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Nov 2020 · 914
The "Perfect" Kind
Sanika Singh Nov 2020
Wounded by many
Filled with flaws

Yet I try to reach expectations,
Just to hear the applause

Lost myself,
Turning this smile plastic

But they say 'don't stop',
Even if it is toxic

For everyone's satisfaction
The key is to sacrifice

And just ignore how much
This heart cries

Worked so hard
But you want more,

You never find raising these levels
A bore

Yet I have to learn how to shine
The dream to become
The "Perfect" Kind
Jun 2020 · 59
Sanika Singh Jun 2020
You know it all,
Yet you don't have a clue
Sanika Singh May 2020
I want to ask you something

Why am I not valuable according to you?

Why don't I deserve respect like others?

Is it the colour of my skin which hurts your eyes?

Or who I love too unacceptable for you?

Maybe it's the God I have faith in that threatens you.

Or maybe the feminine body I got from birth

Is the money in my pockets measuring my worth?

Or maybe the mirror screaming my looks aren't good enough.

My Mum says "Everyone is priceless." Is it a lie?

I'm a human and so are you.

Isn't it a good reason to be kind?

Aren't my deeds glimpse of what Karma should give me?

Isn't it my heart which really defines me?

Or does it always has to be my exterior?

The one I never chose

To show how much worth am I,

How much i should be served.
Everyone is human who deserve love. This is not a self hate poem
May 2020 · 69
As the Stars are alive
Sanika Singh May 2020
As the stars are alive
Let me smile finally again

While the moon watches
Don't remind me of the pain.

It is only one night
I want just want to live.

Been broken so much;
I have nothing to give.

Once the Sun comes back
You can **** me as you want.

This soul will be yours again
As you attack and haunt.

But this moment
I want to hear my laughter.

Just live in the now
Not before or after.
Mar 2020 · 122
Nightmares during the moon
Sanika Singh Mar 2020
Nightmares during the moon,visions during the day

Everything seems different, yet so familiar

It neither feels wrong, nor right

I can feel a presence, someone is around me

Oh I saw her, she came into my dreams

She seemed sad, but told secrets happily

But those sparkling eyes got stuck in my mind

Is this my imagination? Am i going crazy?

Yet my heart says its all real

She has known me for long, but i can't remember her

I can feel her everywhere, but i feel safe

Found a letter in my study, it was from her

It had a story I had never known

But it was her identity which shook my heart

It was my mother, someone gone since my birth

It left me crying longer i had ever known

She left me again to live without her

Her presence is gone, so is her dreams

Had she come to tell me the truth or fulfill her thirst to meet me?
If there is any confusion please let me know
Nov 2019 · 202
Heartbroken whispers
Sanika Singh Nov 2019
"You are so sweet; anyone would fall for you", They said.
"But not forever", the broken heart whispered...
I know its not a poetry but plz let me know how is it?
Nov 2019 · 287
A mirage
Sanika Singh Nov 2019
Not all smiles are real,
Some have screams behind it.

Not all promises are true,
Some have lies behind it.

Happy faces and loud laughs
Rich in money but poor in heart.

The world is not as it seems;
It has its secrets in the dark.

Everyone has an iron curtain,
Where they hide the tears and cries.

The lies touch our ears,
While truth looks into the eyes.

Afterall, the world is a mirage;
Where all the secrets easily camouflage.
Oct 2019 · 107
Silenced lips....
Sanika Singh Oct 2019
Silenced lips,
Loud eyes.

All the "leave me alone"s,
And "I'm fine"s.

It was her smile which made them blind.

She was about to die,
The demon was in her mind.

They don't know when,
They don't know how.

The pain, the heartbreak,
How badly she had to bow.

It is all gone,
But the past taunts.

The future, the unpredictable,
Oct 2019 · 234
She never dreamt of
Sanika Singh Oct 2019
She never dreamt of making her husband happy,           but her father proud.
She never dreamt of sitting in a small house,                   but travelling the world around.
She never dreamt of covering her face under a veil,      but show it.
She never dreamt of doubting her potential,                    but prove it.
She never dreamt of building a family,                             but a legacy.
She never dreamt of being someone’s property,                but fantasy.
She never dreamt of being judged,                                              but respected.
She never dreamt of being left out,                                                  but supported.
She had dreams and ideologies to change the world,               but the society forced her to cut her wings.
Her ambitions were hurled, because they forgot she was a human being.
                                     -Sanika Singh
This is my first poem. I hope you like it..

— The End —