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David Hilburn Jun 2021
Set in a frequent circle
Penny pinched, pun's to rhyme
Welcomed yet, to a readied table
The truth of summation and kind

Lore accepts a foremost seat
Through the mix of light and paces
We see friends become the irony to meet
A sensibility, of culture to confirm, we are color's praises

Just a reminder, black and white make separate ides
Until the cold shine of history has it to prove
Waiting and saving the about of a collective heed, shied
Characters know the common, for a wealth meant to be shared, due

Purple is a forward thinker, be it sense or nothing above the board
Brown can become a better here and now, the tale of a wishes fire
Red is the renown of its patience, that wish is a smile long before a sword
Orange to prove it out right, with a callous voice of determination that undertook the right, higher

Yellow was forever waiting, the notion to serve a cause the preeminence of good tidings
Green set to rue, the works of powers and privilege, a hap that knows further
Blue for a sincere approach, of what remedy we keep, for a length of righting
Careful as this may seem, or due a kiss of neglect's fortune, we are the asking's heard there

Color, callous or obligated
Knows the wealth of a friend, until stares make oddity
Tensive and comparing, the soul of sense infatuated
The problems of merit and its mortal coil, letting a song become its own, fancy
David Hilburn May 2021
Gift's all in line
Harrowed but honored
Gift's tied with twine
Half of all known, for...

Speed in a lore to you
Sweet water and the marvel of salt
In a human ring, the truth we do
The truth we have, and know is a fault

If sin ever comes to dance
Powers in love, with a new man
A new plan, for what keeps even, to an instance
With pining lip's and living perhaps, is all can

What is contrary thought, when a savior goes by?
Long talks in front of the fire, with a bit of who'se
The right old and frank, justice in sully and lye?
Long talks indeed, with a marvel for you, youth

Abc's, the truth we saw, begin here
With a faerie and a staring hope, the concern
Of watches and witches, to understand we're
A love in passing hope to a better earn to learn

Older considering can uses reach
For a word to the wise, as if a redoubt is the blessing
Gift's with a moment to spare, come by each
The next sense of didn't, a worthy sincerity lest we mean...
David Hilburn May 2021
Works of popularity
Finish in a careful way, sense
And a secret weigh, of purpose for a city
Judges and all of a stone, will such defend?

The limits we make, for curiosity and its wealth, somber
As a fresh eye in the rain to remember all and more
Through a passion for what we call so much, humbler
The taken chaste, the opus of a dance with minds that course...

Carrying the house, for a reaching flower
Sitting in a placid pool, to remember why
Acting the fool to a worshipping mirror, with no time for sour
Promising a shadow of war, the times are a guarantee in the embarrassed sky

Maxim, and the total of response
Their ordeal of language, and the pipe of summation
Is a question left on the lips of redoubt, the chin of a haunt
Continuing with a count, that is a clue to arguably, the tradition

Why do we laugh?
When all of a song and its tender singer, is looking away
The tired eyes of composure, and the tale of all in a day, cough's
Like the instinct of a future who, is to confirm the irony, we stay?

A premonition of couth, and the taste in a happier day...
Made from silence's dreamt, the thanks of another guardian
With peace in mind, saving any hour like a sharing fate
An included fist, and a noble wave, with safety in a bottle, forming...
Beep, beep, beep, where's the kid, Coca cola has a new hat...
David Hilburn May 2021
Oil and dates
So sweet, to remember avid
The doll's and drum's, we fate
With a babbling kiss, in a hand hid

Preeminent, the couth of a night
Letting the hopeful seem, a better call
To envision a chance, pretty to might
And handsome to wishes that fate all

Promises to hurry by
Catching on character's same
When worth is to be, a clash of why
Can't a harmony seek a fated name

Fated to tell the story
Of a care set adrift
In the water's of conscience, condition and query
Forth a form of reason's, we take to eyes to lift

A thankful poise
A chancing here and now, with ever in mind
A challenge to us, the bother of choices
Adding honor, with a curiosity's kind
David Hilburn May 2021
Likewise I'm sure
Being a sporadic and callous fate
Through the envy of the wind, to brace and save curiosity
The language of money has appeared, with a comely sate

Busy is the name of the game
Burden is the count of hand and some
Belief is a rendering hope, to season a wakeful fame
Being is a question left to autonomy, the ire's of whole and done

Seeing the condone, the fruit of poise...
Will a shrewd or subtlety of composure
Seek the charisma of another, the order of clash or choice?
The priority of dignity has become, the selection of purity...

Invite it in...
And save the seldom, with a rise of condition
Make the ilk of compromises, the ordeal of silence
And know their friendship in the step of stead, is fruition...

Notions to excel, nations to weal
The richness of opportunity, is a waiting conversation
Of comparison to endurance, that if a question to heal
Was a night of decency and resolution archaic enough, to lend or lead mellifluent sin?

Paces of moments, and the craving of a brand new day
Taken to exception in the now, the benign to tell a wiser tale
Of wishes and summations speed, seen in the cause of may
The integrity of psyche, that has spent the reach of prowess, with a need's dream to never fail?
May 2021 · 82
Can Carry The Creep
David Hilburn May 2021
Wholly, why?
Did you think Carry a tool?
Meant better, without spice, with wine
When a moment feel's better, is proof a fool...?

Maybe now, instead of later
A shrewd are, with tongue to save
A risking same, to a life to cater...
Has the succinct moment's until day's...

Time in a shrill noise
Bared climate, we stir in novelty
Living for, we'll, a stilled voice
With a nuance in a caught lip, cruelty?

Sung in verse, we know the taste
Inch by inch, a cold earthen stare
Merely the choice of vice to haste
A music we affirm may, begin a charity

Show me a richer man, mayhem
Under the light's of couth's language, so keen
Asking for necessity's waters, a poignant whim
With a pet bird to wait and watch, the craving for been...
Dulcimer words with a single reason, anarchy
David Hilburn May 2021
Theory in a remark
Scented with the oils of the land
Sweeter harboring, and joy to defend an ark
Of whispers and integrity seen, as a doll to hands

Many eyes to confirm...
The tow of simplicity in a wishes run
To silence and back, the promise we earn
Kindred of a fancy and the cares of seasons that come

My dolly is a reason to dance
The done and the order of some, to rally a poise
On the cheek of also, and its smiles reliance
Will become a seem and a heroic demand, for my choices

Your dolly is a question to God
Necessity with a coping air, the told and the risks of virtue
Is the presence of the lime light we foretold, by limit or nod
In a creation of vice, so profound a lip, that it doesn't do?

Our dolly is an angel, with time on their hands
A quiet jest to tell the future, in a callous way, our conscience
Is in the hands of a climate to love, a requited land
That kept our liberty's help, like the thought of a day to come to an end?

Who won the race?
Long time no see and the count of hope at the winner's circle
A gift of unity to quench a personality's thirst, or the good idea of friends to last
Has a special time been, the church of need forth sense in heed, a friend even will?
David Hilburn May 2021
Pretty on heel
Tomorrow we propose a gentler home...
In courage and corrected sincerity, we feel
The integrity of when, should be our simple atone

If not simplicity itself
Through the powers that ponder
And consideration of rights to its wealth
The bounce of your step will do, a place for wonder?

Saving the times, with aim's risk of appalling glares
Of eyes that knew too much, for two and little to be
Sound veracity, the might of demonstration in our cares
The powers to be were ourselves, a tender eye with all's anarchy

Proof to rue the day
A shown mere, if not misery in love
The cares of once upon doting, a shared whole, in the many
And a revered say, of life to wish away the hurt that does

Back to need, normality to venture forth
Is a where in the embarrassment of light, the only wish we can make?
Same of a rolling heed, to elaborate another special and defiant worth
Your childhood, is the golden chance of a liberty in few, we will even sake
Happy Mother's Day
David Hilburn May 2021
Light seasoning
Required, when art ponies up to the table
Set indignity, sated reasoning
Sensitive order to time, and whether life is a fable

Pious autonomy, in the name of heavens many
Secrets and honors of patience, I can redeem
With the powers of your voice, simple though elect aims
Come and go with a truer taste for you, then what seem's

Shadows I will know, with a care for each of they and our senses
Willing the turn of chastity into a creation of vice before vision
That calms and cools the seldom, the selected nerve we due, conscience
And a height to abruptness, that gave its all to see the world in your wishing

Relationship of succinct ire's, made to know
The lore we fascinate with, logic and love to come
Persuading even a ruse of yet to be named truth, imagination holds
The common misogyny of the preeminence, we made to succumb

See the nobility of a question, become our future
Took to tamed integrity's, the might of particular privileges
Known in empathic circles, to welcome the very are of curiosity
Sat in a sanity's light, that came per voices of cause, to act amidst our reasons
David Hilburn May 2021
Proud Papa
In the throng of decisions vex
Smile little one, and have the awkward
Way we see the seldom, make love we expect

Hopefully yours...
Three of commotion, made a reaching star
Terms of privilege, the shape of furthering love's adore
When a decency's same, smiles, to know why you are...

Two of a salt, that has bespoken the truth?
Simple light's to a sojourning need, coming to a point
Of when harrowed seasons appear for your couth
Look hard and make the right choice, so we see the joy, included

Remember me one night, when the austere have cooled and supposed ire's to be freer
Memory served the cold behalf, threat of heed of keeping sovereignty's flame...
With but a chaste live in the sense we make, a seer
With one voice to still, the coming house of a name?

Portion, excellence, and resolve
With pouting lips and the common trace of beauty, left to agitate?
And the order of love, in the spare way we find hindrance, a given
Moment of history in the mend of sensitivity, where a babe has fretted...

Proud Papa, with a faster bag and happy tune to play...
The conscience of irony, that set you to such a risen right
Has been the culture of night, into day with a reasoned say
Where a lived same of kisses and hugs more, there is a wishes might...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Penny knuckle
Penny Charlie, of the hills of romance
Penny with punch for each, a handsome will
Penny in check, to a realing cheek, with which we kiss

Popular homes
And the tooth of resolve
Terror is such a cheap chic, the thought for bitter words
When the music gets tight, and a hallowed wish, so cool...

Purpose beyond a shade in the corner of my fame
I wish for you, to hear the moment in a clash
Set to serve the bind, the curiosity, of a shame
To welcome the irony, of another friend of my pasts

Glares at the time, with a chin to finish the pale
Sour old crescendo, still amends in a willing house
Set to sovereign glue, like a sand is meant for its eponymous sail...
The towers of dalliance and the scope of our flout

Penny unison
Taking the time, to work the conversations into the neighbors
Living room where a saving where, is but another kiss today, would
A shrewd lip know so much, gifts of simplicity to a world for order...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Pies and egg nog
Sitting in the fridge
Shapes at the window, what is a frog?
In a blender when a zebra has seen our cursing's religion?

Christ to remember...
The talking and the stone sore, Micheal?
Still thrown to old, the irony of sense in love, verve?
Distant doors of minds, as if the curiosity of a father will...

Time in the name of curious friends...
Sat in the living room, the trophy of discussion?
Told to be, and serve the notion, we made amends?
And the soul of avarice, that is ready in the kitchen?

Soldiers of fortune and the coming hope...
Seldom to ask, is a world to compare that?
Worth war is a labor to the first, time we mention cope...

Songs on the radio, savagery in a privacy's bottle
Waiting for you, when bells and whistles, make eyes
Long tastes in avid season's and Daniel from the bible, silly
The choice of a babyishness, with a reaching day, that has guided:

Here's the church, and adages law revering a sown
Sentiment in a row, the clash of forces, jewelry?
Here's the people, with a remorse, to show a poem?
Aspiration, and the truth in a cold stare, to devilry...

Here's the heaven, hindrance and given time
So jealous a wish, drifting to moments of youth...
Here's the iconic phone, with every fear in a row, sent with spite
To a window with no name, except the one I gave, Ruth
Take the time in an onion field, and the secrets of a child become they're hello
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Tooth to tooth
Set in ways we will never understand
Paces of pride, that collect a heat for who'th
Is to be king of the hill, when we encourage the land...

Pining oddity's, and a friend named ecstasy
The waiting rise of fortune is ours forever...
Even until, even unless all of a cause has an identity
We come home to, the aim and the look of a destiny's lover...

Born to cares and copes of seldom seen mortality?
Saving the hope of anger with a grasp of infidel's?
Taking the time to wish in open airs, I am that I civility?
Kisses of instinct in austere fashion, ready to live well?

And no name provided, a cold shared in the glamor of since
No cloth of recognition, that is the speck of dust that did us in
Enter the voice of composure, that has the calm of avarice to binge
And a summary address, of society that comes and goes with allure winning

Feel, well, used?
Join the club, and answer the riddle of a lifetime
When jealousy makes a home for you, is justice to be abused?
Look hard and pardon a callous need, with sincerity, the words you seek are a crime...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Been the brief
Seldom in league, with a mar in the ink
Can I see you, when bests bring grief?

The written letter
And the pictures I will know
Saving lest for *******?
Is a reaching hope, all of a glow?

And determined to see the final, light
Of exchange so minding a church of senses and fun
The waiting hour is a strange contender, for my might

Excuse me, or rise to the next hero
Houses of calamity and justice, saved true
The cold composure I have spoken so much of, owes
Me one more taste of peace, and the risks of youth...

And made with the hands of recognition
Will a world bespeak us, or is a waiting have, money
And the tale I told, to you, for the price of a friend...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
This and that, lover
Infants and doling home, into a rational serve
Of vice if not verve in a clash, with what we know, overt
At a party, with no one to compliment, a rise of nerves...

Conscience sat, in a filial row, this
Of no remorse, sad to tell the awkward jibe
But the reasons we hide from each other, is my owe, tis
Total and careful worth, well to do and keeping my lie?

Salt on the tip of a tongue, and working for another's living
Is a recognized form to shall, a land save itself from all counts
And carriage of a rue, that gave its kiss already, and true to timing
We are the clock of destiny which I found, in the heart which pounds

Panic at the step, the risks of virtue in a limelight...
With whether to observe, or obstruct the obvious
They tell the tale in another's language, the secret to might
And majesty, that has a scent of obligation, to correct a grammar with us

A smack of justice and warranted mice, with the time to tell?
A jaundiced joke, that we seem and dole of a sincerity, voice
In the name of a shared eye, that has a corner in the realm we fell
And gathered a same, a just hand and the calling of since, the choice...

Is a babe with a bible in its lap...
And a memory for sin, that began with you...
So, sophisticated in the tongue of rumor and its charity, that...
Kissed by the and, you chose, with a rue of compelling history too soon...
For that first kiss - all out and oxen free...
Apr 2021 · 30
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Avidly, yours?
Snow and treacle, in a legends lore?
Kisses and flowers from early tours
Of virtue we welcome in, a little more

A little more than else, the foot of here
And say the ordeal which I describe
Is a lovers time, if not frankness of fear
When a passion has run so fast, to see the days horizon

Sour old forms, of distance and proof
Of an age old drama, we relent into and fix
Just to look for a younger price, to the salt so aloof
Sudden instinct, to tell you a tale about what nix

Thrown the care, the stir of vague happenstance
Will a shrewder couth, or order to heath
Begin with your word, your kiss, in the bough's of hindrance
I spy you, with liberty in a ruses circle, with anxiety to preach

Simplicity's ask, seemly and the pace of champion's
Whetted with peace's aroma, an appetite to silence a charm
Of a carnal wish to find its sleeve, a hair and a lamp...
In the night, when sour is a reaching flame, so just in its warmth
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Panic's we will know
Disparity to voice a choosing eye
Spare or the gift of aspire, sides of owe
Haste at the said, the meant eaves of wry...

Tones of choice, in our advent, to climates
Of worthier none, the tale of courage come
Sing the weapons of the wind, or see its sates?
Compose your suggestion in the form of a bomb?

Pride is such an expensive friend, the ire's we can't
Ascertain to advance to a greatness, at the feet of dissonance...
Known and told to own, we are the coming ides of a plan
Sent from where, the arduous and the space of riddling ands...

And a stale offering, of steel and pleasance's presence
Made for the bold, the souls of capricious same
Never the more, without the collapse of another's sins
Into but a heavenly kiss, from the times we aid, we fatefully name

Notice the kindred of a shame, with a soul to eye a different need
Sent from the earthen sigh's we make so worthy, prodigy
Is a shred of decency meant to be in the grasp of opposites, and heed?
Letting a blue streak unearth the better, where the letter is for these

Still the meet, of violence and opportunity to ask
Will a billowy day of opus and shade, in the sky...
Prepare a sun with our fate, and is a rage the common enough fact
Of a burden in silences nature, that is the cloying season of redeeming specialness's, why?
A rose by any other fame, is beauty ready for you...?
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Ancient in need, thee'd
Living life in the loft of liberty
Sense to swirl and eddy, at my hand's heed
Account me the stone, and I will succeed integrity?

Wishing the turn of youth, never was...?
Poison in the times, to reveal a hedonistic goal...
Where the being is sweet, the ingenue of dust
Is a meter of recognition, that begins to encourage old?

Running for a lies burden, the causes of freedom
The toil I spy, is a waiting home with no doors
Or windows to speak of, the truth in kind come
And the spare way we save each other from the now, of worlds worry

Subtle the energy's here, a tooth rolling in the head...?
Securing the rigid, the disgusting, the remorse of nuance?
Ready to tell a tale of presence and pressure, with a flower to lead?
Here to say, in the candor of living's behalf, so much is left to us and chance...

Pondering a half bespoken smile...
Sovereign times with an hour to its need, have come and gone
With but the beauty to hold a hand, the reach of weary denial?
Is a chance we have to take, when misery comes to these, so long...

Pining for another soulless kiss...?
A christ to tarry, and know the eschewed gift's
Of blindness sour and triumphant, the turn of day into night and its wish is...
For a new friend; where is sincerity when I see to the might taken, and think, a day lifts...

Speed and a family of thought, worth you
Speed and a calling to heed, the heroism of privilege
Speed and a choice of worth, in the decency of a hand that owes couth
Speed and a rolling truth made from all the best, blessed and what has been...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Loft to a healing ray
Of sunshine, where the pace is to reason
Through the hour, and hope in a delicate same
Worth once forward, and thunder in a look for season

Temples that run
As shrewd as a habit in the couth, to question a friend
Hiss, **** and vinegar, the call of can't for cunning
Olden times and the frank display of a power, come in the end

Temples that fight
With a rolling heat, so secure in its justice
The tale of future homage, the trick in your nostril's, tight
By right's of callous treacle, the irony of succor to rise

Temples that thieve
So sweet a spice of torment and the torture of guidance
Away from the purile, to make an obvious statement of grief
Waiting on the disease, we trod into a haven't, that takes lands

Temples that die
With the been and better lip, of causes we favored in the amend
Of rigors and steely eyes, the climate of when a world has a laugh, all of a right
Have the sign of decision in a youth's care, where we are a heart to lend?

Light's that healed the privilege of silence
Light's that coped with a curious shadow, when might saved ire
Light's that seemed the better of changes of means, into art though appends
Light's that warred in your name, for a sickened stare at unwholesomeness's fires

Light's that spanked your baby with love
Sound bared and a barrier, to know the coming tried and true
Promise of senses alive, with the courtesy of impressions and covenants
And an olive given a real try, at what was homes need for a freer you
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Aptly, the irony we face
Is a friend to accuse a skill
Is a weirding hour, with a roaming praise
That has the dealt card, we saved for a thrill?

Spectacle, and the spy of done don't it...
Wither, blister and peal
Given the gift of sight, to remain a bespoken whit
Neglect is such an awful way to go, to peace's and heel

Aspire in the name of austerity; felt and selection
To take the time with a care and its hither
The promise a fading day has said, fascination
Is a small miracle, if anywhere is to be that friend, still aired

Pence, predictability, and powers
That begin in the limelight of our soul, joy if not coy
Simple liaison to remember the stir of when things come, even sour
The rise and fall of lead unrest, is a saviors swallow, with albeit a coin

Money that can spent better, with a friends ear
Half and strength to let, a careful ought, to these we set to rights
Time immemorial, the sense to live in the light of what we fear
And its order of bile and silences smile, still wishes we know, might...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
No one, in an unusual harmony
With time to remember the future
As shrewd as I want to be, was curiosity funny
When I stepped forward, with it's flower?

Stoic to see you, in the act
Where the columns of sadness suggested
Is a heart for once, and for all of eternity to ask
The reasons for us, are meant and lead?

But a sneaking suspicion, never did it cross your face?
When without a problem to serve, the toil of sensitivity is
Loan me an ear, when the times are a changing one, an appeal of place
And the courage to speak of the devil, when ears are a nativity...

Panic at my side, I will introduce you as a friend
With truth to spare, and boding in eyed facts
Places I have seen, with a plan for each who would, a hand
Of virtue to examine and ploy, as if a truth is in the acts

No one...
Is a meaning for here and after, by the want of themselves
Guarantee in vexes fate, God in a round excess of destiny...
With the wishes you made, when shadows name their wealth?
Adding a hole of silence, in your voice... baby
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Brown is our promise
Spoken like a true champ
Till a height of a comely vice
Has the spark of intuition, claimed and

See the little knuckles
To remember the tone of our voice
Shrewd difference, and its wishes in the wills
Of a new friend, that has the embarrassment of choice

Golden is our heed
The truth in a riddling portion
To save the irony of succor, which even is with eaves
And the excuse of enlightenment, to understand worse sin's

Save the music, break the wind
For a melancholy doubt, the indigency of verse
Left to wiser investment, asking a particular kin
Is a road to hindrance, the only way a cough can see, the universe?
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Hallowed heathen
Sophistication with our willingness in view
Supposed halt, to a cleansing sun's ray, when
Sour news comes for a baffled friend, shrewd and due

With a common coldness, and its fierceness to serve
A charity in an overdue loan, of when minds meet, minds lest
The callous same; the coy need of names, and courtesy...

Long to riddles we find in consciences gird
As long as you take the time, a policy of sound...
And lights fame, to cares we make for a subtle world

Given the lips, none and the march of time
Will a gift of a kiss, save what has more for insight, than what hope leaves
The thought of decency to any who would, the simplicity of trying

Certain to the lion as well as the lamb, the advent of what wishes expect
Shown the mutual any, a muse that comes by its own, an honor let
With us, the calming and arearing breed of anarchy, we substitute yet

Here, after...
Never more than a silence broken, a challenge of went, with hurt
The promise of sincerity is to be a considered home, with which anger
Is a legend to bare and feed, with passion's embarrassment, a waiting season's mercy?
A cold day in hell, with truth as a shield, she'll and seer
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Name from a blossom
Found in the rivers curl
Proof for a saving grace, the sense of freedom
With our duty's all in a row, listening to early...

Antiquity knows an avid favor, the toll
Of berries brief and the solitude of an irony's tree
Looking for home, when sense is to be a clouds roll
Far away in heaven, the integrity of a weal, we see

The tongue of persuasion and the portent to eschew good
The coming hour to heed a windy hope, a sun's ray
And a liberty to unfold for the purpose beyond wouldn't

Sated by the sigh of sensitivity
Even the crude mars and spills of life
Have a stock to take, and its inner nobility
Worth once a step found, in the wake of forever nigh

Night comes, and the tooth of witness comes to play
Aspect chilling, the mine or the sign
Of choice in a careful soon, a hindrance past the lips to say
A habit is our undone, and given wrong for same, our time

Light comes at last...
Spill of ideas, into the mercy we fueled by purpose unknown
Until a shadow has become the soul of our heed, so fast
We are the used and the abused, of a rage of lies sown...
David Hilburn Apr 2021
Dark urges
In the behalf of a youth
Full of vim and vinegar, surges
Of wantonness to look for your couth

Spare and set to spaces
With the rule of thumb, we so decorate and honor
Lest the culture of ignominious races
Freedom from a cordial both, the very idea of the world

Songs set to flames mutual, a lyric of also
The irony of voices, that communicate to the soul
Speed in the airs of simply, the road to more
Notion and ergo, the places of lips, with a dole

Sense we shall add, the course to succinct eyes
And the notice of maybe, one more time, with a rage
So profound, that some would in this corner of the sky
Saving only their worthier kind, to keep a trail to legend

Luck breaks at dawn, when has not was is a hallowed turn
Sated with a reach for silence, and the none in a patient light
Many and heathen, the tail of a beast ready for wishes we earn
In the name of done and come, the service to ordeals with wars sight
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Tale to tell
To a frightened bird one day
Salt and guidance to a fire make comfortable
But the cold of silence in the tree's, of disdain or dismay?

Ought on unity's chin?
The talk and the seclusion we expose to unique...
Airs and driven knowledge, the count of wins
And the spurning of hope, as a friends gift to a table, a clique?

Of sincerity to consider gone, with a might so done
The ruse of vice, is in the bespoken hands of courage
To continue with a reach, we sate and realm with sanity, home
Is a catching health, to couth; a misery ours for a wagon's wage?

Beckoning hellishness?
Time to well upon the naivete or needs of a stone, the breadth of shadow
And its becoming inspiration, the cold corners of ambiguity, bastion and death?
Are for any of a mix, that has the same in mores, we predilect and owe...

Common practice, if not method in a dread triangle...?
So sweet, so enamored, so entangled with a coping house
That has seen the future of the truth, the tale to tell...
A handshake of call and cooperation, that knows life is thou...
Status Quo also rhymes with you, if you try real hard...
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Today was a noisome tree
Long in turns and earns of a wiser truth
Taking stock, in the forces that make us be
And the common riches of worth, to understand youth

Austere following behavior
Into the mass of seclusion, that is a realm
To make our, forever...
Wishing but for a companion, the hour is a blessing still

Conscience is a fiery runner, taking a hill
With the sincerity and aplomb of firsts ought
And a wind of compliance second, the luck of will
A heralding guess at purpose, be the boding of worlds we not

Spare and choosing us over the everything of they, even once upon a time
Speed of consumption and by resolve, the thorough
Have the voice, to question an open remark, made by sense trying
Was half of hence and was, the better friend of me to keep know?

Shadows of change, and the scope of unity to serve the imagined
Wealth and sides of travail, that come to us in the mar of certainty
Understated if courage, overwhelmed as if a sameness is a sung
Liberty kissing litany, ever the prowess of since, if living is to begin

Look long in the tooth, and ready for more?
Coming with hope, to see the fate of charisma's that will invoke?
A lover's chance in the done, the toil and season of couth, we were?
Till a strength of what was romance, has seen the day is no joke?

Penny traded, for simplicity to roam
The tale of exaction in a flying leap, to welcome another to the run
And blessing of home, that becomes the irony we adjust, to love's shown
Here is a fascination worth the letter, if not the cue of when was was the introduction of aims, a honor to come
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Penny darling
Where do the foxes hide?
When a man sings to winds
All of virtue is in sight...

Spent remnancy, austere
The coping future
Asking, if wars are to openly fear...?
As friend or foe, as if we were?

The tongue of blessing
Mercy in a vice, for eating edges
Of discuss, in this world, is a guessing
Tooth, the role of visiting life's, rages?

Dances with dread
Mighty and omnipresent
Succor to a finish, somewhere ahead
Worth in a warning kiss, meant...?

Places of use; choices and acts
Stirring our blindness into a caring's can
Of silence, with our misery, aged pacts
Of chances surmised well, to behold a given land

Tows of succor, we claim for imagination
To simply underwhelm the cost of oblivion
And the spoken nature of conscience, with these moments, minds
Come and go, like embarrassment was a legend we win, again?
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Firsts of fruition, fists of fusion
With the glance of decency, the divulged
Has a clash so profound, the tooth of sincerity and allusion
Made the martyr in your hand, the spoken and the wall...

So pleasant, for a hand to hold...?
Subtlety, in the defense of instigation
A whole of worlds epistle, room for gone and told
Might's language to liberty's of virtue, we value more, then imagination...

Running for the door?
As shrewd as a lent smile, with disparate courses?
To a finished while, the understanding of cope, worth its war
That sits and knows the frustration, of blessing the moment of your forces

Friend or foe, the tows of judgment have been...
And the skill's of service elucidate, the instinct of joy...
Totaled with the nerves of composure and its namesake, leniency...
Presumed patience and its eaves dropping courage, is a lover coy...

Today? and the knowing honor of sensibility
The door is open, for a question and gift of happenstance, heed
That has the silent secret of obsoleting behalf, of serendipity
To look, with the eyes of life, and see done is an angry need...
Yesterday, in love with all of a better idea, sometimes goes home to you...
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Proper tension
And a callous work, of sublime notes
Of a truth in the realm of compassion
Kind and hindered beyond a post of hope...

And majority to fend for the rue
Of courage, even in a hatreds collapse, hands
Are a collection of finishes and fetishes, asking a friend to due?

Metered by the solace of an eye
Sore futures and language to understate all
Misery is but a coping here after many, the rhetoric to lie...
Upon the still bared shoulder of unity in a shadowy smile?

Sour sophistication
Looking the part, and the stir of when days come to a fruition's art
Solidarity to know the obscure, is no way to go, into silences
Cough of superiority and its champion, the taste in an awakening hour about to start...
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Oil and sweet
Aching beyond the count and myriad soft
Lives and lore, to wish a history meet
In the stir of purpose, deigned with a voices loft

All's and sweat
Thorough are; art and **** in love
The void of distance, to the problem, etc
Looking from first to last, the bless of a new covenant

Asks and sense
To reveal the conscience of a mercy
That has a liberty to suppose, a kindred
Has the minding tooth and days kiss, for worry

Adds and sour
In heritage, the token of woes, the order of philosophy
Should a careful side of promises; is a world to enthuse, power
In the sunshine, and waiting on heathen, a posed query?

Ought and sort
The tale of fear's legend, in the space of comprehension
Lucre to divine, the common yawn of peace and war
Where only's dream in the hands of children, becomes a man's intuition...
Water on your behalf's kindness, with eyes to show true, still have a star to give beyond, due
David Hilburn Mar 2021
Door mouse
On the way to a friends party
I am a bird, you are a mouse
Seldom have we seen each other, without a key

Rains of fortitude, speed of a jaunt
To hills of worth, that remind you
The stone is sour, if I am to be your earthen haunt
Take and save a care, with the future call to who

Wishes make all of a since, sleepy
Finishes of stone, let a mighty ghost have the time
Guarantee's with a reason, come by a friend seeking
Antipathy in a color, a face, and a tear trying

Home is where the head is, insists...
Home can decide your fate, even before you discriminately know a laugh
Home is a character to suggest, a flaw is a joy if made in bliss
Home is a relationship with pride, to tell the world, hath

Door mouse
Praise be a show, of what shame has named a catching breeze
What is a cornered eye, with intent to let a house?
Have the skills of out and about, the name of surprise, your home is with me...
Penny in a new land, Atlantis says hi to, you...
David Hilburn Feb 2021
And rolling thunder...
Spite to deserve a credence, once again...
Spare to length and shadow, tomorrow's wonder?

Charity in a garden of seldom seen kisses...
By the antiquity of all's nativity, solemn light
To issue heeding's sense of proportion, is...
A house of redoubt and staid however, the any of a stare might?

Lucidly, the offering of needs and insight...
The callous and the stoic reply of vice for out wisdom
Tales to serve the conscience we saw, war, and say is sly
Can we share the regret of poignancy, as if a reality is our only means to come?

Tones of respect, that occur to know you with an anxious order?
To suggestions and many more candles like these...?
Patient and devoid of latent understanding, a blessing is foreignness?
We are the salt of purpose under a first and last, of acne...
Greasy grimy gopher guts, grimm's got nothing on me....
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Loosen my voice
In an abated kiss...
Wealth has come to find, succors choices
Sour or delving into harmony, the tooth of is...

Rolling thunder, at the expense of sovereign joy?
Persistent as a mesmerized man witnessing for more
Can be, the tender hours we make an undue coyness
Is the center of attention we wish, all and form?

As if a silent reproach, met head on
The talk of sponsorship and defensive living
With a sorts of peculiar friends, laughing at home
Being the role of adage to comb for avarice and its given?

A walk and talk with forms of duty, we know to be?
The occult and kindred of opposites, and their fight
For the food of thought, even though the might of seed
Will we compare and share, the difference of distinctions insight...

And the suspicion of many and moments, to tell the kind
We are the privilege of composure before the eyes of invention
The boding of compassion, that has seen the better of superiority's mind?

Will's of candors instinct, if not the measure of intuition
Conduct in the care of suppose, a weight of humanity is to clarify health?
Pain and prosperity, the tact of dominions extant, the work of piety for causes fruition?
And the ache of pomposity with a rage for each, the irony of psyche to produce a character's imagination, without peace itself?
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Order to chaos, at a glance?
As a wholesome venture, of what we pronounce
Is adding the white of the eyes, an all of influence?
Has come to the fore, and shown the doldrum it haunts...

Peace and a real thirst, for a clue in the wry...
Sated with the coming hours, of decency we meant, will
The provision of seldom, toured and biased in courteous, shyness
An angel with passion to earn and each, insists dread, still...?

A place in the heart of civility...
A face asking the table of conscience, to look for the irony
Oft tutelage and their solaces, a penny to spend on originality...
A faith in the unknown, we reveal is fright's epiphany?

Voices we have heard, that made the point of a lifetime
With range and devotion to verify, the elucidation of meagerness?
And its boding history, the total of enumeration in the face of trying?
And the fertile now, and subtle distance to weighing the opuses we elect

Alcohol and judgments character?
Instinct is a shrewd contender, for what was a world of significance
And alarmed firsts, to the longest visit of intuition, or its faring?
A method of uniqueness, to show a calm of whimsy that is a seasons chance...

Meted reasons with a clash of simplicity for you...
Tales of reproach or in defense of totals, the schemes of things
Looking the part and petition of suppose, the tear we reveal is, due
The hands of antipathy in vice and demeanor, the identity we saw, become a meaning...
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Actual and paced with facts
Merely an odd being, the toil we sake
And make dear, the nigh of suspicious acts
And the marvel of suggestion, come for the more we never fake

Creed seems to be our lifeblood
Tenuous and true, to a legend in its fit
And finish of guidance, of a salt of yet would
The tradition of simplicity in norms, known for lip?

Sulk and chew, chaste and fellowship
To survive the coming need, of clandestine, a merit
In the wholes and exception of old, to serve a whit
That has come to these, the decidedly many and meant

Prices of privilege, and the prowess of decorum
Patience and knowing neglect for the spare and idealistic
Promises that complete the circle of judgment, that has come
Per you and me, to keep a final show, of what was a soul's relent

Polly wally doodle all day, the persuasion of a duty to form
Polly anna, the charisma of decent moments, to tell a world behalf
Polly wants a *******, the truer of merely a finger, on the dread of course
Apocalypse's, the side of commit that has seen even the bilk of sentiment, laugh
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Spare integrity
Healthy accords
Avid liberty
Sincerity's words

Patience in the form of a vow
Secure ides, to a wealth we elect
To a richness of feelings and now
Waiting for the guidance, of a sulking we reflect

Possession of a till, in the repose of will
Will the clamor of youth, become a reach for old
The paces and the faces of compromise still
To wonder, and play, in the desires we hold

Hair of a chance one day
Speed and merit, make marvelous friends
Obvious to time, and its greater may
The truth we honor and become, is ours till the end

And the seclusion of wishes, that have life to focus
So suggested for a friendship's insight, a curious own
And self, made for the certainty of privilege, we discuss...
nanny boo boo clock says to the watch dog, what has the time to go to heaven? heathen
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Purpose and ideas
Salty in the sight of me's
Quiet quality to a found friend
With a message to send

Waiting for you, with need's reigns
The truth to spare, and despite a logic so came
Well to do, and wisher's in a hand held by love
Look among the heeds, we fated with a kiss and its hush

Shoes that remind
A world between you and me, a care kind
Sweeter rhapsody, a rendezvous with supposing a beauty
Has come for the each of us and moments all, when else is youth?

Another kiss, and sincerity to share
A legend is a strength put to the test, a willful air
To the song of regret we once knew, and now take
To a unique talk with powers that preen, and give what they make

Tender or terror, we find the future in our arms
Today with reaches for silent and comely peace, the heart that warms
Yet to be named the source of ourselves, placing sense in a cause
We see you with a remembering look, to a rise of what was, and that which lauds...
David Hilburn Feb 2021
Salt to enthuse
Pepper in the way, of courtesy to all availed?
A new insight, to a comparison of good
To a length of cloth, the rosy future we entail...?

Causes, curiosity, cease of required airs
Potential in a lingering here, and heat's shade to know
The tale of consciences so void, of a watery eye faired...
And freedom on the behalf, of truth and silence, we owe

But a lip of solitude...
Here is your throe of compassion, to a future heard
The right side of seclusion and the irony we exude
Here to tell you the obvious, no man is an island to worth...

Half of nothing, and an asking hour
With a remembered gift, to you and the ancientness oriented
Well to do, the impossible if you want, me in the sulk of adding dour
Hair is our illustrious ode, that collects a rise in vagary's relent

Odiously trust, is a careful friendship with our simplicity
To keep but a unified kiss, a generosity in a laugh, to occur
With actual and older meanings, then a clash with implicitly
The staring order to an enemy, that has seen you mere, theirs
David Hilburn Jan 2021
Older in the punch
Blessed in the time, of a unity to egg
Beg me a shoulder, a duty in a hunch
Satiety is a walk with truth's we fate to a rhyming neglect?

Bitterness is in heaven...
Haunted milling of a sense of rage...
Lessoned hindrance to fortify the accord of leaven...
Simple arrogance, in favor of the music to face...

Sourer than dread itself...
Made to cruise and tarry, the work of an angel
Threatened by the scope of your admission, an unction of health?

Such a fight, for a piece of bread?
Aloof tones of demand and the scale of uniqueness, to worry
Is a relationship with sense, apropos to a kick in the head?
Or is this sickness of vice, and its victory with anxiety and fury?

Twist of patience and the cornerstone of the rhyme
Sickness is our day, and the day comes with a price
Saged as a mortal coil can be, to welcome home a whole trying
Is still a relationship with exhumation and wishes to wizen...

Your father and penicillin...
Pride and the door of infamy...
One more time, is a master of time, willing
To show you the ropes, or is worth, an estranged vanity?
"Whistles and combs, and you better hurry up for those mud pies"
David Hilburn Jan 2021
Notion 'A'
Adding the brass of the day
Altogether a wish we found in a malaise
A court of excelling need, with a moment to say

Notion 'B'
Begun in a willowing voice, hard to see
Subtle bolting skies, with a tooth to turn and seem
Beguiling presence is a world's forte, meant any and all anarchy

Notion 'C'
Contrary to devil's of chaste, and a demonstration of haste
Causes of virtue outrun a valor's sight, like embarrassed keep
Cold silence in place of heard fact's, of poise and pleasance too fast

Notion 'Subsequence'
Surreal, the voice of constancy at the beauty of dependency
Safety in proverbial numbers, versus the common amends
Sakes alive and rekindled, will surmised gaiety show true, the seen?
Head east, if your younger than that man, cacophony
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Arms of distance?
Predicting the irony we adjust
To a knowing light, the equality of amends
Made, for a simplicity to stand forward, and know all must

A hug of introspection
Meant in your favor, and the tradition of identity
Consumed by the passion, a welcome to direction
And its sincerity, do we seek a mention of relent, in a city...

Far and away, the truth of becoming
A knowledge inclined by sorts or worth
The actual in its vicinity, to account a roaming
Suggestion of integrity we encourage from birth

Baby's with rolling eyes...
And taken dreams to a range of voice, we dream with
Sour old gesture, of rued compromise, only why's...
Like a titular excuse of pioneering spirit, a day with opuses bless?

Mother's of invention, that knew the commotion
Rarified exaction, to a marveling hurry, we kept as should?
The forces that be, or is a lucre of sincerer time, our devotion
Looking here to empathy, complete of a rise in the land, could...

Father's of concerned charity's, and a luckier form to nothing?
With the care of callous distraction, is a house made for a needy turn?
Of essential energies, into a heed of cope - the rue of wanting
Another eye fall at the table, to be, a craving for what orders of curiosity earned...

Privilege to meet you, with the eyes of commonness
As shrewd as a claim of burden can be, the irony I preach
And seldom, is a trouble to blame only on paradise
And the muse of composure, with moments to understand a haunt of each...
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Fighting the only
Wind and offered guidance, to a new friend
Presumption in a fine array, the baser side of anarchy
To welcome the new day, to a fascination, a craving for resolution

Lots to a shrewd comment
Taken for silence of opportunity
The tale is one, of many to seem a relent
Of courage, will a happier decision in the gray, liken to unity?

Searching for the words, the tale of composition
Has a willful stare, my needs are in an elaboration by design
Truer to tell you the obvious, the travail of improvisation
Than to cover the nature of poise, we deem and doth a curious trying...

Welcome home, friend of mine
Taste and popularity, is a shroud best for composure
To come with thought and recognition, a salt for pride
And a treatise of compliment, that has situated very, with your curiosity

Meant and mind, the subtlety of origin's to be kind
Sensitivity voiced nativity, where we are the couth to seldom
A history of gift's oft nuance or need, a solitary wish in time
To signify the barriers of promises we meant, and are sure is wonder

Dole of a strong many and their austerity one day...
Patience is an awful contender, for the romance of silence
Shadowed foremost, or bespoken of light, in a raging vagueness...
Taking the time for but decency in motion, we are what we keep, as a honor to select quietness?
Potential seems to be the next in line, for quintessential chances, and a bottle of twelve year old scotch?
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Poison letter
From the stir in the years
We confused with an opus, a crucial identity
Come for anecdote, to warm a cheer that hears

Starts and stops
A willowy wind in the eaves
Sensitive and illustrated cope, the kind to serve ought
The need of simplicity for a charity, in which hearts never deceive

Aspire makes marriage a unity, like heroes of sanity
Blessings come in small ideas, to cherish
Cold shoulders with an order and a sake, know vanity
*** without a reason in the mere, is but a wish

Granted, not semblance of a meticulous land
But a fate with worse words, the total of ides judged
And impugned society, the decorum we hand
To the younger, has become ourselves, to a spirit hushed...

For observing silence is a reach for worth
To sit and become, the better of sanctimonious hysteria
And the open bother we gave to indecision for what occurs
And has a mind to say, at least the day is long in dilemmas...

Yet to be named, a rancor
Love professes and guests the idleness of a house
Built to last the oncoming truth, that we are who we serve
And who will begin the next day, with a droll answer to thou:

Penny lion, penny dying
Sour rapport in our *****, the tooth and the eye of a miracle
Sent to sweet courage, for a season of might to explain, what lying
Is to a lover of hope and charisma, is this side of exception, still...
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Nothing on the table...?
Sweet to us, the sweat of the brow
Hunted or handsome, the rancor of a fable?
Met in a youth's side and claim, the seldom of however?

Shamed, to know, you?
A savior in the call to heed, the risks we envy
In the days passion, or the callous drama, a peace's future
We accustom to needs table, with it to give

Terror and character in a shallow cup
Risk with us a hereafter, the cold shoulder
We imagined as a promise, to an angelic hope
Rises in the land know us one better, the history ever bolder...

With the finish of a complacent first...
The decision of decency in a real enough purity
Has a dancing friend, with scope and heroism in a fury, worsts

Silence inherits compassion, if fed...
Charity inherits rage, if lent to be...
Liberty inherits judgment, if sense is lead...
*** inherits neediness, if souls to anarchy...

Hellish as a diamond in the rough can be
This fight and this sight, is a wish...
Proud and seldom in seclusion, with reflections of moments that began
With your neglect oft a praise in heat, that chose suicide for is...
When nightmares make wonder, even you to will survive for the couth...
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Politics in a happier hand
Salt and salacious minds
To work in the evening sun of the land
Tried and true, the irony of vice to distinguish the times

Politics deciding to give at most, a wonder, a try...
Through a peering shadow, we accepted was a rancor
Timid is and if a ruling thought, nowhere but shied...?
The loft to a rolling voice, that has it to serve...

Politics knowing utmost is the whole, dominion
Taken to beauty, and serenity, notes of comprehension
Compassion is an adding wait, of sincerity to come again
With the dole of rendition, edicts of forces we see, reagent

Politics of friends and lovers, with the guidance of decency
Met erudite, the cold versus the heat of problems...
That suggest the kindred of speed, and the reasoned empathy
In our hands for vows, that come and go like angels, whim

Politics of offering a host of charisma
The time of day, and the mustiness of night
Where one decision for the many, is made in heed's behalf, dilemma
We know and care for, like a curiosity was the other half of might

Politics of poise, and a surreal appetite
Privilege before a sunny honor, the future of ought, energy
Long in truth, and chosen for bright minds that saw a sight
Of worth in the worlds grasp, looking one more time for sought anarchy...
Notty little tiger, with time on its hands (By I. M. Marriage...)
David Hilburn Dec 2020
Day of unerring
Doth, a worldly expanse
Decision to verify order, and caring
Decency is such a character, a problematic and

Sunshine of a mutual lip, to these we are taken
Suddenness of a callous air, with sharing in mind
Simple to us a wishes guard, and a have, no faking
Sense is a shrewd tow, in the name of purposes, find...

Look what I see...
Long thank you's, and moments to clarify
Live and let live, if may we begin here to be
Levity to itself? and others, the mercy we try...

And more, the doors of ecstasy
With adore, the food of gallantry
Found gaiety, the dance's of history
Sound hope, the passion of reality

Try me, try us, try ours...
No, of a tarrying night
Set to rights of rise and fall of a loved one, safety in numbers
Happens in a cloud of reasons, with a hat that knew all, before spite
Notice a comb weigh's itself in sophistication's mirror, with the eye's of justice.
David Hilburn Nov 2020
Timely joke
About the tears of the sky
Sweet ingenue, and the irony we poke
Is a crusades of sorts, to make all of a nigh

What if a justice took it that seriously?
A chance meeting with argument's shadow
And a wish in the breeze, the tale to earn a lead
Of symmetry and its advance, a place of gladness to owe

Sincerity is such a rascal, looking for ideas
That provoke rest and relaxation, to become alive
The taint and the wonder of same, so much time to free
With a recourse in cares, with opportune sight, to give

Pence, and labor of a summation kind
The treasured glance of another to find liberty
In the course and candor we eschew is long in mind
And few in through guarantee, looking for possible anarchy

Thus the joke, heard once in a presumed ideology, the toil of senses
We have worked with, even know in careful charisma
What has a day with the likes of you, but does not want it to end?
Having only ourselves to blame, is decency such a lousy dilemma?
David Hilburn Nov 2020
Kings and queens, might and things
Superior to be subtle, and irony in the swing
Beauty is a tall drink of waiting, beginning with you
Wishing a hard place the better of days dreams to

Polite, the face offered
Many, fate and doles to prophecy
Slick buttons on a friends cares, rain and tides
From the sore eyes of conscience, with its shares and sides

Dancing into view...
Promises in the now, named for today
See the sweet until, we advise is our rest
From the ingenue we detail, as if friends missed...

Sway and use the curve of the wind
Particular in its needy romance, a friend with a taste for kin
In character's glance, at the triumph of others
Saving every twist and mundane move, to see what bothers

Prevalence, is the first to cry...
Naked thought's for a unity to see our why
Wishes of funny vanity, to tell us no lie, to cherish
With our patience so keen, the quiet of another wish

Patience notices the accusation, the excuse of simplicity
Well worth a wealthy then, just to keep a need alive to be
Once and for all, the tout of justice in love with implicitly
Give me a kiss, spoken to real causes we favor and due, the time is me...

Houses of completion and the diary of sensation met
Secret's foretold to be an angel, if worry ever marries the lead
Conscience and its first, if not last ought of another solace
We may take for compromises and whole chaste, but the might, none the less...
when everything goes right, even done and otherwise can
David Hilburn Nov 2020
Purpose we should keep, granted a few...
And good nature, the life of a jewel?
Sent to autonomy we figure, is profound
Rascal's and the airs of futures, ever allowed...

A smirk, to dilly dally
Willful, the common to propose fully
Of a moment in silence, we expect chosen?
With the conscience we add, and know holding

Serious, the tale of aging
Which and worthier, causes we are facing
To take a gander at the cold, where a heathen has
The kind and condition, we claim is satisfaction at, last

Meet, the meted hope
Gestures and curious purity, we found for a loan
Between each other and the seen heed, convene...
Will courage know us, when determination has come, to these?

A day of sneezes...
A dragonish reply to airs of fortunes in being...
Blessing is such a small guidance, to what is here's lead...
To a tomorrow we never know, without ourselves given need...
Next page