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Apr 2021 · 149
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Standing on the sidewalk
Extend the arms.
Dust and mud on the entire body
Seeing pedestrians.

Shows various commodities
Gestures to buy.
That's why they are inexpensive
People always like to bought some.

He called, yelled and sale
Sometimes chased by the law enforcers
But where would he go?

Has a family that works hard
However, the entire liability is on him.
This is how his day goes on
But, not at anyone's mercy.
Apr 2021 · 270
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Pedestrians are running with shortness of breath
No time to waste
Everyone is running for their task
That's why there is less time to talk.

Someone is walking fast
Someone walks slowly
Everyone is busy in the middle of work
Everyone is eating by working.

Someone from behind again
Gives a push on the back
Hey, walk faster
There is no excuse.

Thus the rushling and hustling
That's all going on throughout the path
Must reach the place of perform
There is no time to cease.
Apr 2021 · 116
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Meditation rises above ideas and wanders again
Such behavior as a result of speaking the truth.

Slipped on the way and stopped for a moment
However, looked back and saw that there were no footprints.

Sleep-deprived thoughts are suppressed at night
But awaken every morning with the dream of new hope.

Don't understand how this has happened
Don't understand when have to see such a day.

There is no witness to whom I will give the justice
Above is the last hope of the Creator.
Apr 2021 · 231
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Bring the spud, come with the axe
Cut down all the trees.

What is the need of the garden
There will be an apartment, however.

Fill all the ponds
There will be house complexes.

What one get any benefit from the lowlands
Lack of space to build new houses.

Who keeps space for a new road
He lives in a fool's paradise.

There is no time to sense and thought
Everyone is running with their eyes up.

Must have to be modern
Look around.
Apr 2021 · 117
Licht (German)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Dunkelheit im Schatten des Lichts
Und in dieser Dunkelheit gehen
Der vordere Weg ist wie eine Fata Morgana
Auf dem gleichen Weg ist Erfolg angesagt.

Eine Seite, die andere Seite, beide Seiten sind überschwemmt
Wie der Fluss an regnerischen Tagen
Messung der Bewegung von Hoffnung und Vertrauen
Die Vorteile sind als solche.

Muss noch schauen
Wer geht übrigens
Muss noch zuhören
Wer spricht.
Apr 2021 · 131
Tempo (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Quando o tempo passou
Antes que qualquer coisa possa ser encontrada
Quando o alvo é perdido
Antes de encontrar o caminho certo, ao mesmo tempo.

Presente e inexistente
Junções estão a caminho
As idéias ficam cinza
Não entendido de forma alguma.

Em um dos momentos
Saia do caminho novamente
O que acontece quando ninguém sabe
Atravessando esse caminho em vão.
Apr 2021 · 114
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
"Dullard pretends to husk rice even if it goes to heaven"
The weaver has been weaving all his subsistence.
The fisherman has been fishing all his time
The farmer cultivates throughout all his years.

Helmsman spend his whole life on the boat
The artist sings through all his existence.
The beggar begs through all his survival
Destitute dies crying all her days.

Kites fly in the sky all their being
A liar lies all through his entire life.
Memories haunt throughout all our lives
The monsoon brings early floods throughout the year.
Apr 2021 · 123
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Anything there is unhealthy
Anything there is evil
Let us make them disappear from the heart
Let it not be even dim.

Get rid of all lies
Let the truth to take the lead
Enlightened mind, enlightened moment
Let the dire thoughts be disrupted.

On the path of light beyond darkness
Gathered all
Injustice and inequality
Shouldn't cry silently.

Become affected by unfairness
Let us not do any job
To build an orderly society
We have to take an oath today.
Apr 2021 · 79
Luz (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Escuridão sob a sombra da luz
E andando naquele escuro
O caminho da frente é como uma miragem
No entanto, no mesmo caminho, o sucesso é dito.

Um lado, o outro lado, ambos os lados são inundados
Como o rio em dias de chuva
Medindo o movimento de esperança e confiança
Os benefícios são como tais.

Ainda tem que olhar
Quem segue pelo caminho
Ainda tem que ouvir
Quem fala.
Apr 2021 · 168
Dead of night
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
At the dead of night
There are Bangma, Bangmi lying at home
Darkness surge around
Land not seen below.

Occasionally in the bamboo forest
The light of the firefly blazed
This is the night of the new moon
It is real darkish.

Wise owl in his house
Moved up
In that one corner of the forest
Cactus flowers are blooming.

This game of darkness
When will that end
In the morning sky
The sun of the day will rise, however.
Bangma, Bangmi are epic birds from ancient stories.
Apr 2021 · 86
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Needless to say
Just passing a day
or two, without any count
do not know how to make the bount.

Thereafter, looking forward to
move along the path, without ado
Thus cultivating needless thoughts
wherever fee-foo-fun, or foughts.

Ah! Who can say who is right
as always, the might gives the fight
But, you know how to ignore
and make one to forget furthermore.
Apr 2021 · 81
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
"Shining doesn't make something gold"
The cuckoo never lay their eggs at the crow's house.

Coal dirt cannot be washed away using water
Knowledge never been forgotten.

It never feels good to forget something special
In the shadowy existence there is no hope of life.

However, the entire life is spent at the seashore
The account book of life never matches.

The jeweler only knows what is the pure gold
There are only a few conscientious people in the society.

There are many twists and turns in the way of life
Even, someone is calling again to move forward.
Apr 2021 · 243
Rio (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
O rio corre através do mar
Ora reto, ora dobrado
Não sabe por onde parar.

Na estação chuvosa fica inundada
Este lado, esse lado, ambos os lados ficam inundados
Leva tudo o que encontra na frente.

Aldeia de carros alegóricos, aldeias
Vai para baixo
Quanto do caminho e da área.

No verão, torna-se fino
Algumas rotas se tornam inacessíveis
O rio é único na era de quebrar e fazer
Então, nas páginas da vida
Observações pendentes.
Apr 2021 · 81
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
The merchant lives in the walled enclosed house
How organized it is to stay indoors.

How many of his servants, how many guards
Everyone is at hand, everything is urgent.

Breakfast in the morning, lunch in the afternoon
They all know what he’ll eat at night.

From here and there, even if it is a hair is moved
He would bring a big sword, look sharp, to punish.

If anything is needed, the gestures are enough
It appeared with lightning speed, there is no apology.

In this way he lived a life of supreme felicity
The rest is very tiny as he is engrossed in his own meditation.
Apr 2021 · 195
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Beard yourself in the ordinary queue
Match yourself with their laughter and tears.

Devote yourself irrespective of religion and caste
Their problem is not to think of their own.

Try the best to solve their problems
Feel their pain in your heart.

Let the day come when the common people are happy
Let's dream on this day, let hope awaken in everyone's heart.
Apr 2021 · 92
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Fell into the abyss of the eternity
Every step of life
How much I try to be rescued
Deeper it is throwing.

By opening the door to innovation
Surrender yourself to the dream
Desperate efforts to be saved
However, it is determined by a tiny flash.

Self-satisfaction, self-purification
In search of the true definition of the soul
Taking achievement with fortitude
Eternal thirsty spirit.
Apr 2021 · 128
Turn of changed day
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
The turn of the changed day came
The times are not stopping.
Thoughts are random
Only the dust of the path are spreading.

A lamp, though seen in the front
Whispers something in the ear.
Delivers the mantra to move forward
Hope awakens in the soul.

Those who are in front and behind
Chasing on the way to leap forward.
A feeling of desire-accomplishment
Makes noises in the middle of the mind.

This is how life passes
On the Oarsman’s river’s quay.
Apr 2021 · 105
Jonction de la vie (French)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Venir au carrefour de la vie
Calculer la disponibilité, la non disponibilité
L'esprit est en colère
Que vouliez-vous et qu'avez-vous obtenu?

Dans cette douleur
La frustration est tout le temps.

Les espoirs sont dévastés sous la roue de la fortune
Alors la vie pleure
Réception de recherche et de non-recherche
Entouré la cour de la vie.
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Intervalo entre vida e morte,
É a vida
Onde é o fim da vida
É a morte.

A vida é temporária,
A morte é eterna.

Ninguém tem controle sobre a vida
Não há absolutamente nenhum controle sobre a morte também.

No entanto, todo mundo está procurando o significado da vida
Tendo em mente o que acontecerá após a morte.
Apr 2021 · 64
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Say that the flute will sound
I was sitting and opening the fence
Noone didn't play the flute anymore.

I was waiting for listening to that tune
Thought in my heart
Anyone did not sing in tune anymore.

That says I will draw a picture
Caught paint and brush
But couldn't draw anymore.

That's the way it goes
I went out to the door
But couldn't cross the bridge.

I thought that I will paint the face
Since when did I dress up?
And couldn't no longer painted in spring color.
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Cumprimento de recebimento
E a dor de perder
Qual é o mais perturbador
No reino da vida.

Ambas as marcas são dignas de nota
Receber faz com que alguém tenha sucesso
O fracasso faz com que alguém desapareça.
Apr 2021 · 140
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Hidden thoughts trembles in the courtyard of the heart
The guard of Seven seas seems to be moving at the signal of light.

Unrestrained emotions play in the muddy waters
Rareness is spread in the arms of darkness.

Looking back here and there so back to momentum
Arranged gardens broke there surrounded by loneliness.

When the treasure of desire is lost, it floats in tears
Glancing to the sky so hoping to get back.
Apr 2021 · 242
Rivière (French)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
La rivière coule à travers la mer
Parfois droit, parfois courbé
Ne sait pas où s'arrêter.

En saison des pluies devient inondé
Ce côté, autre côté, les deux côtés sont inondés
Prend tout ce qu'il trouve devant.

Village des inondations
Combien de chemin et de région.

En été il devient maigre
Certains itinéraires deviennent inaccessibles
La rivière est unique à l’ère des ruptures
Donc sur les pages de la vie
Remarques en suspens.
Apr 2021 · 138
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Criers’, laughter's’ fair
Running all the day
Turn back and forth
Let's see the same fixture.

Try to go this way, try to go that way
Turn the wheel as hard as I can
It is that old way
Where running anew.

What's up?
There is no end of this tour
There is no beginning, too
Fatigue is the special feature.

However, must keep going
No nonsense.
Apr 2021 · 71
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Swimming is a lifelong pursuit
Yet lying on the shore of life
There was a lot to know
But it is not known in this small span.

Life goes on in its own way
No one calculates where and when anything gets lost.

This is how the ebb and tide goes on
For lifelong
It was as if someone had lost the whole lot
Where totality is an ephemeral flagpole.
Apr 2021 · 132
Na dor azul (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Roaming na dor azul
Nadar no azul do oceano
Temporariamente pensando em retórica
Eu gosto de esquecer muito bem.

Falando contra a vontade
Andando no caminho desconhecido
Correndo contra a fadiga
Flutuando da maneira errada.
Apr 2021 · 273
महिला: (Hindi)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
हेलो महिला
मुझे भ्रम में डाल दिया,
शीघ्र ही,
आप किस मोह में फैले हैं-
रोमांचित तार में, प्यासे सुबह,
मेरे दिल में;
समय गुजरता है,
हेलम दिया-
चेतना को पुनर्जीवित करते हुए, मैं एक अदृश्य नखलिस्तान देखता हूं,
समय की प्राचीनता के लिए,
ब्रह्मचारी हो गया।
Apr 2021 · 92
The wheel of life
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Day after day
Time is endless
Path after path
Trail is endless.

Mistake after mistake
Live inside that
Month after month
It's a hoax.

Pain after pain
There is no happiness
Injury after injury
Just full of grief.

Game after game
Running all day
Talk after talk
I can't say that.

Night after night
Without sleep in the eyes
That's how it goes
The wheels of life.
Apr 2021 · 262
Tag des Sieges (German)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Dies ist ein herrlicher Tag
Dies ist ein Tag des Sieges
Ein Tag voller Erfolge.

Tage sind in die Ewigkeit gekommen
Zu irgendeiner Nation
Unvergessliche Erinnerungen
Zu den Leuten.

Dies ist ein Festivaltag
Dies ist ein glücklicher Tag
Dies ist ein Tag des Fühlens.
On the Victory Day.
Apr 2021 · 57
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Heart’s harp harness from wire to wire
The tunes will remain fallen on the path
On the banks of the calm river
The tunes will remain fallen.

At this fair of laughter and criers
Life goes on in like a sport.

Sun-shadow on this day
Do not know the way back.

In this case, seek and try
Though times pass by
The songs will remain fallen.

Bored in the Autumn breeze
The songs will remain on the path
Mixed with deep sensation.
Apr 2021 · 155
Toujours (French)
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Quand le temps est illimité
Quand le chemin est immobile
La vie est alors stagnante
Ensuite, la marche continue.

Quand la réponse à la question est inexpressive
Quand la destination est sans but
La réalisation est alors absente
Alors les rêves sont en jeu.
Apr 2021 · 104
The Radhika
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Dance, fulfill the heart, joyful youthful mind
In the dance, the songs are sung, the time passes by.

Leads to night, audience, pleased all
Mixed rhythms, trembling erosion, and there is no difference between real and false.

Eye’s expectation, no trench, even there is doubt
In the attraction of desire, in the perspire, someone is reckless.

What she should do, so eventually, lets go of that
Deceptively better, bitter in sight, they are either baseless.

Doing so, taking time, passes her overnight
Gastrointestinal irritation, locking in the heart, opening the eyes finds the same morning.
Dedicated to all the female stars of the local stage drama, called Jatra in the Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Em um canto da vida da ignorância
Roaming por um tempo curto
A dor de conseguir ou não conseguir
Está cheio de mente deprimida.

Com que esperança construiu a casa
Ninguém lá perto ou longe
Pelo que a mente está esperando
Ninguém está lá por conta própria.

Todos são desconhecidos na extensão da vastidão
Viajante do deserto
A sensação de não chegar a lugar algum.
Apr 2021 · 106
All of a sudden
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
Have you seen how crows row a boat?
Sitting on the corner, and the bull fell on the head!

Have you seen cockroach flying in the sky?
Fire-fly stops light in the night air!

Have you heard what song sings the female fox?
Entellus is taking bath in a pond surrounded by stairs!

Have you heard that sitting squirrel eating timber?
Hornets chasing everyone to the entire field!

Wonder what will happen with the hog-plum wood?
Everyone else on the field is a fake, but the bull!

Which picture you draw will be colorless?
And me! Cannot write anything, but became a poet!
Though a funny one, but it is part of life's dimension.
Apr 2021 · 1.3k
A poor soul
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
A poor soul, asked the eternity-
Can you tell me,
Where is my destiny?

The eternity jingled, mingled
Laughed, puffed
And said, why should I tell you,
In comparison to me
You are so tiny!

The poor soul, finding the response
Cried a lot, but silently
And asked thyself
For an appropriate answer-

Later on realized
The cruelty of fate,
And, thereafter
Remained silent forever.
Mar 2021 · 392
Lost my mind
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
I lost my mind
In the vast field of green village
I lost my mind
At the river side of Shimultali quay.

I lost my mind
In the colored flowers of Caesalpinia pulcherrima
I lost my mind
At the canal of Matamuhuri.

I lost my mind
At the village market of Rangunia
I lost my mind
At the stalk of blossomed Lotus.

I lost my mind
By the tune of the lonely shephard
I lost my mind
By the silent song of the Jamuna river.
Note: Bengali name of Caesalpinia pulcherrima is Krishnachura. Here some renowned places of Bangladesh have been cited.
(Some childhood memories)
Mar 2021 · 59
Traveler (3)
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Traveler missing the target
Turns out just gazing in the middle of the path
The frustration of not being able to find
Feel dreadful in the corner of the heart.

Looking for a insinuation of light
If seen anywhere
The whole time devotes on the way
So he rushes and rushes.

Someday, it will end
When and where no one knows, though
Absolutely maybe going to end, somewhere
That may be the last stoppage.
Mar 2021 · 73
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Who summoned me
With that word of aspiration,
Looking for her
In this diminutive range-
I don't remember though
Her face.

Still walking in hope
As if absolutely motionless,
Which has no end
Just think so always-
Will I be able to see her again
Someday, someday...
Mar 2021 · 79
New consciousness
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
When there is between desire and attainment
A huge gap,
Then the heart will be stained
And, in the pain of not reconciling the accounts
There must be tears in the heart.

However, in the direction of the light of the new day
The fresh journey begins
In the heart, with new consciousness
Let the drum sound high and high.
Mar 2021 · 164
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
The child comes to enlighten the house
Happiness is everywhere
Every heart of the house is touched
Every soul plays happily.

Day by day childhood-adolescence-youth reach
The ballad of success goes with the whole existence.

Just like the wheel of life
This hope is for everyone
As if all are drawn in a pleasant picture
A child brings an immense aspiration to all.
To my daughter and all the daughters of the world.
Mar 2021 · 112
Guide of light
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Waking up in the middle of the night
Who goes to the front
Illuminates the path
By sleep awakening song.

Becoming the guide of light
Continue to walk
Filled with hope
Overwhelmed the lonely heart.

This is a vast thrill
It feels like eternity
That is a heart-wrenching tune
A sleep awakening song.
Inspired by the devoted writer, Kazi Nazrul Islam.
Mar 2021 · 107
Direction of light
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Walking on the path in the dark
The path is not known yet
But, the heart remains open
Finding the direction of light,
Thoughts pull back
The trajectory goes elsewhere
Still, let's go on firm foot
Even it is not understood properly.

The path is no longer recognizable
Everything seems unfamiliar
Even if the path turns somewhere else
I agree to continue,
When will this darkness end?
I hope to see the light, however
The path must be crossed
Betting on my life.
Mar 2021 · 118
Winter morning
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Water lily in the water of the small canal
There are snails, oysters in the mud

Little waterhen widens her mouth
Mother is giving food

Hoppers are flying around
Gavial comes out of the hole

Small fishes play again
In the water of intensive black canal

Chill is roaming in the air
Time passes like this.
Mar 2021 · 109
Songs of life
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Village wives are singing, while husking the rice
The helmsmen are singing, while rowing the boat
The farmers are singing, while cutting the paddy
The fishermen are singing, while fishing at the river
The birds are singing, while the morning sun rises
Honey combs are singing, while collecting the nectar
Village girls are singing, while collecting the flower
The children are singing, while swimming in the pond...

Those songs enchanted the mind, and
Make inspired.
Morning songs of the Great Bengal
Mar 2021 · 380
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
By you, by me
By the sky, by the wind
By the sound of fallen leaves
By the shadow of broken dreams
By the past days, by the infinite future
By the affection to you
By the smile of yours;

Never allow to drop my words on the soil.
On the occasion of the International Poetry Day 2021.
Mar 2021 · 106
Fallen star
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Such a lonely star is surrounded by many other stars
Fallen down
Nothing matters.
How many birds fly in the sky?
A bird
If lost, no one finds that one.

Like so many stars on earth
Bursting every year
Lack of care is falling many stars
No one is keeping any news.

If these fallen stars
It could have been nurtured properly
The world would have been even more sweet
No one would be hurt.

That day will ever come, that
Those stars won't drop anymore
If you nurture them before they fall
No one in the world will be unhappy anymore.
To those marginal dropouts.
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
O modo de vida não pisca
Não sabe onde é iniciado, onde é o fim
Só sei, cheio de corrida
A terra está cheia de pontos de tempo.

Pode haver fronteiras, talvez não
O limite pode ser visto, talvez não exista.

Há um desejo de receber
Mas não há tempo de disponibilidade
O caminho está cheio de fadiga
O que não tem fim.
Mar 2021 · 109
Message of Agrahayan
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
The song of the open land
My green leafs’ song
At noon on the river bank
By the shepherd’s flute
Life becomes delighted.

Gallinule called in the morning
The kids are all playing
Farmers are chanting
To pick up newborn rice in the house.

On the bank of the pond
The village wife goes there
In the dawn of light
It is filled with aroma of grass.
Agrahayan is the Bengali month when cultivators' bring new paddy
to their homes.
Mar 2021 · 99
It's the turn of the day
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
The turning of the day came
No stopping in between times
The thoughts are random
Just spread dust on the road.

A lamp is seen in the front
What it tells by whispering
Adds the mantra of moving forward
Hope awakens in mind.

Those who are in the back
Chase on the way.

A feeling of being-sought-after
Noises in the heart.

Life passes on like this
At the river bank of the Helmsman of Earth.
Mar 2021 · 104
On the shore of the river
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
On the shore of the river
I'm standing
When the boat will arrive
Without the helmsman.

The boat is mine
Not visible yet
Tired by thinking all
Seeing the lifestyle on earth
All the past scenes are coming in the mind.

So, thyself
Have to row
The boat
On the way to towards the front
Go on your own
No more fatigue.
Here river is the imaginary version of life.
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