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simplicity and humbleness
real beauty comes through.
It shines.

Shell ✨🐚
Isaac afunadhula May 2021
I walk with misery
I walk in the world but not of the world
I seek for guidance and no one cares enough
I live in this horror of time
Days pass and a new theme is put
I have been pushed away by my closet friends because l don't engage in their decieful thoughts
I have been driven to the edges of this world that l stamp my feet on
I'm no better than the unborn child  who hasn't seen the suffering out of it's mother's wormb
I step and spit on the very land l was moulded from
I don't fit in this  worthless world  because I'm not of this world.
Isaac afunadhula May 2021
Blessed be his name
Praise be on to the Lord Almighty who so loved man  and gave his own to be  sline for  our sake
His light shines bright in the future than ever
His grace is forever
He has shown Mercy from generation to generation
His spirit bares witness that l'm a child of God
Praise be to the most high God whose kingdom reigns forever.
Be blessed with this message
Isaac afunadhula May 2021
Listen dearest to the signal of distress
days left me longing to wonder about the situation as l lay in bed with an open eye groaning with broken soul
help dearest l call on to you to pull me out of this sorrow help for the reminiscence hurts and enemy too has considered me weak to take the fight but now that you here l feel safe in your arms
The most beautiful words written come from
a heart in love
a heart in pain
a heart full of faith!

Shell ✨🐚
Wash us free of inequity
Destroy the savage
And cleanse our souls
Blood that heals many
Be our forever guide
None is like you
For you rise with glory all the time
Let the sun shine as always
Let the moon reflect light from the sun
Let the sky be blue for a time
Let it pour like never before
Let friendship be built
Let it all be tested
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