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If you were a God,
I would build a church for you
I'd preach of your existence
And tell everyone,
to search for you

And If you were a Prophet,
I would follow you
into the sea like Moses
Because if you were a Religion,
The whole world would stop to listen,
To the melodies I'd sing

You would be my Salvation
I would build a shrine for you
And only want to hear whatever you say
I would kneel down and Pray,
that you love me,
the same way.
The grass is usually green
The sky is always blue
That’s irrefutable they say.
But then sometimes
The grass turns brown
And the sky is black
With storm clouds.

Deep inside we always know
The grass returns to green.
The sky will soon be blue again.
Identical to Married love
That tends to wax and wane
With the passing of the years
While the basis stays the same.
Simple truth.
Too many bubbles in my life
Too many ding-dings on my phone
Too many engines on my train
Too many cobwebs on my plans.

Too much spinning around like a top
Too much tripping on my own two feet
To much hurry hurry in my day time
Too much worry worry in my night.

How can I expand the hours
How can I cross something out
How can I outrun the tick-tock
How can I survive this way.

So many questions - with no replies
So many efforts - so little gain
So many teardrops shed in vain
So many times I’ve said good-bye.
Sometimes my life is an exercise in redundancy.
I sat by my morning table grieving
And feeling sorry for myself
When I glanced out the kitchen window
And spied a strikingly beautiful bird
Slowly pacing among all the pebbles
That cover the surface of my back yard.

His  head was iridescent purple and blue
Flashing in the wintertime sun.
He didn’t seem to be in a hurry -
Just taking himself a casual stroll.
Looking around as if on vacation
And seeing the sights in a wonderful place.

I had no idea where he might have came from
Or if there was a name for his breed.
I only knew I found him a pleasure
Who turned a sad and depressing hour
Into something healing and warm
That I will remember for more than a day.
Approximately 20 quail have set up housekeeping under our front yard hedge. They scurry across the street if we come too close.  Absolutely charming
A cheerful  face spills life.
Average I'd say
she presented each day
makeup smoothing the rough

By some standards plain
Would never complain
and her size was more than enough

Then she smiled her wide smile
Oh and she moved with such style
To reveal her beauty within

When she laughed at a joke
Or her angel voice spoke
Every heart in the school did she win

I fell so in love
Prayed to God up above
That the prettiest girl in the school

Would just look my way
Words of love I would say
To the prettiest girl, such a jewel

Our love would not be
Still I learned how to see
The prettiest girl in the school
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