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Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
Listen to the message of arrival
Full of light all around,
With the suffix of developed consciousness
Extending to forward in correct way.

Let go of the decay
Let's get rid of the earthly dirt,
The new sun has risen in the sky
Be full of liveliness.

Everlasting color without ties
Let life begin,
Awakening of the desire to wake up
Let's play the drum of life.

In the awake of the new day
No more stopping,
Ignore the frown of darkness
Win will be snatched.
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
(Continued from 2/10)

While the days are passing
Gilbert was becoming
more sad and sad
because his only sister
(younger than four years)
was gradually dying
because of scarlet fever.

All the doctors of the
township came,
all the medicine men came,
they even went to
the next big town
for her treatment,
but, nothing was working
and day by day
her health was deteriorating.

One day came,
she did not wake up,
and Gilbert was the first person
to observe this-
he yield, “Mother,
sister is not waking up!”

Entire community came,
they used to love her very much
because of her politeness and beauty-
they came all together
they mourn all together
they sympathized all together
and left,
while Gilbert was
standing alone, with her
motionless body.

the preacher came-
all took her dead body
for the funeral,
the preacher state those words
Gilbert already memorized,
but, his sadness
never abridged for a single moment.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
The guard silently standing at the front door
As if someone there incorporeal.

Who makes the arrival and the departure
He keeps an eye on everything and everyone.

Dedicated to the protection of the master
Fully attentive with everything of the heart.

Respect and devotion remain in the privacy of the mind
Not addicted to anything else.

Meanwhile, his own housewife is alone at home
She suffers from loneliness.

This is how his routine life goes on
Engaged in the care of others till the end of his life.
This writing is dedicated to those lone hearts who devote their lives for their masters by keeping watch at the front gate.
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
Hanging on the leaves of the Barringtonia acutangula,
There are a few dewdrops-
To the little birdy that is, the huge Indus.

Drizzling on the lips, those drops of water-
Carrying in the beak, exhaled in joy,
No more worry.

His joys strengthened further, and he said,
My mother is standing next to me, so why should I think-
After tasting with full of heart, will look into the other branches.
A little bird is enjoying the morning dew drops in the monsoon.
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
(Continued from 1/10)

But, the most important
thing in this fable
is that he also
could see many other ghosts
gathering and standing
behind those mourning people.

He also could recognize
many of those ghosts
as they were familiar to him.

Though he could see
those ghosts,
but could not hear
what they used to
whisper among themselves.

He never told this story
to his mother
(his father died when
he was a little child,
so he does not have any
memory of his father),
his younger sister
(whom he used to love the most),
his classmates,
or, any neighbors.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
Is time being determined by the watches?
This is another wonder of this universe!
In the field of theory it is a physical quantity,
Which is measurable-
But I say, that's relative.
In the evolution of each planet, human is incapable of measuring it.

The shortest time taken - euctoseconds -
And then zeptoseconds, and so on
The largest exosecond, or cosmological decade,
However, can timing be determined overall?

This planet is here from the birth of the universe to the eternity
(though on one knows for sure).
Some moments, some periods, some days, some years,
Some eras, some centuries, some millennia-
It all depends on each other;

The bridge is limitless,
Don't depend on anything-
Flows from time immemorial,
Clear, smooth, infallible.
The concept is that: I am standing somewhere in between galaxies. How do I measure time!
Hakikur Rahman Aug 2021
Gilbert used to go
to his school, everyday
through a brick paved road,
just penetrating the old cemetery.

While he passed
he usually saw
peoples’ funerals
heard from the distant,
the preacher’s mourning speech,
“..... For dust you are,
and to dust, you shall return.”

he used to ride
on a bicycle,
or sometimes
he used to just walk
and cross the cemetery road.

Most of the time
he could recognize
those mourning people
as they were his neighbors
and he knows all of them.

Pure fiction. Any similarity should be treated as mere coincidence.
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