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Jan 2022 · 327
My shadow wears black
even on days when we are supposed to be "letting some colour into our life."
I look at her and she winks, then she smirks and for the most recent time, I pretend sarcasm is humour
Jan 2021 · 174
I dont know how to feel when life tells me she's not a poet
but her rhymes keep hitting me in the face
Her metaphors keep pushing me to the ground
And her lines keep holding me back...
Just thinking out loud
Jan 2021 · 122
I've always been told by my friends that I over think things and my thoughts are often out of the ordinary but why??
Jan 2021 · 118
You asked me why I don't stay away
How do I tell you that the hate you've shown me is the only definition of love I know...
Dec 2020 · 100
From hurt,
I've learnt to build up as many walls as I possibly can
and with too many layers,
my heart tends to disappear
but whenever I'm asked why I'm heartless

my only reply is
I rented my heart out
It got too comfortable
and refused to return...
Aug 2020 · 166
Sometimes I like
to dress up my tears in black
place them on the runway
and wait to be cheered for...

Maybe I'm a fashion designer by heart...
The things life teaches you
Aug 2020 · 138
I let you trace out my heart
in dotted lines
When I asked why you didn't
colour it?...
You said it was in black & white

And now that you're gone,
my tears are doing their best ,
going through the dots ,
resurrecting the picture

my blood is flowing through,
providing the colour

Perhaps you made me an artist
Whenever I'm asked about the rough texture,the cracks,the fadings....
My answer is always....MOSAIC...
Jun 2020 · 95
When you told me
It would last forever
I should have known;
forever is a number
Jun 2020 · 101
Sometimes its
better to mean what you say
than say what you mean.
Jun 2020 · 100
I want to sketch every
memory in a note book
cover each page
with blood diluted by tears
slowly forming patterns
some as dark as henna,
some forgotten.
At least I'll know I'm not
bearing it alone.
Every one that comes into my life only tends to gift me memories.I've become a memory keeper and I can't bear it alone anymore.
Jun 2020 · 230
Sometimes I wonder
if noise had a colour
then what shade
would silence be
Jun 2020 · 109
I think I fell in love with poetry
because he taught me how to
tell the truth
even when I'm not drunk.
Jun 2020 · 109
I'm starting to believe the soul that said first love is never forgotten cause my anxiety can't seem to move on.
Jun 2020 · 92
My first kiss
Whistling wind
countless stars
bright moon
melodies of flowing water like
strings of a violin
trees swaying in our direction
a witness to our union
Your lips parting
emerald eyes
ice cold fingers
my heart suspended
warm blood gushing
knees weakening
metal crashing
binding of two hearts
and then......
Oh! it was just a dream.
May 2020 · 92
I dont care
So here is this
I don't care if your cut from pure linen and I'm made of patches
I don't care if your speech is flawless and mine is cranky
I don't care if your slim and I'm chubby
I don't care if I'm a shortee
I don't care if my lips are bulky
So you can say anything that my patience can take

But remember,I came from a black womb...
I drank from black ****
So don't take me lightly.
May 2020 · 88
Dear Ex
I dont hate you
Its just that ...
I hate the fact that you
call me up to tell me that your new girlfriend's bitchface
is better than my smile
I hate that you keep
reminding me of the whistling
winds that witnessed the moment when
You parted your lips melodiously
like piano keys
and them deceitfully claimed
you'd be my nothing if nothing lasts forever....
I hate that you compare my ******* to hers
I hate that you call me up to
say she is great at giving head when I never tried
Though it hurts
I find that I can't delete your number
And I keep picking your calls
Maybe you had my heart
more than you knew.

— The End —