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Tao Oct 2024
Breathe, take deeper breaths
Organs are shutting down now
To the Golden Gate!
Tao Apr 2023
Thin top wide brimmed
Flowing white dress with high heels
Like custard jelly
Tao Apr 2023
Time waits for no man
But when I first saw your smile
My world exploded
Tao Dec 2022
The sun dies as the night comes to start my day anew
The glistening tears threaten to fall
Twinkling; thrumming on taut sinew
Grey define my mood
It foams and rolls, it toils and crawls
Again the thunderous sound
Again regretfully it sounds
The stable seas unleashed
A cry carried on the wind
In the deafening crash
           I seem to hear the sound of my
       heart break
Long time no see
Tao Apr 2022
I exist at a depth, beyond wallowing and sorrow
Where No emotion could reach, except love
But love has betrayed me, love
has left me strewn and sown;
Haphazardly, irretrievably, sown

I stand now, not broken.. unfixed,
Unhinged.. from pain, from grief
Removed from tears, my heart; a sieve
that is unwanted by love, undesired by it.
Though it dwells in me it spares me no thought.

Though I have reached out,
I am held down like Atlas
The tension is unbearable, tearing;
at the self-inflicted knots, caverns of solitude
Pits of loneliness

Left unsaid, is the hurt
Gnawing at the pillars that once held,
carried the burning torch that lit up my soul
I am undone, I am alone.. I am alone
#singleforever lol
Tao Oct 2020
the sparkling song, now lost
while standing on the threshold of sadness
a happy heart, now forbidden
I say goodbye to beloved days together

the cold claw of deepest sorrow
press my heart tender
the tear drops, streams me down
oh, the moaning of the child hurts

the twisting voice and shining laughter
the wisdom in her voice
I miss it so much, her warm hand
what rubs so over my chin

call me, then?
I so long to see you again
to spend time, just us together

call me,
I'm coming on foot
I bring heaven
R.I.P my fallen countrymen
Tao Oct 2020
die sprankel lied, nou verlore
terwyl ek op hartseer se drumpel staan
n blye hart, nou my verbode
sê ek totsiens aan geliefde dae saam

die koue klou van diepste smart
druk my hart teer
die traan druppels, stroom my af
ai, die gekreun van die kind maak seer

die kinkel stem en glansende lag
die wysheid in haar stem
dit mis ek só, haar warm hand
wat vryf so oor my ken

roep my, toe?
ek hunker so om jou weer eens te sien
om tyd te spandeer, net ons saam

roep my,
ek kom aan gestap
die hemel bring ek saam.
R.I.P my landgenote #covid19
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