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 May 2021 M Vogel
A W Bullen

a progress
nipped by headwind,
though his bullish heart
has flickered clear of drowning,

so he's dusting down
Saharan surplus, hawking
off the sea-sick yachts,
ensconced in royal chiffon,

appealing for that magnet-tug
along the pollen flyways
pulling homeward..

I wonder
if he sees me,
-mid shipped twitter
post Johannesburg-

a gurning
plate of swan-necked
adulation, craning skyward

that I should pin
my yearnings to his
cloud-encrusted orbits
caws of folly..

more fanciful
than summer being
borne upon his wings...
 May 2021 M Vogel
Dark Dream
Hoping for words
No ... tired of those

Needing the ship
Sailing into the ache
Erasing the lonely winds
Not sure why
I yearn for that bow front
Heading toward me

Yet I do
I wait
For the winds of change
Or for a new sail
Maybe tomorrow
That ship will
Land on my shore
 May 2021 M Vogel
Jade Lima
Don't remember when we were friends.
Don't remember faking happiness in my presence and your vain personas in my despicable hand.
Dont remember any smiles or laughter that were passed.
Dont remember my name or your ruthless plans.
Dont remember me because in reality you were never there.
Dont remember me because I'm less valueless than wallpaper or a chair.
Dont remember any good that was ever instilled.
******* all I hope you all rot without any good will.
I hope you people are real proud of all of the torment you caused. Love you. But don't worry I despise you all now. 🥰
 May 2021 M Vogel
Jade Lima
While you get your slaves to wait on your hand and foot, why don't you think about everything you so blatantly took.
I guess that you've admitted that you only care about yourself and no one else.
So why the **** did you have to confine me to this decaying shell?
While you glorify yourself and play the pity card  ill wonder why you always belittle others and make their lives a lot more than hard.
So I guess this is how life seems to be, **** yourself you should be the one in petty misery.
 Apr 2021 M Vogel
 Apr 2021 M Vogel
I got this idea I would write you a poem,
One you could read sitting safely at home,
Or keep with you out and about while you roam.

A poem about all of the memories I held sacred,
Laughing, singing, kissing, and cuddling in bed,
One to remind you our time wasn't wasted.

So I laced up my heart and I shrugged on my soul,
I popped open my noggin and I went for a stroll,
Right down Memory Lane and left at the Rabbit Hole.

I kept on goin' 'til I hit a velvet rope with posts of brass,
But I musta gotten too close to the bulletproof glass,
Cause a big grumpy guard threw me out on my...

I realized, still rolling, it's all one massive museum,
Motionless memories mummified so I can keep 'em,
Lined up and locked away, as if someone would steal 'em.

Arduously ordered, organized for instant access,
A mental palace fit to make even Sherlock jealous,
That Dewey Decimal dude don't got nothin' on this.

The slide shows replay every minute on the minute,
Time-compressed and Tetrised-in so each moment fits,
Bio-digitally encoded on neurode and inked onto skin.

Tear-rusty gears grind waterlogged cogs in reverse,
This melancholy machine made to reflect you in verse,
Is a planetarium perpetually projecting my universe.

I made it home before I began, but forgot to start,
Which makes me a little sad, but paradoxically, it's the best part,
Because nothing I could say would rival the poem in my heart.

© 04/20/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
 Apr 2021 M Vogel
past sins
 Apr 2021 M Vogel
i've got a curse on my body, stems from a curse in my head, and i'm a curse to society so i'll curse all of them
and i'll form my hand into the shape of a gun, and i'll point to my temple just to give myself directions to the place where I was last fed and i'll crawl back like a stray cat just to be denied again
of another dissociative self-afflicted right of passage
then awake as the bullet fades into and back out of existence, just long enough to effectively exist as a migraine and not the cause of my own destruction,
a feverish kind of reincarnation that leaves residual traces of all of my past sins
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