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Sep 2019 · 103
a tempest nears the horizon
carousel of bellowed rancor
some panic and scatter- flee for shelter
others alter houses to fortresses

not I, oh no, never I

t'is not the time for dread
I sit on a forlorn beach
sandblasted face revealing a wide smile
eyes full of glee, pockets full of stones

I've waited for you forever, friend
Dec 2018 · 142
we were youthful
brimming with zeal and passion
and i believed
i could never exist without you
i always wondered
is that real --
or just raw emotion
now i recognize
it is undeniably true,
without you --
i would quickly succumb
just the same
as all parasites
Dec 2018 · 122
On the Trail
dashing through trampled daffodils on a trail blazed by hordes
golden stains on the feet and soul
rushing toward uncertain futures as scores before
why does it seem craven to start anew?
the graves of unfortunate travelers flanking this path
display no shame
Nay, the action deserves the label bravery
fleeing a safe yet unsatisfying existence
in search of a fulfilling experience
I deem myself a hero
others should follow my lead
A remarkable amount of strength was necessary
just to get this far --
so much strength --
so much indeed --
and this is why I hang my head
Dec 2018 · 110
It's not - I don't care
It's actually - I can't feel
Anything, anything at all - No sentiment stirs forthwith
I care - I care immensely
Somewhere the focus shifted from intense emotion
Towards utilitarian outcomes
I have so much to say with no place to direct it
Words are simply procedure anyhow
Just disregard it - not worth the effort
The cycle renews itself
Dec 2018 · 106
This American Life
Another wave crashes upon the head
A cacophony of splashing water rings forth
Arms flail - hands grasp for solid leverage
Bobbing mouth gasping for vital breath
Spectators upon the shore scream for an inactive lifeguard
Otherwise engaged with a personal matter
Citizens intervene, rescue the casualty
Lifeguard alerted - dashes to the furor
This is a premium beach access - display your receipt
Back in the water for you
Dec 2018 · 156
I occupy an irrelevant corner
Witnessing merry groups consort whilst passing
Days elapse, crowds move on
I remain standing unnoticed
Yearning for inclusion
Honing ponderous ideas
Lingering for an impeccable moment
If I could just --
If I could just get that one moment
I could surprise people
I could become one of these people streaming by
The content beings - the loved souls
The world spins whilst I delay
Countless perfect moments neglected
Infinite opportunities yet impending
I am an introvert that desperately wants to be an extrovert. I am always waiting to say the right thing, and when I have an opportunity, the words just cannot find their way out and the moment passes. On to the next one, hopefully.
Dec 2018 · 171
Strength unbound
I am brawn personified
The blood of Hercules, Samson, faded memories of ancient Titans flowing through my vessels
No obstacle can slow me
No wall can break my stride
Running - jumping - crawling
I can get past it all

Constant running begets strains
Repeated jumping begets sprains
Crashing through barriers beget lacerations and fractures

Pivot to look at the destruction left behind
Now look at the road ahead
Plenty of pitfalls still to avoid
Walls have been fortified

A simple ladder can climb the wall
A plain shovel can dig under the barrier
A machete can cut a path around the brambles

But I chose the sledgehammer
Sprinting from the starting line  
And left everyone behind at the first hurdle
I've spent a life of putting out fires. Nothing has ever been as important as getting past this problem in order to get to the next. In the meantime, I left behind every single relationship through negligence and stubbornness. It is ok to ask for help sometimes.
Dec 2018 · 149
This life is treacherous
Death, violence, and crime abound

Alas, the top murderer in history
Can never be caught - never served to justice
He lives on forever, dispatching all encountered souls to dark farewells

O! be it my way I'd put handcuffs on time and make the clock obsolete
Deliver Kronos to a dank cell with no parole - no probation
No reprieve for the timekeeper

However, it can never be my way - Sword of Damocles yet dangles aloft the collective head of the world
Dec 2018 · 177
water - cool, clear, nourishing
essential, vital, necessary
consumed daily - replenishes the body
yet wears thick rock, mineral, and metal to dust
consumed daily - the body ages
degrades, is frail in time
worn to nought akin mountainside canyon
dust of body flows along dust of rock
replenishing another - another - another

— The End —