so very wide If they knew on a porch outside An exposed gourd soon rots Or splatters parking spots? Their grins come from some defiant pride.