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Avery Jun 2019
If you let me go
Never let your touch linger on my lips
You mind stay inside me with wit
I wish I could cut you off
But we both know that's a fantasy
Avery Jun 2019
The noise deafening my mind won't leave
No matter how hard
I try to destroy it
It never will die
Avery Jun 2019
Knowing you dance among the heavens
Littered with lace pearlescent and pure
An idol
Can make even the worst days seem closer to paradise
Avery Jun 2019
What does it say
When the taught are educated best
And stand up for rights with the simplicity of suffering
While others hide us behind a wall
Of falsities pretending to make a difference
What does it say
When lives are lost and people don't bat an eye, saying we're too
Emotional and naive
If being emotional means having emotion at all,
Yes, I guess, in a world of double-checking not to offend the constructs of a society we pretend to need
We live in a world
Where young minds are silenced with the illusion of superiority
Well we'll see what happens in 10 years or so
Avery Jun 2019
Your problems don't matter- someone always has it worse than you
Avery Jun 2019
If nobody hates you, you can't be proud
Avery Apr 2019
We gave each other the world
But I wasn't aware
The life that came for me
Was stolen away
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