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Now I lay me down too sleep,
   I pray my pills, the pain,
      away will keep.
May I slumber a little before,
   the spouse puts down the book,
     and begins to snore.
May my coverage, hit the spot,
     not to cold, not to hot.
May I make it through the hour of wee,
     without having to get up
        and ***.
May I add to that, the neighbors
        dog doesn't, see a cat.
At my age, any bedtime
        wish list, I make,
          I must add,
             that I, "awake".
Do you remember, the "BEST"
     Poem you ever Read,
the one that, to your love
     of Poetry, it led?
Did it set you upon your quest,
     to write a Poem to pass the test,
       of being someone else's,
The sun is sinking like a ship
Into an ocean blue abyss,
While the moon emerges slowly
Bringing sweet, nocturnal bliss

When the last rays grip horizons edge
Reds and purples will scar the skies
And the moon can only live
When the sunlight finally dies
When the power goes out,
     there is no doubt.
How dependent, we be,
     on our electricity.
The universe got smaller
as my mind expanded out
The limits of imagination
endless in redoubt

Each flash the moment changes
passing light that rushes in
The cosmos but a blinking eye
—when out beyond the rim

(Dreamsleep: September, 2023)
The farther I get from religion
the closer I get to God
Clouds blown free—new imagery
a seed in Heaven’s pod

The farther I get from the papal bull
the closer His voice I hear
Grace so blessed—divine GPS
directions loud and clear

(Dundale: September, 2023)
Deadly to his enemies
confusing to his friends

While faithful to his writing
injustice he portends

Furious in times of war
in peace his vision burns

But past the fray inside his words
a gentler spirit yearns

Salvation long then sacrificed
a fate he can’t deny

A cross that’s left for him to bear
but still his spirit cries

Through battles mostly heaven sent
and victories sealed with death

This guilt the price he’s had to pay
now felt with every breath

One wish at last he prays out loud
one cry is sent above

“My spear, my pen, my will to live
I trade all back for love”

(The 1st Book Of Prayers: February, 2017)
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