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LOVE is trust
                             LOVE is a dream
                             LOVE is a feeling
                             LOVE is a team
                             LOVE is dedication
                             LOVE is a few tears
                             LOVE is a relationship
                             LOVE last for all your years
                             LOVE will give you signs
                             LOVE is peace in your mind
                             LOVE is great joy
                             LOVE takes time

                                            Tom Maxwell copyright 08/17/2003
Every one that every showed true love to me, my parents,
Both siblings, the lady I married, are all resting in graves, no children,
strange thought or not, will there be anyone there to cry, when I die ?
When I hear about someone with an addiction, television is the first thought that enters my mind,
everyone that watches it is into robbery’s, ***, and violent crimes.
They all sit quiet like a rock staring into space,
with no movement at all, and a cold blank look on their face.
So many of them have trouble deciding, changing channels all of the time,
So, for gone they can’t concentrate, or make a decision with their mind.
Many of them got started years ago, someone turned them on to it for free,
now that they are addicted, they are happy to pay a high monthly fee.
Television teaches children bad habits in so many ways
watching the weather man getting paid to lie, and then they learn the truth the very next day.
The viewers hide from their families and friends all of the time,
has anyone ever told you they have to go, they can’t miss their fix, of a repeat TV show.
If you count up all the hours they waste, years over their life time,
that’s why their called addicts, because they altered their state of mind.
The next time you faithful watchers see a story about an addict on TV,
you can hold your head up high and say, that guy is just like me.

                 Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/18/03
Such a beautiful scene as I look out my window,
everything is so peaceful not even A echo.
The dominate color is white from the years, first snow,
as the sun begins to rise it reflects a blinding glow.
The white ice crystals doing a balancing on the branches of the trees,
as the temperature rise’s they begin to melt and fall so free.
The bird taking turns landing on the feeder with care,
such small delicate bodies to withstand the cold winter air.
The bright red cardinals are the only bold color my eyes see,
as they sit on the deck rail waiting their turn while keeping one eye on me.
There is a gold- colored fox across the creek on the hill,
such a beautiful creature as he sits at the top so still.
I can hear a noise the drip of water as the snow begins to melt away,
enjoy the beautiful things you love in this life sooner or later they will fade.

                                                  Tom Maxwell copyright 01/08/2005
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
As I lay in my bed alone at night,
I wish you were here to hold me real tight.
Feeling your warmth and those kisses so sweet,
just thinking of you, my heart starts to pick up the beat.
Remembering those time’s you were here with me,
such special memories they will always be.
Wondering when I will see you, it could be any night or day,
you just knock on my door, and your special love always shows me the way.
You answer my dreams, then you are up and gone, and I’m the new subject of a sad love song.
You’ve been hurt before you’re afraid to open your heart to me,
you know how I feel and the love I have for you, that will always be.
So much love to give you, it brings a tear to my eye,
you will never know what we could have if you don’t ever try.
I know in my heart you may never just want me,
then my thoughts of us forever, just dreams they will be.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/14/03
We can control almost any actions or thoughts that come into our life each day,
the one thing we can never keep totally in line, is when our emotions come out to play.
Many of people have wished that someone they knew would die, but as soon as it happened,
they were the first with a tear in their eye.
Any sort of relationship love, friendship, or trusting when it stops for bad or good.
our emotions can put us in a daze for days, and we think about what we never understood.
They are a built-in reality control to put us in check off and on during our time,
think about how everyone is always in a hurry, then count the people who try to cut in front of you at a funeral line.
Emotions can even change our body temperature in an instant like a switch inside,
we can have warm to hot feelings, to a chill with goose bumps from our toes to our eyes.
Always let your emotions flow if you try to hold them in,
you will feel lost and alone, as if you were locked up in a closet or bin.
The quicker you release your emotions, your spirit will guide you where to start again,
always remember your emotions are stronger than you, for no one can totally control or hide them within.

        Copyright Tom Maxwell 08/15/03
A trusting honest person in this world today, always seems to get pushed aside,
for thinking and caring for others and going out of their way.
Someone who will come to help you late at night or early any day,
with open arms of love we should never chase away.
Everybody has someone in their past they pushed aside,
for something they thought was better,
that took them on a downhill ride,
When their world falls apart and all the good times go bad,
only then their thoughts go back to that special friendship they lost,
and wish they still had.
If a long-lost friend ever takes the time to give you a second chance,
let them know how special they are, try to repair that broken branch.

   Copyright Tom Maxwell 03/26/03
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