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 Sep 2020 Justin
Anais Nin
 Sep 2020 Justin
Anais Nin
And then the day came,
when the risk
to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful
than the risk
it took
to Blossom.
 Sep 2020 Justin
Ciel Noir
 Sep 2020 Justin
Ciel Noir
I was already someone
before I knew you

I didn't always remember

when I read my old poems
I understand her

I know

I love her and
I want to meet her once again
 Feb 2020 Justin
marian oke
 Feb 2020 Justin
marian oke
Always pleased to see you, when you enter the home. Aways pleased with your offer of a treat or bone. Enjoying your touch and the sound of your voice, never judging always loving.
 Jan 2020 Justin
Sea's End
 Jan 2020 Justin
Sea's End
When two poets love,
Words start to hang in the air
And lose their meaning.
Another haiku? Wow! I'm only so good with words until I actually need to use them. Just ask my girl. (Spoiler alert: I'm really bad at articulating my thoughts in the heat of the moment. That's why I'm here.)

— The End —