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Mar 2022 · 172
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2022
Yours sincerely,
I think it's just a lie-
The intoxication fell apart,
Thoughts are always left behind.

In that swing without swing,
Cannot find the reach-
Dam breaks in the tide,
I took life as it is and understood.

Came the dark on the path,
I'm still going on.

When the lamp is lit in the evening,
Remain as heartbroken.

Keeping the door closed,
I went to see the other plans.

In the crowd of unnamed roads,
Looking for those unknown signs -
The mind cries as it leaves apart,
The soul is lost again.
Mar 2022 · 264
Unspoken utterances
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2022
How do I tell someone,
Which way to go-
All the ways met there,
In the back alley of life.

Standing on the other side of the border,
I pry by raising both arms-
Tired traveler loses target,
Bumblebee is looking for the nectar.

In what tune did I sing,
Though, I want to fulfill my soul-
Scattered flower petals on the pavement,
Someone trampled them.

What am I thinking today,
Is which color the sky has laid out?
Again, I am looking for the way with false hope,
Flowers are falling with silent cry.
Mar 2022 · 300
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2022
Girt with rivers, abounding with fruitful trees;
With land of harvest, full of greenaries,
Oh, my motherland,
Keep your devotion in my heart
You are eternal.

How many rivers flow
All over your perimeter
Nameless birds live
Happily in all those trees.

How many flowers bloom in the forest
The mind is filled with their fragrance,
How many scrumptious fruits grow on the tree
In those satiated gardens.

You remain profound in our heart
Let us praise you,
Stimulating happiness and prosperity
Make us dignified.
Feb 2022 · 174
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Browsing the dictionary,
I wanted to make life tidy.
Remained above adversity-
Tolerating all iniquities.

The heart is filled with dissatisfaction,
Although I have dedicated all my activities-
To all the well-wishers.

I'm in pain today,
Yet I did not make the treaty unjustly-
Betting on my life.

In this way passed those days,
Ideas all suffer from delusions-
Destiny faded with the eternity.
Feb 2022 · 479
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Who goes to assignation, in a pleasant promenade of grove,
The flame of love is burning there
Which great warrior is singing melodiously?
In the middle of the unobstructed heart, the sound of the anklet jingling.
Who goes to assignation, in a pleasant promenade of grove.

Awake the night, taken the heart,
In the auspicious moment of moonlight
Very silently under the mimusops elengi
Said the words of the stored heart, inseparably.

So to ask, to whom to call in any tune,
The submerged heart remains full
The Jamuna flows exhausted
Even today, with painted eyes, what a picture to draw.

Who goes to assignation, in a pleasant promenade of grove,
The flame of love is burning there
Which great warrior is singing there?
In the middle of the unobstructed heart, the sound of the anklet jingling.
Feb 2022 · 193
The stagnant past
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Alas, the stagnant past, falling into utter darkness
My heart is pounding, the door is open and closed.

Alas, the endless past, without the lure of ability
The dictum is worn out in sentences, half awakened though.

Alas, the indefatigable past, composed with a fearless heart
Lonely as the incarnation of any God, deviation of Avatar.

Alas, the faded past, the gain is inlaid
Drenched in delusion, perhaps, worn out in childishness.
Feb 2022 · 258
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
The shadow is the nest of deep peace
This is within my village,
Waves playing in the green field
It flows from the south.

The field is full of
Golden rice,
The shepherd boy sits in the shade
Plays to the tune unknown.

The river flows with gentle sound
Many boats are docked in the quay,
Little children remain engaged
In the village market with full of colors.

In the water of the paved lake
Lotus flower is in bloom,
Hanging on the ears of the village bride
Passion flower’s pendant.

The heart remained stagnant
In the firefly glowed night,
I hope to awaken the soul
In the womb of the new morning.
Feb 2022 · 158
In a secret dream
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
In a dream, in a very secret dream-
I thought about someone in deep secret ..

I am a dreamer,
Day to day belongs to the hope
And the path goes on and on.

Oh the past! Beyond my hope-
I saw that fell by each and every moment.

In intense silence,
The moments are gone passed
Still thinking anxiously.

O neighbor of my heart-
When you have become a distant stranger.

Never know
Could not read my heart, with exhaled compassion -
I saw all in the middle of a dream,
It floats in the blink of an eye.

In a dream, in a very silent dream-
I saw someone in deep secret ..
Feb 2022 · 508
Good for nothing
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
There is a pile of wood by the side of the oven.
Today's cooking will be using them.

It is easily conceivable to be fond of eating.

They are devoted souls in burning,
This is their best salvation in the world.

This is how they burn the entire day in the oven,
Their self-sacrifice cannot fail.

Next to it is a fallen log of a tree,
He is different, so why he is so proud.

He said jokingly, "You see,
I am unharmed yet”.

The housewife's eyes fell one day on it,
Suddenly her face became gloomy.

She said, Oh! wood, of no use,
Get away from my kitchen.

She threw it in the yard and kept it there,
Seeing that, the piles of wood, were surprised!

It becomes ants nest, even eaten by termites,
He was left alone, helpless.

If you are not big at work, big at words,
One day it will come, will fall in danger.
Feb 2022 · 192
Power of truth
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Like it or not
you cannot ignore the truth,

Believe it or not
sooner or later
the truth will prevail.

But, the reality is that
till that time,
you may cease to exist.
Feb 2022 · 282
Peace of mind
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Once in a life time
a beggar, found a holed dime.

He thought
what would he do with it?
He cannot buy a loaf of bread
or, even a small slice of meat.

As long as he thinks
All his ideas become stinks
and, finally he decided to throw it away,
He threw the holed coin in the quay.

He then realized,
Whatever you seek in life, you will not find.
Hence, it is better not to think about it
and, it will bring you the piece of mind.
Feb 2022 · 512
Tiny mistake
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
An architect,
drafted, crafted,
and tried hard to make
perfect the design-

But, at the very end
he realized that
a tiny mistake
at the beginning
made everything to collapse
and, therefore,
he had to resign.
Feb 2022 · 410
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
People chatters, smatters,
clatters, flatters-
and sometime hugs,
as fake as their smiles.

They dilute, salute,
pollute, elute-
and sometime thugs
as ingenuine as their personalities.
Feb 2022 · 498
Silence of dream
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
Perhaps, it is the reflection
of a soundless dream,
or, may be the perception
of a reality
or, could be the deception
of a dementia.

Sometimes, it is the perfection
of an ignorance,
or, would be the illusion
of an inertia
or, might be the delusion
of an eroded idea.
Feb 2022 · 303
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2022
By far
thoughts are sometime hollow,
they are not that easy
to swallow.

May be they could be
in the realm of extreme,
or, could they be
part of an unusual dream.

In this hazy world
nothing seems to be perfect,
or, could be real true-
Even though people
more or less
rely on their thoughts,
due, or undue.
Jan 2022 · 576
Human perception
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
People say,
Seeing is believing.

if you open your insight
and think really right,
you will find out
your eyes have deceived you.

What you saw and believe
could be quite wrong.

Human perception
is an extremely difficult observation.
Jan 2022 · 519
Truth Vs. Lies
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
Like it or not,
You have to tell the truth
because, believe it or not
truth, always prevails.

Lies, on the contrary
whatever one tries to make it strong-
it, certainly will fade away
along the way.

A truth never dies-
While, a lie will bring
thousands of more lies.
Jan 2022 · 65
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
Life is a boiled egg
does not have any leg,
If you keep it to rest
it cannot do at its best.

If it is kept out of the thought
certainly, soon enough
it will rot.

Life is a smuggled ship
sooner, or later
it will drawn into deep.

Hence, it is better
to keep it untouched,
And, think about the rest of the world
though bitterly scratched.
Note: Let us take life as a humor, otherwise, it gives nothing but pain.
Jan 2022 · 74
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
One day, a loving father
bought a peculiar machine
for his loving daughter
so that she could produce good dreams,

The other day, the tender father
Bought an invisible brush
For his adoring daughter
So that she could paint her thoughts,

In another day, the caring father
Bought a tiny silver coin
So that she can pour it into the piggy bank
And becomes prosperous in her life,

A day unknown, the devoted father
Bought his own heart
For the fond daughter
but she refused to admit his sacrifices.
Life is as such that sometimes people do not care about the devotion and sacrifices of the nearest ones.
Jan 2022 · 112
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
Remain awaken, remain awaken-
When the evening stars wear down and set to the western sky,
And burns by glittering,
Talk to them in a whispered voice-
Remain awaken, remain awaken.

Alas destiny!
Why do you plant poisonous trees with utmost care?
And that is why it has been hanging in my shoulder since time immemorial.
Although a truncated demon has swallowed everything,
But I'm not the only one to lose.
Remain awaken, remain awaken.

Alas, stupid destiny !!
I have fallen into the trap of temptation for a moment-
So Saturn appeared, and was filled with immense depression.
However, still walking in excitement,
Holding the Book of Thoughts in a firm grip
Remain awaken, remain awaken.
Jan 2022 · 154
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2022
is a funny word,
you know.

Though it's comprised of
only four alphabets,
but, to most of the living things,
it has no boundary,
it has no end.

Realizing the inherent fact
that, most of the hopes
just evaporate,
or, may remain at the cocoon,
or, may never see the face of light.

All hopes, however, remain
for days-months-years,
throughout their lives
in dispire!

Not realizing the other fact
that, hope belongs to the eternity.
Dispire meaning- To make someone less interested in pursuing a desired goal.
Dec 2021 · 198
Life long story
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
People, usually talk about
all kinds of things-
but, do not say about
the things, they really think.

Even, sometimes they may
say, what they want-
though not much
but, they cannot
though they pretend.

It's a
life long story!
Dec 2021 · 1.3k
One day
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
One day
I'll not be writing anything,
perhaps not due to any reason,
or, perhaps a reason beyond imagination
and, would not be posting...

One day
I'll not be writing any verse,
perhaps not being well enough,
or, perhaps due to an unknown reason
and, would not able to post...

One day
I'll not be posting any poem,
perhaps due to my prolonged absence,
or, perhaps my days were ended there
and, no one would know.
Dec 2021 · 187
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
Smile, a little
or bray, cachinnate,
cackle, chortle, chuckle, or giggle.

You can have a reward smile
or, perhaps an affiliative smile
could be a dominance smile
even the lying smile
Could be the wistful smile
Conceivably the polite smile
Possibly the flirtatious smile
or, perchance the embarrassed smile.

Does not matter!

As long as you smile with your untainted heart,
that's matters the most.

Therefore, smile
By reflecting your unsullied heart.
Dec 2021 · 195
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
The sadness of the ax reveals, without its handle,
At the very near, finding a Ficus religiosa tree,
Said, O my savior.

Said in a gurgling voice-
Will you provide me a dried bough,
Only then can I be effective,
I'll get back my working rhythm.

With a huge heart of the tree,
Said, my dear, obtain it,
I’m donating it for your action.

Suddenly the completed ax-
Began to slash the trunk of the tree,
To acknowledge the benefits of the benefactor
Does anyone cares a little!
Dec 2021 · 489
The wall
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
The world is built around
an invisible, but
rigid wall.

It separates, one kind
from the other, and
as such, the division continues.

Does not matter, if someone
resides in one side,
or the other side-
the destiny would be the same.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
(Continued from 8/9)

The wicked witch feel hard,
her body become emotionless
by falling from the very high of
the lighthouse-
Gary observed
silently from the abyss.

Thus Gary remembered
all those fables from his
as the stories of his
entire life
passes by his eyes.

When he realized that
the wicked witch is no more,
he slowly climb down
the stairs,
and thanked
the old lighthouse-
that saved him too
along with many many
other souls
throughout the century.

To Gary,
the old lighthouse
remains as the symbol of
courage, strength and
as he became old,
he used to tell these stories
to his grandchildren, and
his grandchildren would tell them to
their grandchildren,
while the old lighthouse
remains as the lone witness.

(End- shortened.)
Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Dec 2021 · 71
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
Constantly trying
To be excited,
In the new consciousness-

Situations are being observed
However, seems to be submerged,
In concentrated pain.

Hope swings in despair
Thought-consciousness-power perception,
Plays in the middle of the fog
From birth to death.

Wrapped in the subsequent wrap
Yet the journey ahead,
Unexpected intent digs, and
Increases only the level of hesitation.

The heart returned crying
When will it end,
Surrounded by invisible feelings
Think so all day long.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
(Continued from 7/9)

He felt in his heart
new inspiration
and ran faster
to reach the stairs
of the right house.

Gary remembered,
in many occasions,
he used to climb up to the
top of the old lighthouse,
from where he could see
the entire landscape,
the sea, the meadow,
the mountain
and his small township.

Those stars were
very familiar to him,
so he could climb faster-
thus the wicked witch
tried hard.

But, as he believed in his heart-
when he reached the almost
the top of the lighthouse,
his feet did not slide
but, the wicked witch’s-
and he saw from the top,
the wicked witch to fall.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Dec 2021 · 52
Real happiness
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
Moon of the sky says, I have the light
The flame of the soil made lamp says, I have the light!
The burning candle says, I have the light
The glowing neon lamp says, I have the light!
The star wakes up and says, I have the light
The torch shouts and says, I have the light!
Firefly coughs and  says, I have the light
The sun smiles and says, everyone stay well.
Note: Real happiness remains inside the heart.
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
(Continued from 6/9)

He was becoming weak day by day,
as the wicked witch was
putting her black magic on
Gary, remotely, however
her main intention was to become
immortal, by using
a few drops of Gary’s blood.

While sleeping,
Gary had several nightmares
about that wicked witch-
because his soul could realize
this happening ahead-of-time.

As usual, Gary used to
jog over several miles
across the mountainside,
the seaside and
the by the side of the old lighthouse.

One day while he was jogging,
he heard a hissing sound
behind his neck-
he looked and instantly
recognized the wicked witch
was running after him-
to catch him and
get the blood for her black magic.

He started running faster-
suddenly some birds
were flapping their wings loudly-
he heard,
dogs were barking at the distance-
seagulls were cawing,
and he came to near to
the old house.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Dec 2021 · 62
Riverside life
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
This side breaks, the other side builds
This is the game of the river.
In this game of breaking down and building
Running the life along within the days.

Those who live by the river
The world of many sacrifices is theirs.
Yet they fight
In this range of life.

In tune with the river
This is the game of life and death.
And, this game of breaking down and construction
Is running timeless.
Remembering them who lives on the river bank of many rivers of the Bengal.
Dec 2021 · 86
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
Listening to the silence of my past
Listening to the shadow of my dream
Listening to the hollow of my thought
Listening to the gesture of my future..

Everything is in inaudible.
Dec 2021 · 980
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2021
And if these could be my last
few words to the world,
And if this could be my last
poem to be written,
Torned out entirely, but rigid inside
Sad by looking, but happy inside,
I would write, one word, "Companion".
Based on a true story.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 5/9)

Gary was not only a
philosopher and philanthropist,
but also a poet.

He used to write beautiful
poems at his leisure time.

Once he wrote,
to his girlfriend, Monica, a poem,

“The sun is a lone warrior,
because every night
seems to be the last night to us,
but while the sun rises
all the darkness vanishes”.

Another day, he wrote about
The passion of life,
for the local newspaper,

“If you listen to the
gentle breeze that is flowing
over the green meadows
where the morning sun
is reflecting,
you are going to listen
it in the breeze
and while you gasp
towards the blue sky,
it seems full of
eternal aspirations-
there you could see a steady
but, glowing star
that guide you
throughout your life”.

But, as we all know,
some inevitable things that
one cannot escape, thus
Gary too.

Continued ....
Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Nov 2021 · 67
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Butterfly said by calling, O bumblebee,
Have you observed my colorful wings,
Yet you are so dear to the bard?

What a melody he has created for you,
I remained unseen-
As far as I fly across the sky.

The bumblebees said, by whisper,
My humming loudly penetrates to the soul.

In addition, eating my collected honey,
Everyone is happy, remain wonderful in heart and healing.
Many songs have been created on bumblebee by those bards in the Greater Bengal.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 4/9)

Gary went to the town
high school, where
he met Monica,
his classmate.

They used to study together,
play together,
sing together,
think together,
till they become soulmates.

The most important thing
in his life occurred in that day
when he found out
about an unusual truth
about his family tree.

He is the first son
of his father, thus
his father, his grandfather
till the seventh past generations.

To him it become
not a gift
but a curse,
as the wicked witch
(who used to live inside
the deep of the dark forest)
learned about it.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Nov 2021 · 76
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
The forest cried out loudly- says, O mankind!
Silently, in secret, I remain. Is it wrong?

With shade, with fruit, I try to make you happy-
I wish, let it be filled with enchanted environment.

However, at any chance, being severed-
In your actions, always remain frightened.

Gush, when will you have a little bit of moderate knowledge?
That day presumably will be our salvation.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 3/9)

While walking across those paths
for many years,
his grandmother used to tell him
a lot of other stories about life,
nature and humanity.

Once he asked his granny
about the meaning of life-
she said, “If you really
wish to learn the true meaning
of life, then accept the
challenges that could come to you”.

She further side, “Challenges
are the best way
that make us grow”.

Gary took those words
as milestones and
took them very seriously,
and thoughtfully-
like the lighthouse,
those words were
also worked as
the guide in his life.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Nov 2021 · 365
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Awake me through unwritten
music of mine,
If possible, sing me a song
that would be perfect
and divine,
Perhaps, that is the way
the heart could refine,
But, no one knows the
state of solitude,
which would enshrine.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 2/9)

Gary's grandmother,
while walking along the half-paved way
towards the school and
coming back,
used to tell him
many ancient fables about the
prehistoric lighthouse.

She told him that
this light house is standing there
over more than many decades, and
not only it guided those lost sailors
during the old days,
but also
saved them in many occasions
by giving them shelter
during natural disasters, like
severe storms, hurricane and tidal waves.

To Gary,
the lighthouse became a symbol
of strength and coverage,
and at later stage
it also saved his life
at the right time,
at the right moment.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Nov 2021 · 278
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
The caged bird has such a great pride,
He thinks the cage is a flowery garden.

In his anxious mind, he looks towards the sky-
He does not take other animal into count,
He sings whatever comes in his own mind.

Once someone forgot to close the cage door-
Out of the cage he feels very proud,
Tried to fly a little with the fragile wing in the air.

Nah, he could not fly at ease -
Also, no one care about it, as he did before towards them,
He fell into a bitter conflict.

Then, somehow coming back in the cage,
He closed the door himself.

Life is so easy to observe from the distance,
It is so intricate to feel from the adjacent.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
(Continued from 1/9)

Gary’s  grandfather was a
very rich person and
he inherited a gigantic
piece of land with many
trees and meadows near
the mountain.

When he became old enough
to take care of them
his father gave everything
to him as a gesture
of fatherly love-
thus Gary used to live
a decent life.

He remembers,
when he used to go
to the nursery
crossing those meadows,
half paved roads,
crossing a curved bridge-
by holding hand of his
they used to pass by the sea
where there was a
very old lighthouse
standing alone, like a fortress.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Nov 2021 · 72
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Being emotional, I sat down on the meadow
The heart carries with all the unspoken words.

Desired to catch the moon, no matter how it is
Being distracted, it seems like a nightmare.

Wanted to count all those glittering stars, with wide eyes in their range
The whole thing goes to waiting, waiting, and waiting.

Wanted to get down in the water, without knowing how to swim
Get drowned in deep abyss.

Wanted to sing a song, but couldn't understand the notation
At this hour, in amazement, the mind and soul were aroused.
Nov 2021 · 108
Mother World
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Oh! Humiliated  mother world
You got the territory,
I have been sitting on the ground destroying you
Engaged in a drunken game.

Yet, you have spread your love
In the green ceremony,
I sit on it and put fire on it
In the betrayal of ignorance.

The whole world gazing it
But, everyone is dumb,
Your comfort is our comfort
We don't understand, why!

Pardon me being forgiving
Oh! Mother world,
And will not make any mistake knowingly
Kissing your prosperous land.
On the eve of United Nations Climate Conference.
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Gary used to
go to the nearby nursery
holding the hand
of his grandmother
(his mother died
while giving him birth),
and theireafter
his grandmother
became his mother
and seemingly, his father too
(as his father used to
work in a remote island
as a fisherman).

His father used to
visit him occasionally
because of the bond
in between them
(though his father got married
and have his step brother
and his step sister,
he learnt from reliable sources),
because they never met before.

His father, Kevin
liked him a lot and
came to visit him,
especially during the Christmas holidays
with a large number of gift items-
he could even
was not able to to count.


(Pure fiction.
Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.)
Nov 2021 · 67
Clumsy me
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Clumsy me,
never thought that
the life could take
such a discourse
such a dip
such a diabolical turn.

Between the hinges of
acting or not-acting,
what is inside the
so-called life;
is it a metaphor,
is it an illusion,
is it humble submission to the eternity?

Sprout, but
not cluttered in
utmost thought,
perhaps, someone
is pulling the string
from behind the curtain.

everything and all other things
are in vain-
is it perpetual?
is it hypocrisy?
is it pretending?
is it
never be able to distinguish-

Clumsy me!
Nov 2021 · 210
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
What an amazing beauty, I see
Oh my motherland!
It amazed my heart, and I sing
You are eternal.

Floating cloud raft, in the middle of sky
Playing there cheerfully,
I spent the whole day, by looking at them

The river flows, with silent jingle
What a beautiful sight,
The mimusops elengi are blooming, in the branches.

Golden paddy in the field, filled the farmer’s heart
Shepherd joined him with his flute,
Mind and soul get pacified.
A tribute to the Golden Bengal.
Nov 2021 · 57
Unknown Guest
Hakikur Rahman Nov 2021
Unknown guest standing at the door
Try to get her a sit,
Whatever is ready at home
Give them to her to eat.

It seems that it has been a long time
She has not eaten a good food,
What a compassionate face, wanting sight
I don't think there is any joy, there.

The heart is deeply scarred
Seeing her gloomy face,
What's the harm in trying
As if she gets some happiness, at least.
Dedicated to those needy faces.
Oct 2021 · 394
I am
Hakikur Rahman Oct 2021
Some people call me crazy,
Because I am a little bit lazy.
They cannot see me through, due to their eyes are hazy,
They only see what they feel, as they are somehow unpredictably dozy.
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