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Hers was a life
Of which legends are made,
She was born in the sun
And retired in the shade,
But somewhere in between
There was a fabulous rendition,
An exemplary existence
Beyond common tradition.

Her family was conservative
She always did her best,
Just follow Mom and Daddy’s ways
It’s safe within the nest,
But it didn’t fill her up inside
It left her feeling hollow,
And though they knew she loved them
She had a different star to follow.

Although I used the word conservative
Her parents had great knowledge,
They encouraged all their children
To attend some kind of college,
Knowing that the value comes
In exploring brand new themes,
Then taking the experience
To carry out their dreams.

Her dreams were like a ball of yarn
Just waiting to unravel,
With just a little push, she rolled
Into the world of travel,
Returning now and then
Bearing gifts of life and beauty,
And then that girl would dream again
As though it was her duty.

A legend in her own time
Within the family tree,
When pressed for explanations
She’d say, “Because, it’s me”.
feeling good
i count the ways,
the little things
that bless my days,
a beautiful sunrise
lights the sky,
each one is special
i don't ask why,
i stand in awe
a vision treat,
such little blessings
can't be beat.
She's a girl with good taste
And a woman that tastes good,
I'd take her home for a night
Or a year if I could.

She has impeccable passion
For the best things in life,
She might make a good girlfriend
Or even a wife.

She always speaks her mind
And she rarely holds back,
But don't put her on the defensive
Or she will attack,
She's as smart as a whip
Don't tell her a lie,
She knows 35 ways
To make you suffer and cry.

Be attentive to her needs
Give her love and respect,
Don't harbor complacency
And you'll always connect.
s1mpl3po3t Feb 3
It wouldn’t look good on my record
If baby pinched a finger,
He is rolling around in his walker
I shouldn’t allow my attention to linger,
On simple distractions
Like the mobile phone,
A watcher using the internet
Leaves their baby alone.

It would tarnish my reputation
If baby swallowed a penny,
I would be kicked to the curb in a minute flat
And the charges would be many,
So I better pay attention
When baby is under my care,
But I’ve got some games hidden up my sleeve
That would give his parents a scare.
s1mpl3po3t Jan 29
Days go by and I'm not inspired
To do much of anything
Because I'm retired,
Still, I won't waste my time
Worrying about stuff like that,
There is always tomorrow
To ponder where I'm at.

Months go by
And little has changed,
The furniture
Was rearranged,
Giving me a sense of
Something new,
It was the easiest
Thing to do.

Years go by
I don't look in the mirror,
Inside I feel young
And my loved ones are dearer,
They encourage me to
Plan and travel,
But I think I'm afraid
That my life will unravel.
s1mpl3po3t Jan 29
Corner the market
Corner the rat,
Corner the corner
If that’s where it’s at,
That’s how it is
And that’s how it stays,
Corner your lover
Till the end of all days
s1mpl3po3t Jan 12
Retrospective, looking back
At prior times of heart attack:

Raging passions
Now have cooled,
Was it real
Was your heart fooled?

Don't listen to
The logic mind,
It doubts the thing
It can not find,
Embrace the feeling
And the touch,
Hold precious, love
And Love too much.
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