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Sep 2019 · 108
One Chilly Night
Irene M Sep 2019
A strange force awakens within
every chilly night
promises and adventure full.
With needs,you begin a journey
for mountains,
crossing fears and lakes
armed with a paper sword.

Every chilly night when the strange force
monsters lurk
eith your own voice
with faces disfigured and purple
with no offers but regret.

Every one of those nights
you weep
for lives you left,for souls you cumbled,
for choices you,and only you,made.
-or villain-?

One of those nights
-you hear your voice say-
l'll find another adventure.
One without a cost.
One without victims.
Sep 2019 · 83
This Body
Irene M Sep 2019
I want this body to live it all.
To experience faults and lies,
to feel the pain so deeply
that it leaves a scar
just above the thigh.

I want this body to live
this fantastically blue
and red life,
to drink and stumble
and bleed.

I want to give this body
-all flesh-
the dark pleasures
it has yet to discover.

I want my body to fill up
way beyond my head
with electricity
that will keep me alive
well after my end.
Sep 2019 · 212
The Labyrinth
Irene M Sep 2019
I'm lost in a labyrinth
full of turns and hidden danger
with no strings in sight.

Valiant i one came in
sure of myself
that i will find a way out.

When i slay the monster
the labyrinth suddenly answers the untold question.
When you slay the monster you will be free.

The monster.
Familiar and scary
hiding in the corners
awaiting for my flesh
that i will surely sacrifice.
Sep 2019 · 281
I Hope
Irene M Sep 2019
I hope i get a glimpse of you again
Just  for a second,
just to remind my self that you weren't just a dream
of my feverish mind.

I hope to speak to you again
To live in the vicinity of your words,
to breath in your air,
to coexist in your mind.

I hope to forget you
The memory of you to become an unfamilliar echo,
the memory of who i was with you
to fade in the distance.
I hope one day
that i will seize to to hope,
and just be.
Sep 2019 · 131
The Ruins
Irene M Sep 2019
First you build
suddenly you destroy.
How do you deal with
what's left behind?
The Ruins.
Do you walk past them,
the earth never shattered,
or build a monument
of the decay
from your past?
Do you rebuild your ashes
,starry child,
or cry the loss of
whats gone?
Hpw do you survive the Ruins?
Sep 2019 · 75
In love
Irene M Sep 2019
I'm in love with the idea
    of what i could have been.
Sep 2019 · 81
Irene M Sep 2019
We ship at dawn
for the unknown
                   -at last-
New shores await
                 for me
and even though
i fear
for the storms
and the creatures of my
i ship at dawn
leaving everything

— The End —