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Feb 2019 · 309
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
Fate is infatuated with Irony

Irony longs for fate

they humor each other

they fall in love every day

until Irony met destiny

and they got a divorce.
I guess nobody is meant for each other.
Feb 2019 · 212
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
A symphony of a thousand violins echos in the background-

The rhythm of your heartbeat shows itself as the only sound-

The lens of reality is your beauty spotlighted-

A perfect match waiting to be ignited-
Feb 2019 · 315
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
My strength is not fleeting
I am strong
My days aren’t numbered
I am strong
My vices don’t exist
I am strong
My heart doesn’t hurt
I am lying.
Feb 2019 · 169
Chilled to the Soul
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
Chilled to the soul,
frozen to the skull.
Iced to my nerves,
at the very breath
of your unintentional
existential thoughts
spoken towards me.
Your subzero words
bring no heat to my
heart that once was
my whole existence.
Feb 2019 · 219
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
Each scribble written dribbles from the pen,

ink trickles as I wiggle until the riddle comes to an end.

It'll be a brittle sickle to the fickle mind

once the little quibble happens again.
Feb 2019 · 162
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
Bright, benevolent being

Coated in humbling pride.

Sought after, never seeing

Your purity covered inside
Feb 2019 · 196
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
I find it cute: how you giggle

when your smile isn't little

when you hiccup unexpected

or remind me how I was rejected

how you show me what I value

and how you tell me the reasons I have you.
Feb 2019 · 158
The First Unique Muse
Logan Sandall Feb 2019
Wherefore does thy inspiration begin

the spirit of an angel cocoons from within

heavenly endowments shower each thought

sparking the art which is all that I've got.

— The End —